As more and more White Americans wake up to the fact that Obama is really nothing but a Ziopuppet occupying the White House, the arrogant Barry Soetoro (AKA Barack Hussein Obama) will increasingly act more like another African-style Dictator; mirroring the social and economic downfall of African countries like South Africa and Zimbabwe. But, unfortunately, there’s a good chance we’ll know less and less as Big Jewry clamps down on our First Amendment rights and keeps those of us still left with critical thinking skills unable to speak freely.

History will record the first illegal alien “president,” as one of the biggest population manipulation efforts by Big Jewry ever — that is, if we can somehow find a way to stop them before they succeed and write the history they want us to believe; for they will surely force our children and grandchildren to learn a propagandized, Jewy version (much like they now do with WWII and holocaust lies). If you think that’s a bunch of crap, it’s because you’ve already sucked-down the PC brainwashing — hook, line and sinker!

Recently, two ID researchers uncovered the shocking fact that Soetoro used a variety of Social Security numbers, one with three first numbers (042) set aside only to people who lived in Connecticut.* Since Barry boy never had a Connecticut address, logically one might question how he came about it. Another thing: This SS number was only issued between 1977 and 1979, even though his first job was in 1975-76 at a Oahu, Baskin-Robbins, probably serving up ice cream cones to sun-burned tourists with his big fat grin!

All kinds of things have now come out on Soetoro’s real background. For example: The Certificate of Live Birth (COLB) put up by Obama Nuts as seemingly proof of his Hawaiian birth, is routinely given out to parents for children born overseas. If in fact Obama was born in Kenya to a Kenyan father and his mother was less than 19 (she was), technically that would make him a British citizen at birth and Constitutionally ineligible for presidency of the United States.

The governor of Hawaii just signed into law a bill that gives state bureaucrats the OK to ignore anyone asking for information about Obama’s birth certificate. Obama has also spent over a million in legal fees to a keep a lid on the whole thing. Why not release the document to third-party experts for examination and verification? The COLB document is not even accepted by many government intelligence agencies for employment purposes. It’s obvious that Obama has something big to hide — possibly his real dad was Frank Marshall Davis, Negro Commie activist and sometime pervert author.

Also possible is that the supposed birth certificate Hawaiin state Health Director Dr. Chiyome Fukino says he saw, does not contain the name of the doctor or head nurse present at Obama’s birth (required on the long form certificate), since the document, if it exists, is bogus (no hospital record, doctor or nurse has come forward). Perhaps Dr. Fukino now has himself a nice off-shore or Israeli bank account waiting for him?

Several military service people have demanded to see Obama’s citizenship qualification to be Commander-in-Chief before shipping off to fight in the never-ending Jew wars. Interestingly, the military quietly reassigned these men to positions in America, almost certainly to forestall any embarrassing court martials. However, one case of an Army doctor is now due to receive a hearing since he refused to show up for deployment. The mainstream media has done it’s best to ignore the issue, or resort to ridicule tactics just like they do with 9/11 Truth people.

It’s a giant slap in the face to all America, whether you think he’s born here or not. Actually, lefty media people like Chris Matthews and Bill Mahrer could care less where Obama was born. Hell, he could be anything under the sun, but they would still be suckers for the skinny mulatto, since all they really care about is him being a “person of color” and capable of reading the teleprompters in understandable English, instead of Ghetto Ebonics.

Obama is an arrogant and ambitious man, you can tell that just looking at him. Because he’s a ”person of color,” and can read skillfully from a teleprompter, the hidden oligarchy wanted him in the White House to further their long-running agenda in the White, Western world. In case no one was buying it, John McCain would have worked, too (McCain and Sarah Palin are big time Zio suck-ups). The deck is stacked, people.

The hidden Globalist Jews have long known of Obama’s real background issues, but it means nothing to them and their agenda (it’s actually a plus for them). They’ve used hidden agents at their disposal to hide anything embarrassing to the guy just so they could put him in power. Obama has more than likely been a long term subversive project, a ”Manchurian” candidate for Big Jewry’s Agenda for America. Also, media Jewry’s pushing of interracial breeding on White America in the last 20 or so years, obviously dovetails with the over-all Obama Mulatto business.†

One of the immensely stupid things going on today is all the little Jews yapping about Obama being “anti-Israel.” These Jews are totally twisted in the head when it comes to Israel. Of course, Jews are pretty much a paranoid and psychotic race to begin with, turned into insanely-crazed harpies after decades of holocaust propaganda to get them to move to Israel, Jewry’s never-ending blackmail of White countries (not just Germany) and to get us Goyim to feel sorry for them so we support Israel.

