Want to know just how screwed up the USA now is? Read this short letter to the editor (below). The US media is now so insane that it covers non-stop the death of some pedophile entertainer, Michael Jackson, while ignoring real American heroes and the serious news that directly effects your life and that of your children and grandchildren.

pic1This whole media madness about MJ is such an incredible, obscene JOKE, and a joke that’s not even one bit funny.

The media is still going on and on, right at this minute, over the least little crap about MJ, even with all the important stuff they should be reporting, like the real behind the scenes reasons why we are in Afghanistan in the first place (below). Contemplate deeply and honestly on what’s truly happening to the America that was once called the “land of the free.”

                                           A Life of Worth, Overlooked

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Bradshaw-BrianMy nephew, Brian Bradshaw, was killed by an explosive device in Afghanistan on June 25, the same day that Michael Jackson died. Mr. Jackson received days of wall-to-wall coverage in the media. Where was the coverage of my nephew or the other soldiers who died that week? There were several of them, and our family crossed paths with the family of another fallen soldier at Dover Air Force Base, where the bodies come “home.” Only the media in Brian’s hometown and where he was stationed before his deployment covered his death.

I remember Brian as a toddler wandering around in cowboy boots and hat, not seeing the need for any other clothing. He grew into a thoroughly decent person with a wry sense of humor. He loved wolves and history. Most Christmases, I gave him a biography or some analysis of the Civil War. He read such things for pleasure.

He had old-fashioned values and believed that military service was patriotic and that actions counted more than talk. He wasn’t much for talking, although he could communicate volumes with a raised eyebrow.

He was a search-and-rescue volunteer, an altar boy, a camp counselor. He carried the hopes and dreams of his parents willingly on his shoulders. What more than that did Michael Jackson do or represent that earned him memorial “shrines,” while this soldier’s death goes unheralded?

It makes me want to scream.



Washington Post


Had enough yet, White America? I certainly have.

You can thank the subversive JEWS for what they did to this country’s sense of morality and why people like this fine young American lost his life fighting JEW wars overseas, in countries that are not worth a flying you-know-what.

Note how the news media is always demonizing someone in the Mideast. Used to be Saddam Hussein of Iraq. Remember him? Now it’s Iran. Haven’t you seen all the stuff on the news about how evil Ahmadinejad is? They sure don’t want him to have nukes, yet will never, ever breath a word about Israel having them.

First lieutenant Brian Bradshaw was killed in a country that’s been the scene for numerous imperial armies to have squandered their lives over virtually nothing for the folks back home. Macedonia, Persia, Britain, Russia and now America. We don’t belong there, Osama Bin Laden is either long dead, no real threat or, quite probably, never much of a real threat to our “freedoms” to begin with.

Afghanistan is really all about running a gas pipeline from Turkemanistan to the coast of Pakistan, so they can cheaply ship to China. Guess what? The Jews own the company behind it. Yep, sure do, read the article below. Hell, these arrogant Jews think they own us too, if you really want to know the truth.

Plus, Opium production is back in full swing. In 2000, the Taliban brought the Opium business to a screeching halt, burning fields, etc. But, get this, the US and Coalition military forces have been ordered not to touch any Poppy field they find! Who really profits from all this evil drug importation into the Western countries?

Here, read some from this excellent article that exposes the Jew in all this:



U.S. troops have been in Afghanistan since October 2001 when they were supposedly sent in response to 9-11, although no Afghans were involved in the terror attacks.  The stated aim of the Anglo-American invasion of Afghanistan in 2001 was to find Osama Bin Laden and other Al Qaida members and put them on trial.  The U.S., however, said it had given up its pursuit of Osama Bin Laden years ago.  So why did the U.S. and Britain really invade Afghanistan — and why are we still there?  Why has President Obama increased troop levels in Afghanistan?  The short answer is the TAPI gas pipeline, which will carry gas from Israeli-owned and managed gas fields in Turkmenistan to Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, and China.


The TAPI pipeline needs to cross Helmand province in the south of Afghanistan.

Yosef Maiman

Yosef Maiman

Turkmenistan and Afghanistan are both very rich in gas reserves.  The Turkmen mineral assets are managed by the former Mossad agent Yosef Maiman.  Building the TAPI pipeline is a Zionist pipe dream that will use the mineral wealth of Turkmenistan to benefit Maiman and his partners.  This is the main development project that U.S. policy is trying to accomplish.  Transit fees from the gas pipeline are intended to support the government in Kabul.

…Are we to believe that the U.S. is fighting an 8-year war in Afghanistan in order to make sure the Afghans can get “goods and services consistently from their government?”  Have we spent hundreds of billions of dollars in Afghanistan so we can build post offices, train stations, and power plants?  What are the “economic underpinnings” that need to “start to move?”  Why would the U.S. government care more about providing “goods and services” to the people of Afghanistan than, say, the people of California?

— Christopher Bollyn



Bollyn then goes on and conclusively exposes (with incontrovertible evidence) Obama’s “Special Envoy to the Mideast,” Richard Holbrooke, for what he really  is: An über Crypto-Jew and member of the same International Jewish/Zionist power structure of the Rothschilds, etc. etc. It’s quite a revealing and facinating article that I highly suggest you read.

People, this country is going broke fast. We’re spending billions monthly on these sneaky Jew wars of aggression overseas, while millions and millions of us Americans are getting big fat pink slips and standing in line at the unemployment office. Those of you who still have jobs are getting screwed at the gas pumps and at the grocery store every dam day.

Meanwhile, the news goes on and on about Michael Jackson, pausing occasionally to demonize Iran some more. People, we are being kept in the dark and propagandized by a traitorous media. No two ways about it.

— Phillip Marlowe