WHAT’S THE THREE favorite words for Jews? Onward Christian soldiers! That may sound funny and all, but it’s all too terribly true when you step back and look at the situation, sorry to say.

The last time I checked, almost 75% of American military deaths since 1980 have been Whites, presumably many of these White people were Christians. And the Jew is always trashing Whites and Christianity in the media! Did you know that only a lousy 17 Jews have died out over 5000 American KIA in Iraq and Afghanistan? That’s almost the same as the number of suicides now happening with our troops every single week. During the Vietnam era, only half of one percent (.3%) of America’s total armed forces were Jews.* More “American” Jews (like WH chief of staff Rahm Emanuel) have served in Israel’s IDF than have in America’s military!

Now these traitorous Jew bastards want us in another Mideast war! Can you believe it? Of course, I only ask that for emphasis — we should all know by now that the Jew is the world’s foremost War Mongerer, or at least be getting suspicious about the deal by now. Go back and look at the history they don’t talk about. Also, note how the Jews and his brainwashed lefty dupes are always trying to blame it on ridiculous things, like a cabal of good old boy Texan oil executives and Saudis princes, secret old White Nazis like Bush (who was obviously a Jew puppet), or some nonsense like Black Popes in the Vatican. All Jew disinfo and obfuscations.

People, listen up: Some may call me an “anti-Semite” and others will sneer that I’m a “far-right extremist.” Some may even call me a wussy anti-War type. But I got a little question for these idiots: What in the GD hell don’t you get? How much more do you have to see before that light bulb goes off in that big fat noggin of yours? The article below the “read the rest” button just came out of a Jew site and tip-toes around America going to war with Iran — maybe that’s because it’s already a given with these people that we will?

These rats could care less about some White American boy from east Texas getting turned into hamburger for them. They care as much about him and his American loved ones as they do about some little Palestinian or Iranian girl getting blown to kingdom come. Oh, sure, we’ll hear the same platitudes and patriotic pap when our soldiers come home mangeled in coffins, as they give out cheap medals to the families and wounded. All bull.

Exactly the same paranoia propaganda bull that the pro-Zionist media pumps out about mad Iranian mullahs, the nuclear bomb and how they’ll sneak it into the US to kill us because we’re so “freedom-loving” and all that jazz. Hell, they’ve been saying this same Jew propaganda crap for years as we’ve squandered away America’s wealth and the lives of our compatriots in Iraq and Afghanistan!

Just look at what our so-called ”Great Ally” did to Gaza last year and is still doing today. It was little more than shooting fish in a barrel. You think most Jews cared? No way, to them the Palestinians are garbage. Actually, they feel the same way about any non-Jew, when you read what they say. That’s why they love it when they can manipulate one set of non-Jews to kill another set of non-Jews.

What’s even better for them is when they get the same Goyim race (Whites) to attack each other and then pay the Jew banker’s interest money on the war material they used to kill themselves with! Oh, man, these Jews love that – big-time.

The Jews will once again use America as their Golem (medieval rabbi’s fantasy of a giant robot monster under Jew control). These GD arrogant Jews (not just the NeoCONS), the greedy, corrupted Goyim traitors in our government and the Zionist media whores — all have turned this country into nothing but bitches for Israel.

Should you care less about the situation, or merely pass me off as a mindless Jew-hater, think back hard when the time comes and you go gas up the car at $6 or $7 a gallon so you can get to work — if you still have a job, that is.

I want war against this Jew World Order!

It’s the GD Jews whom we should fight! I’ve had it with this Nation Wrecking bunch and you should too. All of them need to swing high in the rafters, or get a steel-toed boot planted right square up the ass while kicking them across the border at El Paso, right along with the illegal Mestizos. I am not friggin’ kidding here!

A war with Iran means the death of America. It will be the final nail in our coffin, economically at the very least and, most likely, our sovereignty and constitution too. 

Here’s what they want: Get America to take on Iran, while they finish up genociding the Palestinians and attack Lebanon and Syria. We know they are preparing for all this right at the very moment. Reports have been coming out in last week of Israeli troop movements and overflights of the Lebanese border. Modern logistics require quiet advance preparations so armed forces can have an element of surprise when they get the go-ahead.