These anti-Obama Jews are worked-up over one speech Obama gave to the Muslim world in Cairo and the fact his middle name is “Hussein.” What a joke. If Obama really was “anti-Israel” he could do a whole hellava lot more — like fire his Jew handlers David Axelrod and Rahm Emanuel, or all the rest of filling the US government from the top down. He might turn-off the spigot on your tax dollars propping up Israel, vote with UN sanctions on Israel and demand no new “settlements” in occupied Palestinian territory and East Jerusalem. He could justifiably declare AIPAC an agent of a Foreign Government (which it is).

Haven’t you heard the phrase “double-talk?” That’s when someone says something one way but does quite another. It’s easy to do, if the so-called “free press” is not so free. It’s not, people. If you still somehow believe it is, then you are one dumb mutha!

Let’s just say you voted for Obama and hated the White guy, Georgie Boy Bush (probably not many real Obama people have read so far). You should have noticed by now that Obama has pretty much toed the line with Bush or even upped the anty: Iraq, Afghanistan, GITMO, the Patriot act, lack of transparency (outside of a few orchestrated events) and spending your money up the ying-yang.

Think gas is high now? With the BP Gulf Oil spill, Obama might even spread the cost of clean-up to the rest of the oil companies and even taxpayers. All this will end-up costing you at the pump, my friend. Already, Trilateral Commission members had planned to hike the cost of gas we have to pay. The BP Gulf oil spill, will probably be the greatest natural disaster in this nation’s history and will definitely have a huge impact on our economy (note: British Petroleum’s loss of German oil revenue to the oil industry in Mexico was a secret factor for starting WWII).

How could you possibly think Obama is anything but a puppet of these people? Look at how Israel keeps getting away with pure murder — Lebanon, the West Bank, Gaza, along with MOSSAD operations like the murder in Dubai. All these politicians in Washington, DC know it’s best not to speak up or risk God-knows-what out of these devious, backstabbing Jews. Hell, they can’t even take a vote on something to do with Israel unless AIPAC okays the language and virtually all of them vote for it, if they know what’s good for them.

Obama campaigned on “Change.” What a joke. You’ve been taking in by another “chicken in every pot” line of bull. And just because he was a “person of color” and all that jazz. The real oligarchs running things are laughing their fat Jew asses off on both sides of the Atlantic!

Oh, it’s “Change” alright. Continual change to keep this country confused, divided and distracted. Haven’t you noticed that every five minutes they are doing something else to the economy and social fabric of this country?

Still think it was nothing but ”liberal media” that put Obama in? Right. How about all the things the media carefully avoids covering about him and so much else going today? Think about the dirty little tricks that even the so-called “conservative” FOX news pulled to marginalize away the dangerous candidacy of Ron Paul in 2008. No two ways about it: We’re being played for suckers, fool.

What’s it going to take for you put two-and-two together? People like FOX’s Glenn Beck, Bill O’Reilly and MSNBC’s Dylan Rattigan are only going to give you parts of the story, those which can safely be discussed in the open. They call this “controlled opposition,” meaning they keep it to things already out there and noticeable to aware people (like economy experts), but they will never give you the big picture. The liberal media does the same, just gives it all a different slant and flavor, or they point the finger at other PC safe targets (like corporatism and “hate” groups).

Haven’t you figured out that it’s all a BIG GAME being played on our heads? They’ve given out red and blue shirts to all the little kids on the playground while constantly changing around things — all so we don’t look up from the dirt and see their smirking faces watching us through the principal’s window. They like finding one of the kids who’s really a sneaky, ambitious little brat to elevate over the rest of us. This new brat boss won’t care a lick about where the shirts come from, he just likes lording it over all the other dirty little kids on the playground.

Now, at some point, they have to spring something very big here so they can roll-out even more on our ass, like Bush did with 9/11. It should be apparent that Free Speech and Gun rights have long been in the crosshairs. You can see it with the people they put into power, like Elena Kagan and Cass Sunstein, both of whom are for limiting free speech.

Make clear note that Obama’s Attorney General, Eric Holder, works closely with self-elected PC police like the Jewish Anti-Defamation League (ADL) to enforce Jewish visions of America, which includes desire for the time they can prosecute any Americans for publically talking about things they deem “hate” speech. They do this under the cover of race and sexual orientation, but make no mistake: It’s really to protect Jewry as more and more Americans figure out the real deal on these people.

The Globalists have long understood that America would eventually be the hardest nut for them to crack since our Constitution gives us little people some degree of protection from dictatorial powers. They know that and we should too. That’s why they’ve carefully and quietly manipulated our population by creating the Politically Correct zeitgeist that keeps us from daring to talk about “The Jews” openly with each other, because we’re all scared of being labeled “Nazi” and a “hater.” Pretty slick trick, when you think about it.

If you’re new to “The Jew Question” it behooves you to look more into it. You will never get one ounce of truth out of the media both because of the Politically Correct business, plus the real owners don’t want you to know a thing about it, or how much control they really have over America. They fully realize that if you get wise, they might have a lot of problems on their hands. It’s simple to see.

