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Hacked by Diablo [PENTAGUARD]

(6416 bytes)

He he he, Diablo owned this site too... is getting boring huh ? Now your gonna ask me WHY ? And here are my answers:

1. To prove (once again) that .mil domains are really unsecure

2. If hackers already conquered the outer space (only PENTAGUARD hacked 4 NASA domains) hackers should conquer the seas too.... so I started with the U.S. Navy 'cause they got a lot of ships to play with... he he he....

3. Hmm... I'm running out of reasons but I'm sure I forgot something.... anyway this is the 3rd reason :)))

And now a little dedication witch will be interpreted by Popey the sailor man . (please sing with me fellows  :))

I hacked it to prove it
There is no security
On any .mil domain... tuu tuu...

He he he... looks like I'm getting drunk.... anyway before I will drink my last coup of rum here are my greetings to:

P E N T A G U A R D, KpZ, Mishgan (nice hack man :))), Jihad, and many others I don't remember

To the admin of this site: don't worry man, nothing was damaged I saved the original page here

Send greetengs to: pentaguard@hotmail.com

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