The other side is trying to tell us a little something.

Well, of course they’re not! What, are you bonkers? This is just my cheap way to get your attention and a few minutes of your precious time to listen up to what I have to say here. If you don’t like it, sue me. Plus, I wanted to do a cool picture in Photoshop — I’ve got to get my kicks where I can. Besides, you already think I’m crazy, so why not go whole hog?

First off: Most unawakened White people labor under the fallacy that what I’m trying to say here on my evil, “white racist” blog is that some massive “Conspiracy” is going on with all the Jews — even that nice Jewish Dentist down the block. Guess what? You’re almost totally right. That’s what makes it all so workable. Take the time to read on.

The one thing you know dam-well, is that Mr. Regular Jew Dentist is not getting secret messages from the Master Jew honchos, way up in UFO Motherships in geo-synchronous orbit, outlining the Jew plot for World Domination!

First off, don’t snap your mind shut from the artificial pro-diversity psychosis that’s been instilled in you over the years. You’re a free-thinking person who wants to see the world for what it truly is, not for how they want you to see it. Right? My “Worldview” (everybody has one) is really not that far off from yours. Not at all. And what I’m saying by “Worldview” is how people look out and see things, reasoning all the reasons for this and that. Know what I mean, Vern?

Take a look at the big picture going on these days. Forget about all the “political correct” stuff you are expected to think, for just a moment. Step out of the box and pull off those PC and race blinders that these very people have erected in the White Western countries for themselves to hide behind.

The more you look into all this, the more you’ll see just how bad this country has had the wool pulled down over it’s eyes — for way too long now.

Basically, it all breaks down into two very different things. You really need to understand this difference to fully comprehend what’s going on in America today. Once you do, you see everything in a whole new light and you won’t like it. You may well hate me for telling you about it.

The first part of the equation (this particular blog post, the second part is HERE) is that Jewry overall, like Dr. Nice Guy Jew Dentist and the rest of his Jew chums, are all pretty much like you think. Oh, sure, he might secretly be addicted to kiddie porn, like ketchup in his cornflakes or something else sick that you don’t know about. But that’s not important right now. And, yeah, he’s probably a big-time liberal, Gay lover and Obongo supporter (about 77% of Jews voted for him).

And the Jews don’t all work off the same page, either. They are not some monolithic block. A few Jews even say the same kinds of things that I do. These Jews are vilified by the rest for spilling the beans and are called “self-hating Jews.”

Some Jews are “Republican,” even though most are “Democrat.” And most are not very religious too. No, it’s not the religion that drives things distinctly at this level, yet the Jewish Talmud has many evil, anti-Gentile things in it and many of these regular Jews subscribe to an unbelieveable superiority meme contained within it — all of which you don’t have the slightest clue about since the mainstream never, ever breathes a word.

Some Jew wag once remarked that extracting money and demonstrating was the whole Jewish trip in a nutshell. And he was so right. Jews, left and right these days, are found running giant Ponzi schemes, like Bernie Madoff recently. All kinds of financial shenanigans seem to have some Jew behind it, nine times out of ten. Take a look at the Milken and Boesky Junk bond scandal back in the 80′s, for example.

Notice how so many Jews are always at the forefront of things like “Civil Rights,” which is basically race baiting (constantly getting Negroes all fired up about being “oppressed”). But it’s not just race stuff. Jews have also been pushing all the Feminist and Homo, Gender-Bending business; immigration of non-Whites into our countries and enforcing the “Politically Correct” muzzle that shuts you up for being a “racist” should you dare say a word.


Jews have been stirring up trouble in the White countries of the West, for quite some time now. These pied pipers of social mayhem have led gullible White liberals so far down the garden path, that they just can’t see that the real inner, atavistic hate of Jews has been the White race to begin with!

They try to tell us it’s only because they are so sweet and nice, that they only care for us so. They even have a special Jew term for it: “Tikkun Olam,” or “repairing the world.” They believe themselves so wise and noble, being God’s Chosen and all, that only their private efforts of whatever sort, devious or not, can possibly save us from ourselves!

This arrogance is so full of contradictions and hypocrisies that’s it’s hard to figure out where to start. For one thing, their own little stolen country reeks of racial superiority on so many levels. Just think, Israel is dedicated as a nation for Jewish people alone. You thought is was just a religion? Sure, there are other races there, but they are definitely kept lower on the totem pole. They have all kinds of buried laws designed to do all this, you just don’t hear about it in the mainstream.

Not only do they spit on (sometimes literally) and treat Muslim Palestinians worse than dogs, but also Christian Palestinians and Armenians as well. Yet it gets even worse than that, much worse. Evil Jews often steal Palestinian land like it was nothing. Imagine someone setting up shop on your property, telling the world they are here to stay and building houses. And the police and military turn a blind eye to the whole theft, since they’re Jewish too. The American press has the nerve to call these things ”settlements,” just like it was on some undiscovered country!

And it gets worse. The Israeli Jews feel like they can control the Palestinians, all the while trying to make life so miserable for them that they’ll all go away and they can have the place for themselves. The small areas of the country under Palestinian control, like Gaza, get blockaded and bombed to hell on a regular basis. They use American weaponry to do all this kind of thing, such as this past January when they used horrible high tech bombs to kill about 1500 of them.

The evil little Jews even went in and slaughtered the animals in the Gaza Zoo, at close range by machine-gunning them!

Folks, these are small, bitter and hateful people. Always have been. They’ve created an image of themselves as the eternal victims in the World, when the exact opposite is true. Talk about PR spin!


Jews of all social strata, ages and sexes, to this day are still nothing but big trouble for the USA and the White race. From financial scams being exposed daily, to all kinds of socially corrosive activism. They constantly work to destroy our morality, the family unit and any norms of White people. They promote blanket support of Israel, homosexuality, gender-bending, immigration of non-Whites into White countries, race frictions and interracial sex. All this is not from some secret Jew orders — it’s just their thing, man.

