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Scanner and Radio Enthusiasts under DIRECT ATTACK by the Cellular Industry

and no one gives a damn...

By: Brian Oblivion
L0pht Heavy Industries
April, 9th, 1999

In the shadow of the NATO assult on Yugoslavia, the Cellular Telecommunications Industry Association (CTIA) along with the FCC has attacked and criminalized a large portion of the American population. The CTIA has successfully lobbied for an extension to the restrictions imposed on scanning radio receivers to block the reception of Cellular Radiotelephone communications.

I have been very outspoken on this issue in the past, however, many times my anger and frustration have clouded my resolve, and many points are never fully brought to light.

There are a few points I would like to clarify, and in doing so you should see why this constant bullying by otherwise lazy industrialists is bad for the country.

1. They are attempting to put a band-aid on a technology which is inherently insecure. Rather than perfecting the communications channels in which the conversations are transmitted over, and confidently telling their subscribers that their communications channels are relatively secure, they opt to ban scanning receivers, and lie to their subscribers regarding their privacy.

2. Rather than expending resources to secure the network, they spend large amounts of time and sums of money lobbying for more laws criminalizing even more of the population. They neglect the burden of the protection of their subscribers privacy by continuously failing to secure their communications network. Furthermore, they demonize those who revealed these holes in the communications infrastructure. Does this mean that terrorist organizations and organized crime are going to immediately stop using their newly illegal scanning receivers? No it does not.

3. They target a SPECIFIC portion of the spectrum to apply restrictions to. We all know that the electromagnetic spectrum and it's mapping continually change from year to year as wireless technologies continue to advance and increase in frequency. I ask you this: How easy is it to repeal existing laws? Why expend this amount of energy now only to repeal it later, when the Cellular RadioTelephone service moves out of this region? What's that? Why repeal it at all, once public service moves into the region.

4. They are damaging the scanning receiver industry as well as the Amateur Radio Industry by making them apply ridiculous filtering/band restrictions to chunks of the radio spectrum, thereby complicating full range receivers. This complication is passed down to the consumer, thereby alienating many younger hams, volunteer public services folk, and scanner enthusiasts.

The Government is as much to blame as the CTIA. It is in their best interest to keep a handle on the monitoring of civilian wireless communications inexpensively. This works quite nicely for law enforcement. As long as the communications are not secured, there is no need for the lengthy acquisition of a Court Order to obtain permission to gather intelligence. In a secured environment, the government would be bound to contact the Cellular provider for either the escrowed Key for the current communications in session, or, to tap a certain location in the switch where communications is in the clear. (for the record, I'm an opponent of Key Escrow systems. The word trust has no place within a bureaucracy.)

The CTIA and the Government are quick to point out that the Cellular subscribers have a right to their privacy.

I say, we citizens have a right to a secure communications network. Stop stripping away our liberties and allow us our pursuit of happiness.

Brian Oblivion

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