I think most everybody remembers the movie from the sixties called ”Doctor Zhivago,” starring Omar Sharif, Alec Guiness, Geraldine Chaplin and Julie Christie (the hottie of the day). It was an excellent movie, based on the novel by Boris Pasternak, and is thought to be one of the most “romantic” movies of all time. Some romance.

There’s this one heart-rending scene where Dr. Zhivago is in a cattle car, fleeing Moscow with his family for their rural retreat in the Ural mountains and on the way, they pass through this one town, burnt to the ground by the evil Strelnikov, Red boogieman of the plot. Zhivago and his little family, looking through the slats of the cattle car, glimpses the dazed villagers, milling around, wondering how they’re going to possibly survive the dead of Russian winter without shelter. As the train chugs away from this infernal scene, a russian woman runs along after it, holding her baby up for the passengers to take with them. It’s her last chance to give her baby life.

It was an astoundingly brutal time for White people and the movie does a great job showing it. If people were not shot down dead in the streets and fields, they were systematically starved or left to freeze to death on the bitter Russian steppes. If you held beliefs different from what the new revolutionary elite held, or even if you were some poor white schmuck minding his own business, then your ass was grass, as they say.

Now, most people also think this revolution was nothing but a White on White political thing when it was really much more than that. Go on below and read a excerpt from someone who was there and saw the real truths up close and personal! Read on.

But most people today could care less about some ancient history lesson. “What’s it got to do with the here and now?” They might ask, as they settle in to watch their blue ray disc of Dr. Zhivago on their home theater system. Haven’t you heard the phrase that those who forget the past are doomed to repeat it? “Yeah OK, Bub, whatever you say. Pass the popcorn and shut your pie hole.”

Well, I have news for you, homies. History has a way of sneaking up fast on comfortable people. Especially those who don’t pay close attention and believe everything told to them in mass media. It doesn’t work that way and never has. Also, let’s remember the saying from the Bible: “A leopard doesn’t change it’s spots” as we look into all this.

Just think about it for a minute: What if people were telling you — imploring you – that a certain friend of your’s had screwed over some of your mutual acquaintances in the past, one who was now trying to be your best bud on a regular basis. Would you not think twice about the whole deal?

You may have thought the Russian Bolshevik revolution to be ancient history, but consider this real scary fact: It was also financed by rich American Jews — supposedly Capitalists on Wall Street — can you believe it? Jacob Schiff, the Warburg brothers and other German Askhenazim Jews of the International Banking class, sent the Marxist Jew Leon Trotsky (Lev Bronstein) over to Russia with 20 million in gold. One of the mega-rich Rothschilds even used to play chess with this Marxist in Vienna, for crying out loud.

Russian Orthodox Christians were targeted for death by the Jewish-led Bolsheviks as seen in these religious icons done at the time. One of the first things Lenin and the Communists did was to make anti-Semitism a crime punishable by death (Russian Penal Codes 1922, 1927) and, while Christian churches were being dynamited, Jewish synagogues went untouched.

Even President Wilson’s adviser, the possible crypto-Jew Colonel Edward M. House, helped Trotsky get out of jail when the Canadians intercepted his ship while ferrying the gold. Also, House was instrumental in getting Wilson to sign-off on the Federal Reserve act of 1913 that owns your ass today.

Surely, there is a reason for all this and must contain a frightening underlying truth. To get back at the Czar for pograms? They did that too, by financing the Japanese in their war against Russia in 1905. No, all these efforts were a lot more than just bringing down a monarchy, since they also went and destroyed the fragile democracy trying to take root after the Czar abdicated. It must be fully considered that the real reason International Jewry purposefully took down the country of Russia was to take it over and run it as a Judaic Kingdom!

Most of the Red Bosheviks and members of the secret police were Ashkhenazim Jews, who later ”liquidated” or starved millions of White people — peasants, workers, middle class citizens right along with the monarchists or “White Russians.”

William Dudley Pelley, taken from his wanted poster.The following brief excerpt is from the writings of an American Journalist who was there in Russia for the Red revolution. William Dudley Pelley was just a young man when his publisher, along with the State department, asked him to cover the Russian revolution and he jumped at the chance for what he thought would be an ”adventure.” But what he saw had such a profound effect on him that he soon turned into a mortal enemy of Jewry for the rest of his life.

In later years, the US government under Franklin Delanor Roosevelt did everything it could to shut him up, including throwing him in jail on the trumped-up charge of sedition during WWII. Pelley had accused FDR of covering up the amount of damage done to the US Pacific Fleet at Pearl Harbor and later it was revealed to be exactly as he claimed. It’s little wonder you may not have heard of him before, since what he also had to say about the Jew will knock your socks off.

