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LoU Press Conferance IRC Transcript

This is a transcript of the press conferance held by LoU to which HNN was invited. This transcript has been edited. Server messages, and comments not relating to the topic have been removed. No alterations have been made to anyones statements. The editors comments and responces are in bold type.
Log file opened at: 12/28/98 19:08:31EST
*** Topic for #legions: The Meeting is now in session
*** Topic for #legions set by optiklenz on Monday, December 28, 1998 20:03:08
#legions: spacerog @rootbot @NeatHack +Big|Feet +Zyk|on +barby__ +LordPsY +nawk @lothos +t3q @dethl0k +XeXeN +ShadoWalk @blakcloud @kInGbOnG @datapleX +optiklenz @sreality +bronc_ @UnixP1mp @[havoc] +headflux +_rash +m0f0 @dyslexia +elux_ +LordVaXen @DigiEbola +parkay @DataShark
*** End of /NAMES list.
*** Mode is +pmtn
*** Channel created at Monday, December 7, 1998 6:30:08
optiklenz: is anyone logging?
DigiEbola: yes
dyslexia: yes
lothos: yeah
optiklenz: ok
optiklenz: at anyrate
DataShark: so am I.
Big|Feet: same here
NeatHack: log is on
[havoc]: shut the fuck up ppl
LordPsY: yup
blakcloud: go on
lothos: ssshhhhhh
optiklenz: today the news reported that two crackers were being sentanced to death
optiklenz: i'll wait for everyone to finish their conversation..
NeatHack: sentanced to death ?? what press any link on that info ?
DataShark: PUT to death.
dethl0k: that
DigiEbola: from what i saw, some guy mailed my ccmail at work, from cnn
optiklenz: Well it's covered by HNN if you want to read an article about it cnn wrote something
DataShark: I heard they were PUT to death.
dethl0k: s cruel
dethl0k: erm
DigiEbola: for 31000 dollars at that.
DigiEbola: china.
LordPsY: ok
optiklenz: What they did is wrong with out a doubt, but it was no more a crime than what our President committed by perjuring himself before the grand jury of the United States of America.
optiklenz: . It does not deserve the death penalty. The death penalty is something that should be heldFor only those who commit the most gruesome crimes that of murder, child rape,
optiklenz: and Being a Benedict Arnold
DataShark: There is a VERY big differance between putting two ppl to death and lying to some ppl.
NeatHack: agree with optik
optiklenz: China's actions has shown superficial, and damaging, and Iraq follows behind.
optiklenz: Iraq has treated human rights issues as poorly as China has.
DigiEbola: look at both of their goverments
optiklenz: A nation made up of starving people While their leader rest in one of his 14 palaces taunting and parading his country men, and above all Involving other countries in his sick escapades.
dyslexia: chine is estimated to have murdered approx 100 million ppl internally since the communists came to power
optiklenz: . The Iraqi military has access to hydrogen bombs. What in the world do they need hydrogen bombs for?
optiklenz: I don't think Something 2+ times the power of an atomic bomb should be operated by anyone for whatever prospect.
NeatHack: ok but what is our realtion with them and thier miss governed govrment ?
optiklenz: i'm getting to that
ShadoWalk: kan the man go on a dialog? please?
DataShark: WMD. they whant other countrys to fear them. same as the US.
NeatHack: koll
[havoc]: human rights!
optiklenz: We need to carry out what the government won't, and can't do.
NeatHack: optiklenz I agree.. We need to carry out what the government won't, and can't do.
lothos: i agree optik
DigiEbola: burn them.
kInGbOnG: preach on brother optik
optiklenz: The government has made threats over China's current human rights standing. They're cutting trade deals or they have in the past.
optiklenz: Is it good enough?
DataShark: no.
optiklenz: to put it simply.. no it's not
DataShark: it is fucking sad
NeatHack: no
optiklenz: China doesn't give a fuck if we trade with them or not.
NeatHack: right
DataShark: erm..
optiklenz: They dont but we sure do
DigiEbola: thats the way we are.
optiklenz: We get most of our imports from china in the first place. Look at the tag of Your shirt or any one of your household appliances and tell me differently
NeatHack: cuase is shipper to produce their and ship to here...
NeatHack: that is one point.
