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Cutting off the Mold of the site.

  • 01-23-2001 - Whats that p-funk smell?

    Well, as many of you know this site has been stinking for the past year. I have not had anytime in the past 2 years to bring you guys the latest in the security underground. I am sorry. NDA's suck big time. Anyhow, I did work on the site some tonight and I removed all the moldy crap. I've added some new features so listen up. I've added the message forums back using ezboard's service. These forums are moderated and require you to register before you can post a message. I would hope everyone would join in on the discussions. The search engine is now working again. Click on search to do a search. I now have added a temporary email address for submitting library text files or if you have any questions regarding the website. You can email me @

    I might be looking for some forum moderators who are willing to lend a hand to the forums and keep the posts on topics. If you have an intrest in moderating and you know what your talking about, shoot me an email. Only serious people need apply. I will grill you. -kM

    • 09-26-2000 - Encrypt thy email!

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PatPoker - chiXy
mR.dISCO - Miah - Optiklenz -
Legions of the Underground -
kanorama - BlackIC - XeXeN

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All Graphix and layout Copyright © 1996-2000 Hackersclub
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