Just take a few minutes of your precious time and read it. This man was there, on the ground and saw the real-life world of “Dr. Zhivago” instead of reading about it or watching it on TV. This will give you another perspective, one that’s definitely not what they want you to have and for that reason alone should make you at least read it and think long and hard. I’ll meet you on the other side of this excerpt (it’s not long):

“…By the end of the First World War, Pelley’s prestige was such that his publisher commissioned him as a foreign correspondent on assignment in Eastern Europe. With a generous expense account and the diplomatic rank of “consular courier” conferred upon him by the United States government, he shipped out for Russia in early 1918. To him, his assignment was a fun adventure, a well-paid lark and a chance to vacation overseas. It turned out to be something far more. Until his fateful voyage, Pelley was a happy-go-lucky, up-and-coming author, with no real convictions of his own. As he remembered years later, the experience transformed him “from a nondescript writer to a grim crusader.”

For two years, he covered 8,000 miles by train and horse-back through Siberia, into the Ukraine, across the steppes of Central Russia, into the Far East and through Asia to Japan. Through all these extensive travels, he was a personal witness to the communist revolution. He saw peasant woman crucified to barndoors and a school room in which the teacher and all the students had been bludgeoned to death, their brains splattered against the blackboard. There were whole villages depopulated by murder, with corpses swinging from every lamppost and choking the nearby streams. These victims were rarely military personnel, nor politically involved in any way. They were common people, mostly farmers and factory workers. Such horrific sights, encountered wherever the Reds passed, almost unhinged his mind. But they were so commonplace, he gradually grew inured to the sea of blood through which he traveled daily.

He learned first-hand that communism was not an ideology, it was simply the organization of the worst criminal elements led by Jews to destroy society. This was no speculation. Virtually all the commissars he knew (some of whom he interviewed) where Jewish, while the majority of their activists where common murderers and perverts “liberated” from prison. They were motivated by hatred, power and revenge, nothing else. All their slogans about “Equality” and “Peace” where transparent rues to dupe thoughtless liberals among the Russian people, their victims. Drunk with success, the Jews boasted openly of their plans for world conquest by fomenting the same kind of divisiveness in other countries. They told Pelley that Russia was just a stepping stone, a base for international subversion. Even their phony “communism” was utterly dispensable, just like their own followers, who they never hesitated to massacre on the slightest whim. Their long-range goal was one-world government, in which the masses became willing slaves, fueling an international economy with their genius and labor, while the Jewish people dominated all important positions of power. “After Russia,” one greasy commissar smirked at Pelley, ‘then Europe and later, America!’…” — Exerpt from William Dudley Pelley Father of American Racial Mysticism

From: David Duke’s Website For the whole booklet go to… JR Books Online

Pretty scary stuff, huh? And we don’t have to depend on Mr. Pelley’s writing one bit to see that all this was indeed the case. The following quote was from a Jewish magazine and clearly shows their bragging about the whole thing. Note the use of “New World Order,” surely prophetic:

“The Bolshevik Revolution in Russia was the work of Jewish planning and Jewish dissatisfaction. Our Plan is to have a New World Order. What worked so wonderfully in Russia, is going to become Reality for the whole world.” 

– The American Hebrew Magazine – September 10,1920

Or how about this quote that lays it all out:

“The governments of the peoples included in this world republic, with the aid of the victorious proletariat, all will fall without difficulty into Jewish hands. Private property will then be strangled by the Jewish directors, who will administer the state patrimony everywhere. Thus the promise of the Talmud will be fulfilled, that is, the promise that the Jews, at the arrival of the Messiah, will possess the key to the wealth of all the peoples of the earth.”

– Baruch Levy, in a letter to Karl Marx, published in the Rothschild controlled La Revue de Paris, June 1, 1928.

And Winston Churchill, the big guy himself, noted all this:

“There is no need to exaggerate the part played in the creation of Boshevism and in the actual bringing about of the Russian Revolution by international and for the most part atheistical Jews…”

–Winston Churchill, Illustrated Sunday Herald, February 8, 1920.

Are these the people we are dealing with today? Is this the path America is on? A real-life Jewish Commie hell? And what about all the business with globalism, the European Union and the North American Union? One World government has been openly wished for by Jewish supremacists for quite some time. Read this quote from testimony in front of the US Senate from another Warburg, son of the man behind the Federal Reserve creation, Paul Warburg. James Warburg was also the founding father of the Council of Foreign Relations, the Globalist force behind the North American Union:

“We will have a world government whether you like it or not. The only question is whether that government will be achieved by conquest or consent.”

– Jewish Banker James Warburg, February 17, 1950, as he testified before the U.S. Senate 

Oh, it’s certain that these people have had everything planned for quite some time now. How can there be any doubt? The entire concept of America has always meant nothing to them, only as a vehicle to their ends and definitely without any concern for us little guys.

These same Zionist Jews involved in previous Commie history have been working assiduously to undermine the very country (the USA) that once welcomed them from Eastern Europe as immigrants in the 1880′s!