LordPsY: sure its cheaper when children make ur shirts
optiklenz: What is a threat with out some sort of whacked out maneuver to accommodate It, and bring intimidation The Chinese are all to familiar with "intimidation"
ShadoWalk: ok optik.. so what are we going to do about it?
lothos: optik
lothos: my shirt was made in mexico
lothos: heh
optiklenz: The Chinese kill people when they want their point heard and when it Comes down to it we all ultimately do that with out as much as the pull Of a trigger or the push of a button. The U.S cant say they've dealt a Fair hand either
optiklenz: There are enough problems in Washington as it is now.
zortin8r: shit
zortin8r: the meeting star?
DigiEbola: not to jump ahead, but can anyone be extrodited for screwing with them?
optiklenz: When half the government officials perform on a pants down agenda
dyslexia: wit the trial of the person who is accused of trying to start a democratic party
dyslexia: Digi, there is no extradition agreement between the US and china for computer crime
optiklenz: some action has to be taken by an outside group
NeatHack: outside group? like
optiklenz: not the FBI, the NSA (donut shortage? Not on your life)
optiklenz: and no not the fucken A Team
optiklenz: I'm sure they know who we are.
DigiEbola: well, if we are so hip to trade with them, they could pressure.
optiklenz: and if some compliance is not met I'm sure they'll know on a first hand basis. I know what some of you are thinking at the moment "has optik gone mad?! is optik on another one of his week long drinking spree's?!" Answer: "No"
DataShark: well (playing the devils advocate) what GOOD can come of some intravention buy a group already involved.. what about getting some other ppl involved.. maybe the l0pht or HDF..
optiklenz: other people have been involved
zortin8r: someone bring me up-to-date what are we talking about?
optiklenz: look at the cdc, and the hongkong blondes..
optiklenz: zort you know the routine
optiklenz: pick up a log on your way out
zortin8r: k..
DataShark: the cDc no offence will not get involved.. (will they)?
bronc_: cDc + HKB = 0
DataShark: thats what I figured.
optiklenz: At anyrate I'm damn serious if we don't act against our nations rights policies, and the nations of others we may not have the right to do so as time progresses. Many years ago our Countries four fathers wrote, "Governments are instituted among Men, Deriving their powers from the consent of the governed; That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends it is the "Right of The "People" to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Gove
DataShark: werd.. (no offense:) )
DataShark: optiklenz: are you saying we should act agenst the US govnt?
DFalcon: hey bola
DigiEbola: i do not like the fact that somewhere in this world, someone can be put to death for something we do freely.
LordPsY: he
optiklenz: I bring up Popular Sovereignty this Is the basis that government can exist and function only with the consent Of the governed (well guess what. That's us). It is the people who holdpower it is the people who are sovereign!
DataShark: I agree with lerfty.
optiklenz: Data> and if we do nothing it makes things better?
DigiEbola: it is about power, and who can wield it.
DataShark: I did not say that.
ShadoWalk: optiklenz:.. so we act against who?
DataShark: I cannot as a person sit idly by and watch someone be persicuted for somthing that in reality IS NOT A CRIME
ShadoWalk: or whom
optiklenz: It is certainly seem'd like what you were insinuating
DigiEbola: we as a country are not going to shake up china, because we want their shit
optiklenz: it rather
NeatHack: optiklenz you know I done the war in lebanon and I saw political people going up and going down... I know in my opinion when $$$ come to play it is hard to stand but you can stand with nice understanding .... I lived the situation for year POLICATAL WAR AND REAL WAR ...
optiklenz: I'm very aware of that
zortin8r: 8
zortin8r: ack
NeatHack: when u can stop the $$$ game you win
DataShark: so what can we do? do we openly protest? do we *laff* write our congressmen?
DigiEbola: and that does what?
DigiEbola: show me a straight congressman
[havoc]: true.
DigiEbola: ill take you to hell to ice skate.
NeatHack: ture
DataShark: heh
ShadoWalk: i think i know where he's goin with this.. i'm just waitin to see if i'm right
[havoc]: mass hack.
optiklenz: I say this to you LoU members.It is our right our duty, and our justice to pull through with a strike against Iraqi data systems to do so we not only aid the people of those countries, but we bring light to the subject at hand to nations everywhere. So I ask you this if you are with me then we must act now, and we must act fierce. We develop the hardware, and software they Utilize. We code the security tools that they use we can just as easily disassemble
DigiEbola: name the target.
blakcloud: i cant say much about this cuz im not inthe states but personally i dont think it is right what is going on over there and that it should stop... i dunno...