If they can get Iran to strike back at them as they attack the Syrian and Hezbollah forces in the Beqaa valley, they may use the retaliation against Israel (or something ginned-up) as an excuse for America to attack Iran. Get it? That’s how tricky and subversive these people are: Start a war and get their big dummy ally to join in should the victims dare fight back.

What they want is to destroy the Muslim enemies nearby and use America to take care of the long distance problem of Iran. Iran would require them flying across Iraq, or stage air attacks out of their puppet state just north of Iran, Georgia. But it’s not only the distance that’s the problem, either. The Iranians would definitely not be as so easy as rock-throwing Palestinian teenagers and garage-built rockets, trust me.

Iran is bringing on-line Russia’s advanced S-300 anti-aircraft/missile system as soon as the Russians deliver key components (which the Israelis are trying to stop). They can’t allow it to become operational, or they risk too many aircraft and crew (Jews go totally bonkers at the thought of fellow Jews at the mercy of the loathed Goyim).

Jews always do this kind of thing under the cover of something else. It’s their modus operandi. These violent people also love to smite their enemies on religious holidays (Purim, a favorite, is coming up on February 28). Chances are, we’ll see some kind of false-flag attack designed to get Americans pissed and to provide continuous fodder for the Zionist talking heads on TV, while they do a little ”smoting.” I’m certainly not the only one who has been saying this. You watch.

Basically, these lousy Jew rats are using the hell out of us. This may well mean the death of America. Get that one straight, brainiacs.

— Phillip Marlowe

* Jewish-American war dead: Go HERE. You’ll be shocked at just how few Jews have died fighting for America. For example in WWII, out of 416,000 American KIA in WWII, it takes about a second to scroll down the entire WWII Jew dead!

Go HERE to learn more of what the Nation Wrecking Jews have done to America. Be prepared to get pissed!

War-mongering against Iran


Ex-IDF chief: Israel can’t handle nuclear Iran alone

Haaretz – February 14, 2010
Israel may lack the military means for successful preemptive strikes against Iranian nuclear facilities, former Chief of Staff Dan Halutz told Channel 2 news on Saturday.

While endorsing international efforts to pressure Tehran into curbing sensitive nuclear technologies, Israel has hinted it could resort to force. But some analysts say Israeli jets would be stymied by the distance to Iran and by its defenses.

“We are taking upon ourselves a task that is bigger than us” Halutz, who stepped down in 2007, said when asked about Israeli leaders’ vows to “take care” of the perceived threat.

“I think that the State of Israel should not take it upon itself to be the flag-bearer of the entire Western world in the face of the Iranian threat,” Halutz, a former air force commander, told Channel Two.

“I’m not some passer-by … I’ve filled a few positions that give me a different level of information to the average person,” he said without elaborating.

The United States and European nations are trying to enlist other world powers in stepping up sanctions against Iran for its uranium enrichment, a process with bomb-making potential. Tehran denies having hostile designs but its anti-Israel rhetoric has stirred war fears.

Halutz’s comments came a day before the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff of the United States Military was set to arrive in Israel for a meeting with the Israel Defense Forces Chief of Staff to discuss the situation in Iran.

U.S. Admiral Mike Mullen is scheduled to meet with IDF Chief of Staff Gabi Ashkenazi as well as Minister of Defense, Ehud Barak, and other senior IDF commanders to discuss joint defense issues between Israel and the U.S. and mutual security concerns.

Admiral Mullen’s meetings follow remarks made by the U.S. last week when they called Iran’s nuclear intentions “anything but peaceful.”

Iran has rebuffed diplomatic overtures to resolve the issue and is in defiance of UN Security Council demands that it suspend uranium enrichment.

“Should Iran continue down the wrongful course that it’s on there will be consequences,” State Department spokesman Philip J. Crowley said.

In addition to meetings with IDF personnel, Admiral Mullen also requested to meet with members from the IDF rescue delegation to Haiti and hear about their experience with rescue operations and field medical treatment.