
The IIRG and it's affiliates disclaim any and all responsibility for any damage that may be caused by any of these files. The files are presented here for their historical significance to the Hacker Community.

Commodore Utilities
fasthackem9.d64 Fast Hack'em V9.0A - The Classic C-64/128 Copier and Utility Program. Written By: Mike J. Henry for Basement Boys Software 171KB Commodore Disk Image
diskplus.d64 DiskMaker Plus - Copier and Sector Editor Currently Offline Commodore Disk Image
superkit1541.d64 Super Kit 1541 is a disk copying utility program written by Marty Franz and Joe Peter. It was praised for its file copier but also made full disk copies and contained a GCR Editor. It could be used to both copy protect disks and copy the copy protected disks! 175KB Commodore Disk Image
arc250-4.prg ARC250.4 ARC is the PkZip of the Commodore world. It compresses! It archives! Ok, its damn slow-- but it works! Its files, of course, end in the extension ".arc" 19KB Commodore Program File
arkv2.arc ARK v2 Not a terribly common archiver, but its one of those "just in case" programs. Ark is roughly like LYNX, in that it is a file archiver that links the files together instead of copying them into the archive file 22KB Commodore Program File
ccgms70.arc CCGMS 7.0 One of the most popular terminal programs for the Commodore 64. Easy to use and configure. Not terribly powerful, but will get the job done 22KB Commodore Program File
disked.arc Disk Doctor, Dir Edit Some disk utilities you can't do without. Disk doctor is a standard and easy to use sector editor. It defaults to drive 8 but this can be changed in the first line of the program. Dir Edit supports the SFD drives, the 1541, 1571, and 1581 directories. It will hold enough entires for any of these drives, and is utterly simply to use 13KB Commodore Program File
lrr128-2.arc Little Red Reader/writer 128 v2.5 If you find yourself forced to put up with PCs on occassion, and use them to get your FTPing done, you especially need this little utility for the Commodore 128. It will read from and write to MS-DOS formatted disks in a 1571, 1581, or CMD FD 3.5" drive. 26KB Commodore 128 Program File
lynxs.arc LYNX XV, Ultimate Lynx 2, Ultimate Lynx 3 Lynx still enjoys very common usage as an archiving format. It is an uncompressed archiver like library, but unlike library, links its files together instead of copying them into the archive file. This means you can use it with a single drive more easily. Unfortunately, it has been my experience that no LYNX works with any other LYNX. Thus we've included all of the 64 versions we can make work for your enjoyment. 64KB Commodore Program Files
uuxfer64.prg UUXFER 64 When programs are transferred over the internet via e-mail, they must first be converted to text so that the e-mail viewers and editors can handle them. This program will create and dissolve .uuencoded archives. 3KB Commodore Program File
ulyxnx128.arc Ultimate Lynx 128 Lynx 128 is a awful looking half-done program, but as I mentioned before, most versions of LYNX will de-LYNX their own creations only, and this one is no exception. I've actually found LYNX files only de-archivable with this version, so it is definitely needed. 24KB Commodore Program File Wraptor V3 This file archiver has been gaining more frequent use on the internet due to its ability to handle GEOS file types. It's originally from LoadStar, and requires GNUZIP or WINZIP to extract the files. 9KB ZIP FILE
zed128-7.arc ZED 128 v7 The monster SEQ file editor for the Commodore 128. It will use every last stich of memory it can get its hands on, including REUs and video memory, giving it the largest text buffer available on our 8-bits. 16KB Commodore 128 Program File
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