ShadoWalk: he said it
optiklenz: They've been fucking shit up for years well guess what? It's our turn.
DataShark: WERD!
ShadoWalk: optik.. lemme get a modem and i'm in
NeatHack with you optik
[havoc]: damn straight.
DataShark: optiklenz: lets kick some ass.
dyslexia: ppl, the bottom line issue is human rights, that is something we all must fight for
optiklenz: One serve deserves another, and I plan on playing to win. If one official looks at things, and thinks to himself what he stands for is wrong, and things do need to change then we not only dominate the war, but we've already won the war. Even if things stay the same if we could bring the awareness to people who are otherwise dense in cameraperson with their actions then we're that much closer
kInGbOnG: wh00p!
DigiEbola: we have fought for it in that past.
optiklenz: Yeah but we are giving it a new twist
optiklenz: our idea of war is blowing shit up
NeatHack: optik what about our gov how they will act toward this ???
optiklenz: nothing good ever came out of killing someone
NeatHack: talking canada and US giv
[havoc]: information warfare!
optiklenz: we have nothing to do with the u.s government
ShadoWalk: so we take down iraq's databases
optiklenz: thats the plan
LordPsY: hmmm
_defiant: haxor iraqxor?
NeatHack: I know ... but when u do stuff to iraq they will take it as US attacking iraq
DigiEbola: rm / -Rf and dont look back?
LordPsY: Thats a big thing
optiklenz: We have the right, and power not to kill, but to speak out, and with our actions cripple an otherwise already broken enconomy. With the trigger they use to kill innocent people I use the same trigger to shut them down, and not only denounce one man, but the entire communist government of china, and fascist rule of Iraq.
ShadoWalk: and therefor erase all their amassed knowladge of biochemical warfare.. and deliver a message at the sdame time
dyslexia: optik, you have considered that if we become pain enuff to iraq or china, they may choose direct intervention with ourselves as the targets
lothos: iraq == .iq i think
DigiEbola: yah
DigiEbola: they are not beyond hitmen.
optiklenz: Dyslexia> yes
dyslexia: beyond, that is their only recourse
NeatHack: ok optik imagine we are able to shut all IRAQ system what will affect the ECOnomy ,, ?? or the political GAmE ... or the Shit War ??
rootbot: [sreality] rootbot! rootbot! gimme sum! gimme sum, sh1zz!
DataShark: erm.
NeatHack: how the damage will affect them ?
DigiEbola: how good can a iraqi admin be?
optiklenz: haha
optiklenz: Thats what Im saying
ShadoWalk: bet i could take him..heh
[havoc]: so optik
optiklenz: We need to make it clear that killing people (innocent lives) is not the only resolve.
DataShark: keep in mind we HAVE troops over there (the US) I have friends there. lets walk lightly and carry and BIG FUCKING STICK if we do this.
[havoc]: the plan for an attack.
spacerog: Are you going to operate under the LoU name or form a new group?
dyslexia: Digi, most of the arab countries and israel have much experience at dealing with hostile attacks, both politacally, physical and data wise
DigiEbola: their systems are reputably old
optiklenz: Data> that's the plan
[havoc]: should we hop over to europe somewhere and launch ? or from within the us
datapleX: lothos!
datapleX: bah
DigiEbola: dys
datapleX: oh
DigiEbola: true
ShadoWalk: so optik.. are we going to wait until this rash thing is over?
NeatHack: Well guy I think you are missing the TARGET here... buy shutting couple of server of ALL the net in iraq they will not understand I think ?
DigiEbola: they use propoganda like wild fire
XeXeN: yes
ShadoWalk: so as not to piss off all the other muslim nations?