They can’t act this brazenly in the US — yet. If they did, all the sleeping Goyim might finally, FINALLY figure out the real deal and go all Pogram on their butts. So they all instinctively work to keep the majority of us White Americans in the dark and confused with any possible social and philosophical jibberish they can come up with.

Jews really get off on the whole Nazi schtick!

Jews really get off on the whole Nazi schtick!

They use the “anti-Semitism” slanders to the fullest. Saying anything about Jews anywhere; or talk about history like the Holocaust lies, or the mainly Jewish Commies in Russia; or even Israel’s behavior towards the Palestinians has them, almost to a man, automatically shouting “NeoNazi Hater!” It’s like so getting old.

They have this predilliction for calling any awakened White person a “Hitler lover.” But it’s them who are the ones so crazed about Der Fuhrer man, to the point where it seems like they have some kind of secret sexual obsession with concentration camps and torture.

Speaking about genocides, the Jews themselves have been absolutely the worst race of all when it comes to inhumanity and sheer barbarity. Jews know full-well that much of the Commie mass murders of the 20th century was at their hands and do everything they can to keep this from becoming common knowledge.

It’s so bad that the real truth is that us Whites have really been the biggest victims of all times — and at their hands. Tens of millions of Whites were systematically starved and shot to death by the Soviet government and secret police, with most of the real culprits being Jewish.

Genrikh Yagoda

Genrikh Yagoda

It was openly admitted by the Soviets in 1957, that 15 to 25 million people were killed by the Commies since 1917. But there’s good evidence that it was much, much higher, quite possibly way over 50 million.

The largest genocidal murderer of the 20th century, perhaps of all history, was actually Jewish. He was named Genrikh Yagoda and he ordered at least 10 million starved, worked to death on construction projects and in Gulags, shot singly, or in mass executions. You never hear one peep about him, but you sure as hell hear a lot about Adolf Hitler, every dam day. Think about it.

Ask yourself these questions: Why is it you see all these Holocaust movies out of Hollywood year-in, year-out, but never do you see one movie about these real horrors? Why does the History channel have so much on Hitler, NeoNazis stuff or total non-history subjects like “Ice Road Truckers,” but fails to find the least time to breath a single word about any of this?

The Jews don’t want to see any interest kindled whatsoever!

Now, getting back to the Jews in the Western countries and how it all effects you, the White American. One thing to remember, this is not something going on just here, oh no. This is also going on in Australia (down under), Canada, Great Britain, Sweden, Norway, Europe and even in the eastern European countries, like Hungary and Russia to a lesser extent (who are naturally more Jew-wise because of Communism).

All this Mr. Nice Guy Jew act in White Western countries, has really been a front to what they want internally. And that’s for Whites to be marginalized away and turned into minorities in very own dam countries, so we don’t go all Nazi on them! They think they’ll feel more comfortable if Whites are a small and powerless slice, who can be constantly watched and corralled for as long as it takes to gradually whittle us away to nothingness.

What these people have been doing is turning the US and all the rest of the Western countries into Third World hell holes. Literally. Why do you think immigration is such a big deal to these people? In 1965, Jews got us to turn around the immigration laws so that 90% were from non-white nations. That’s right —  Jews want to turn the US into something they lovingly call a “Universal Nation,” but they didn’t even bother asking us what we thought about the deal!

On all kinds of different fronts, from Wall Street to Hollywood, Jewry has been a poisonous blend of criminal activities, Zionist perfidies, social subversion’s of all sorts and pure, Jewish arrogance. For them, it’s best to immediately attack any Whites as “NeoNazis,” “White Supremacists,” “Haters,” etc., should we happen to ”get wise” to the real source of America’s modern-day sickness.

The Jews have been the bane to the White race from time immemorial and their actions today in America mean not only trouble for the US, but serious trouble for the entire White race. This means you, your children and your children’s children. By ignoring the situation now, you’re consigning yourselves and them to some kind of futuristic Multicult hell-hole in the US and in every single White country of the world.

They’ve been kicked out (or worse) from of every country they’ve ever lived in (sometimes twice) and one can easily see why. What’s really serious is that they are now putting the entire White race in grave danger in what was once our very own countries — not theirs. Spend a little time looking into it all and you’ll see.

Wherever you look, whenever it comes to America’s troubles today, you’ll see the Jew hidden away. Often, you might not know it (they’ve been known to change their names a lot), but they are truly the one common denominator in the whole equation.

It’s time for you to add your voice to the growing crescendo that Jews are now doing everything they can to silence!

And it’s long since past the time where we should have frog-marched all these JEWS, all the war-mongering Neocon Israel Firsters, the Zionists, all the Commie liberal bastards — all the cabalistic,* NWO International Jews, right on the hell out of America!

If all this stuff wasn’t bad enough, the really worse things are what we don’t know a whole lot about, but can only make some good educated guesses from what’s going on in the world today and how we got to this point.

This is the second part in the equation. All the Conspiracy business that you sometimes lay on me here, like I got something to do with it. Or you might try to say that I’m making up plain crazy stuff out of my head. But all that is really too much for one blog post. So stay tuned to this channel.

Oh, yeah: I don’t have any problems with extraterrestrial Aliens (note the ET part) or Bigfoot. They can’t stand Jews, either.

— Phillip Marlowe


COMING UP NEXT: The Conspiracy Business and all that Jazz

*Cabalistic, my little made-up word from “Cabal,” meaning a group of conspiratorial plotters or intriguers. Derived from the Kabbalah, a mystical book in the Jewish Talmud. How appropriate!