The Internet poses great problems for them. It’s probably the reason for the noticeable uptick in the program over the last 10 years. They’ve been gradually brainwashing the White race in a long term project, easing us down the road towards Jewish global governance and a “Fascist, anti-Fascist” state. If they can fully bring America to her knees and eliminate the prospect of White revolution, they may be able to complete their agenda for a One World government — under their ownership and control, of course. They are well on the way, in case you noticed.

“Well, maybe that’s not so bad.” You might try to tell yourself. Look at the things these people have no problem doing to people, not only those on the other side of the world but here at home, too. Like 9/11 for one giant example. They have shown they could care less about millions getting killed or starving to death, just so their ambitions are realized. We’re dealing with some truly evil people who must be stopped. Your fantasies about peace and love for everyone, are being callously used by them to turn a blind eye to the real culprits.

And it’s so obvious they want to marginalize the White race away. You and your children eventually becoming a victimized minority is what they want in the end. They did it to South Africa and Zimbabwe — it’s fast happening to Britain, Europe and the US. That’s why “open borders” and immigration of Third Worlders is so important to them. It’s a cheap and profitable “two-fer” for them; they get cheap labor and further dilute White people’s demographics and political power. No question about it.

If you want to see what things are like for White people, once they lose their right to self-determination and political power, one merely has to look at South Africa. Whites are brutalized and discriminated against on a daily basis. Go to this link should you have any guts left (beware, photos are a bit graphic but that’s reality). We allowed the Globalist Jews to do all this to South Africa and Zimbabwe — the exact same methods are being done to America today.

Why do you think the media does so much to keep White people in the dark? Because they don’t want us to wake up and see the handwriting on the wall, that’s why!

Totally vicious murders of White people occur all the time in America — crimes not far removed from what’s happening to Whites in South Africa now. And it will only get worse and worse for our race.

We’re the race who built this country from the ground up. Have you ever seen any country like America in Africa? Like hell no! Whites are doers and go-getters. That’s why all these other races want to live in our countries so they can take advantage of us. Still, they hate us because we remind them how generally worthless they are. That’s why they try to drag us down to their level.

It’s time for us White Americans to come together and shut up these big mouthed parasites who are destroying America from within. Think that’s so racist? Well, listen up: You can spend all your time wondering and worrying about X, Y and Z, or start GD doing something about it.

First thing you have to do is clear your brain of all the Politically Correct BS they’ve programmed you with since birth. That’s their little game to keep you from doing anything about it.

Think deeply on how much all the other races work for themselves and hate you simply because you’re a Whitey. When the time comes, those people could care less about all your high-falutin’ Mr. Nice Guy, liberal beliefs. You have something they want, they’ll take it and that includes your life, whether you go along with their demands or not. The last thing you might see is them laughing and spitting in your face as your world goes black.

Second thing you have to do is start talking straight up to all your friends and neighbors. You’ll quickly be surprised by how much they think like you. They may not admit it right off the bat, being too scared to speak as openly. They will respect you for doing so. Sure, you’ll have a few die-hard liberals run off crying like little brainless babies. Don’t let it bother you. In fact, laugh it off. They are the true losers, not you pal.

Thirdly, prepare yourselves. There’s no telling what the Jew scumbags now busy destroying America will do to keep us confused and weak. Hell, with Iran and Pakistan there’s a damn good chance we’re looking at another false-flag ops just around the corner. It may only be a matter of months, instead of years, when a full-fledged civil war breaks out.

Whatever is in store, they will bring it on fast and furious so we don’t get the chance to catch our breath and figure it out. Already, most people are now having serious doubts. Especially about the media. Ask around, everyone thinks something stinks in Denmark. Mainstream media is being ignored, Globalist Jew mouthpiece magazines like Newsweek are close to biting the dust because circulation is so poor (by which ad revenues are pegged). Nobody is believing or buying the Jew crap anymore.

Remember when Obama was “elected” and how the Jew media went on and on comparing him to past presidents like Lincoln, FDR and Kennedy? And he hadn’t served on GD day in office! It was all Jew PR from start to finish. Just think about one simple fact in this whole business: Obama is half-White, so why do they always call him “America’s First black president?” Because they want being a White person to mean absolutely nothing, except as people to continually to blame for everything — forever!

Barry Soetoro won’t go down as a great president, but the biggest, most horrible joke played on America. You watch.

– Phillip Marlowe

* The Mystery of Barack Obama continues…

† In case you think I’m merely basing all this on Obama’s skin color, think again. He’s obviously a bit smarter than George W. Bush, but the simple fact we had Bush as president in the first place should tell you something. Soetoro is still an empty suit Jew tool.