NeatHack: U must affact them at ecomiy level
NeatHack: or political level
dyslexia: neathack, the unfortunate reality of economic sanctions etc are lost on the leaders, they dont suffer, only the people do
DigiEbola: it would be nice if we had loyal iraqi hackers
DigiEbola: working for us
ShadoWalk: i saw we take out every military database we kan find.. rm / -rf it
NeatHack: that is true dysl
NeatHack: then how to affect them ?
lothos: spacerogue brings up a good point
lothos: do we do this as LoU or what?
dyslexia: bring them to the attention of the world, simply as otik says
bronc_: sheesh..
NeatHack: that is an idea that can affect the, u see. .ShadoWalk> i saw we take out every military database we kan find.. rm / -rf it
dyslexia: optik at least
Big|Feet: hrm.. on the defcon mailing list a while back someone brought up the idea "why not attack their systems" and it was argued that they don't have much connection to the net (if any) so what systems are you attacking?
DataShark: what is iraqi's top level?
DigiEbola: well, you know nobody likes a smart ass, and as soon as one of us walks thru one of their servers and posts, they are going to be PISSED.
lothos: .iq i believe
dyslexia: heh, they will have links allright, but the majority will be through sympathetic arab countries in the case of iraq
_defiant: heh
DigiEbola: defiant
DigiEbola: we are going to war.
ShadoWalk: shyt
DigiEbola: heh.
DataShark: DO we do this as LoU or what?
LordPsY: hehe
DataShark: DO we do this as LoU or what?
LordPsY: ah hes back
DigiEbola: i want china.
optiklenz: no
optiklenz: we dont do this as anyone
LordPsY: so
DataShark: anonymous?
optiklenz: no names will be left no handles or affiliations
optiklenz: the chinese embassy has us under investigation
DataShark: what a supprise.
ShadoWalk: whooooooohooooooo
datapleX: heh
ShadoWalk: lets get rowdy
_defiant: werd
[havoc]: information warfare at its best.
_defiant: heh
NeatHack: _defiant :the Big image is :optik come up with the idea to attack iraq and china since they are soing shit with them population....
datapleX: uhm...that is really messin' w/ some shit
_defiant: NeatHack: didn't everyone say that before heh
DigiEbola: oh great
dyslexia: ppl, action against governments who ignore the rights of and pretty much enslave their ppl is good in my book, buts it's not just limited to iraq and china
NeatHack: and we kind agreed what we are trying to figure out what damage can be cuased ...
DigiEbola: some ninja fucker is going to hunt us all down
ShadoWalk: 6.4 gigz of kiq azz
datapleX: heh
optiklenz: one thing I want everyone to know is that we only operate if we can do so without risk
_defiant: ok, lets talk about something in a public chan, then try and be anonomous
_defiant: makes sense
optiklenz: as i said i have no problem working with a client on his network while blasting on chinese communist
NeatHack: make sence...
DigiEbola: defiant, nothing on irc is anonymous
_defiant: Digi: i was pointing out the irony in it
DigiEbola: _defiant: yes yes
dyslexia: heh, indeed digi, that is true
optiklenz: but I would not want to indulge any member into something that would end up ruining his/her life
zortin8r: its not like irc is encrypted or anthing..
DataShark: HAHA
optiklenz: If we attack Chinese systems the attacks need to originate from china. Same goes for Iraqi networks.
DigiEbola: well, efnet has services specially for the purpose of watching
optiklenz: heh
ShadoWalk: optiklenz: i may be a bit lame.. but i learn hella quik and i'll do it reguardless of consequences
NeatHack: and how u do so originate the attack from china ??
zortin8r: has anyone here _ever_ encountered and Iraqi network? cause i have never seen one before..
NeatHack: u mean physicaly in china ?
optiklenz: do the damage from a chinese network
spacerog: I assume that HNN was mailed because you wanted this publiciced, yes?
Big|Feet: [optiklenz]: i never even knew iraq had access to the net.. what systems to you plan go nailing so to speak
optiklenz: spacerog it's your call
optiklenz: Big> iraqi has networks
DigiEbola: everyone has networks
optiklenz: just because a majority are internal does not mean they are sasfe
d4hp: herm ...
optiklenz: safe rather
Big|Feet: yes
DataShark: optiklenz: do we REALLY want alot of attention draw to this before we do some damage?
zortin8r: i think me and BigFeet are feeling the same thing here.. where the hell are the iraqi networks?
spacerog: opti: cool
Big|Feet: like i was saying before
_defiant hides and had nothing to do with it ;)
dyslexia: optik, for access to iraq we will likely need to look in sympathetic arab nations
Big|Feet: the public is not allowed access to the internet in iraq
DigiEbola: Big|Feet: not so
optiklenz: yeah
DigiEbola: Big|Feet: there are a few
blakcloud: very few
optiklenz: whatever we can do to keep sadaam from going on the net for his daily dose of kiddy porn
DigiEbola: matter of fact
Big|Feet: probly.. but censored
DigiEbola: during the bombings, there was some on
datapleX: heh
NeatHack agree with that optik
NeatHack: roflllll daily dose of kiddy porn
Big|Feet: hrm.. saddam's pron stash
DataShark: haha
DigiEbola: hmm, ya know, if we upload a shitload of kiddie pr0n to his servers
datapleX: hahaha
dyslexia: thats whta they are hiding from the arms inspectors, lol
zortin8r: haha
DataShark: ok..
DigiEbola: i guess the government will have to arrest him
ShadoWalk: heh
_defiant: optik: i agree with it all again, but like, i don't want to get arrested again
DigiEbola: yah, my new years resolution is that i dont have to mess with any kind of law enforcement this year
[havoc]: cover your ass and the chances of you getting caught are reduced.
optiklenz: If they want to fight we stand steadfast with what we believe in, and are ready To strap on our armor and take defense. LoU was established over 7 years ago As a research team, and we also called ourselves mercenaries. "We are ready to Commence, and take partition in electronic warfare if ever requested . The attack will go on for one Week. The time will be extended if needed . If anyone disagrees on the actions We are about to take let me know why. I
DigiEbola: you hit a server, you better root it
_defiant: havoc: i was arrested for something i never did before, make no sense
optiklenz: hshs
optiklenz: def> yeah that happens a lot around here
_defiant: optiklenz: i'm still down with it as long as we cause no wars etc
DigiEbola: lets tear them a new electronic asshole.
optiklenz: it's common to hair "what network? computer? huh whats that?" over here at the office
optiklenz: s/hair/hear
sreality: #1.. I doubt iraq actually has military databases
optiklenz: geez maybe i am drunk and just dont know it yet
[havoc]: :)
Big|Feet: they have to have something
zortin8r: if iraq does have military databases and networks, how do we go about finding them?
_defiant: DataShark: hah, no, they were serious about it
DigiEbola: if it wears a turban, and crawls in sand, root it.
sreality: well
_defiant: it was like
sreality: best thing to start with
_defiant: heh
DataShark: ohhh I have one question.. can some teach me howto hack? Im running into truble when it says to press the any key...
sreality: is the iraq tld
sreality: scan the shizz outa that
_defiant: and some police woman was frisking me
optiklenz: this is just recreation
optiklenz: heh
sreality: then hand probe the boxes
sreality: there cant be many
DigiEbola: DataShark: i removed the any key long time ago....
DataShark: DAMNIT lerfty.
headflux is idle, automatically dead [bX(l/on p/off)]
optiklenz: never once have they sent a chick down here
optiklenz: basterds.
sreality: then goto any nations that surround iraq
Big|Feet: what any any chinese governet buildings in the us i bet they have some info
DataShark: optiklenz: haha
_defiant: optiklenz: yeah, ccu guy and 2 chicks
Big|Feet: or iraq or that matter
sreality: hey.
sreality: umm you forgot something
d4hp: tee hee
sreality: the iraq databases are gonna be in their language
sreality: and umm
DataShark: sreality: HAHAH oops..
sreality: none of use has charater support for that
optiklenz: sreality> thats what altavista translator's for
optiklenz: heh
sreality: so how are we gonna know what that is
Big|Feet: altavista
d4hp: yeh ..
Big|Feet: hehehe
ShadoWalk: oh yea.. i learn hella quik
d4hp: ok there bud
optiklenz: haha
sreality: the altavista translater doesnt do middle-eastern languages
ShadoWalk: ok zort..heh
_defiant: zortin8r: YOU TELL HIM HEH
NeatHack: sreality> so how are we gonna know what that is NO PROBLEM
datapleX: to. I would like to try to get into LoU at this time to.
sreality: becuz those languages are like
DataShark: sreality: heh well that is somein we will havta work on..
sreality: scribbles
d4hp: Im from Iraq
DigiEbola: optiklenz: how would you like this done? hunting parties or completely independent?
spacerog: Any objections with using the LoU name in a story for HNN? If I say "A bunch of hackers declared war..." no one will listen.
DataShark: anyone speek raganise?
NeatHack: sreality> so how are we gonna know what that is I am orginaly LEbanon
sreality: hahaa
optiklenz: ok will if anyone has any objections they have until 8:00 pm pst
d4hp: as a matter of fact, Im from the iraq military
NeatHack u have a BIG arabic resource.,. GUYS ..
DataShark: IM in.
DigiEbola: data says he is in.
sreality: its a semi good idea
d4hp: boooo!
sreality: but it has some faults
DigiEbola: so thats 2 ppl, and a shitload of terminals
blakcloud: hehe
DFalcon: what ya guys talking about ?
t3q: datapleX: w3rd.
sreality: #1.. we need FIRST OFF some iraqie translators
DigiEbola: we also have osu here, so we can work anonymously
datapleX: werd
sreality: #2.. we need to probe the shit outa all middle-eastern countries
NeatHack: DAM read what I said sreality> #1.. we need FIRST OFF some iraqie translators
DigiEbola: i want lists
optiklenz: ok well
[havoc]: if we are going to do this with a serious mind, we need to gather together and find specific targets, and take them out.. in a team effort.
*zortin8r* wow.
optiklenz: I'll be going through possible targets
DigiEbola: if its buried in the sand, i will set up a mail somewhere for it to be sent to
sreality: NeatHack: so like what, your gonna translate it all, lebanon is partially french speaking too
[havoc]: this ballz out attack wont work without a plan.
LordPsY: #3 We should get some more infos bout the Iraqi networks
NeatHack: sreality don;lt worry I will handle this part
bronc_: so we are going at attack Iraqi networks?
NeatHack: translation is ON ME>..
optiklenz: havoc> yeah this was just to see if we should go through with something
DataShark: NeatHack: ok.. you deal with the translater and the char set..
optiklenz: I'm not playing cat and mouse here so if we go in we go in prepared without risk
ShadoWalk: i'm following dtatplex
optiklenz: or we all go back to our jobs and coding
sreality: grr
DigiEbola: all i know is, one character i understand of the iraqi alphabet is #
Big|Feet: i should would like to see the whole plan .. should be beautiful
NeatHack: I cna have window in arabic linux I do not know ??
dethl0k: jobs and coding ;p
sreality: its not safe to rely on ONE person
DigiEbola: if i see a #, its all good.
[havoc]: we need to make a key'd channel just for this purpose. so we can concentrate on the attacks.
dethl0k: j/k
sreality: we need two
sreality: what if theres alot of shit to translate
spacerog: Any plans to cordinate with the Hong kong Blondes? They are supposed to still be in operation.
d4hp: tee hee
datapleX: _defiant: I was told to bring it up at the meeting...
d4hp: erm..
d4hp: like...
NeatHack: I can have resource .. sreality
optiklenz: spacerog> As of now I have not been in contact with any of the HKB members
NeatHack: well let us not put this as WALL
_defiant: spacerog: not a bad idea, we should also talk to cDc to see if theres anything we can do more "legal" together
optiklenz: but I've talked to a few before
lothos: we have #!LoU
DigiEbola: well, it would be nice to have some help
sreality: fuckg
sreality: okay
sreality: #1
sreality: anyone whos not a meber
sreality: err member
optiklenz: bronc> i'll email you something I got from a supposed "HKB" member
sreality: should get the fuck outa here
sreality: grr
DataShark: optiklenz: cc that to me..
bronc_: o i h
optiklenz: i dont plan on taking long with this attack
_defiant: optiklenz: sort fucking out as well i can't get ssh to login
bronc_: I was told this by a reporter
spacerog: Ok, I'm gone. Thanks for the info. I should have a story up tomorrow morning
bronc_: dunno if it was true
optiklenz: defiant> what version are you using?
spacerog: If anyone has anything to ad send me mail at
DigiEbola: i lub j00 spacerog
DataShark: spacerog: later.
optiklenz: talk to you later space..
Log file closed at: 12/28/98 19:53:08EST
buffer overflow

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