Sure, it’ll be different than what happened in the Soviet Union back then, since many lessons will have been learned by them and newer technologies will be utilized in the furtherence of their schemes. We can see the overt stages clearly now, with all the efforts touted as “the War on Terror,” all the brainwashing, the social engineering and race frictions, governmental programs and the police state apparatus being created.  

Now, a lot of people argue whether Stalin was Jewish or not. He certainly did look the part and had nothing but Jewish wives and mistresses, but I ask you really, who gives a flock? And what’s the real point about the question in the first place? Think about here a second: They know well what it says if some of these people are revealed to be Jews. That’s why they do everything to confuse and befuddle Americans about it!

The Jews definitely started the whole thing, comprising the majority of the Bolsheviks along with being part and parcel of the day-to-day management of the Soviet Union, thereafter. And they were the majority members in the secret police state apparatus. Even the Jews freely admit as much.

“Anyone who had the misfortune to fall into the hands of the Cheka,” wrote Jewish historian Leonard Schapiro, “stood a very good chance of finding himself confronted with, and possibly shot by, a Jewish investigator.” In Ukraine, “Jews made up nearly 80 percent of the rank-and-file Cheka agents,” reports W. Bruce Lincoln, an American professor of Russian history. (Beginning as the Cheka, or Vecheka) the Soviet secret police was later known as the GPU, OGPU, NKVD, MVD and KGB.) From Smoking Mirrors

They were Commies then and they’re still Commie Bastards now! Look at all the involvement of Jews in Communism over the decades. Jews fill the ranks. Nine out of ten Atomic Secret spies were Jews. Who did they give the secrets to? Commie Russia! Ever wonder about that?

“The Jew is an inborn Communist.”

–- Otto Weininger, Sex and Character, page 311.

Let me give you another little example. One of the Jew Neocon blogs, here at WordPress, had a posting on the so-called secret Commie connections that the Palestinian terrorists and other Islamic radicals once had. He was transparently doing his Jew part in trying to jack-up your hatred of the Muslim hordes. But guess what? Israel had the exact same kinds of connections. In fact, many of Israel’s first weapons were Soviet in origin. They like to keep quiet about it all now, since that would not look good to Americans of a patriotic nature!

Plus, Zionism is pretty much a form of socialism. Oh, sure, they have elections in Israel and all. But they also had elections in the Soviet Union too. Means little when it’s really nothing but a Jewish state in the first place. And don’t forget that Jewish Talmudic Zionism was the mother that gave birth to Communism — which enslaved and killed millions of White people.

To get the big picture of today, we must look to this past for answers. Answers you will not hear the nice guy Charlie Gibson tell you on the ABC World News Tonight. He’s just reading a script, anyways. The people working in these news operations know well they can’t touch the Jew; that’s territory best left clear of, always! Otherwise, the offending news producer or story editor will have a short, vainglorious career – about which we will hear ZILCH about.

Why does Hollywood make movies like “Breach” where they expose the perfidies and sexual deviance of the White Catholic FBI agent who spied for Russia, but won’t touch the spy story about the American Jew, Jonathan Pollard, with a 10 foot pole? And it’s not because “Israel is our friend.” Like our national politics, Hollywood big money is Jew big money. Israel purposefully spied and still spies on this country even today. Israel actually shared some of Pollard’s stolen secrets with the friggin’ Soviets to allow immigration to Israel for Russian Jews, for chrissakes!

Oh, these media people are not toeing the line because of any top-secret instructions going around. Are you kidding me? It simply doesn’t require it. No, this is because of Jewish supremacism and the race politics they’ve foisted on this country for the last 40 years. It’s effectively blinded most of us – most of America – to the real deal that some of the Zionist, Globalist Jews have going on for our future. The bad part is all the deluded whites who have sucked down this liberal propaganda and brainwashing to become the frontline dupes to Jewry and enemies to their very own race.

And if these kind of people were capable of doing something like that to Russia way back when, then why the hell not now? Everything that America stands for, your future and your children’s future is on the line because of these evil people’s manipulations and chicanery in the world. Does it not behoove you to at least look into this subject? Will you not spend a few lousy minutes thinking about these real truths hidden behind what you’re always told on TV?

I mean, think about the right here and right now, not St. Petersburg of 1917. Let’s look at one very big thing going on right now in your little life, someplace in Bumflock, Indiana. Have you filled the gas tank lately? Oh, sure, gas prices are skyrocketing but what’s that got to do with the price of beans in China? Well, it may to a certain degree, but not nearly so much as they want you to believe. Have you noticed how the news explains the rising fuel cost is all due to China and India suddenly, practically over-night, requiring gas? How many new cars have been sold in the last year over there, for crying out loud?

The biggest factor, by far, for the rising costs of a barrel of crude is the paranoia over Israel and Israel’s big bully on a leash, the USA, going to war in Iran. The prospect of war as being a factor in spiking oil prices, is only now being grudging referred to on mainstream TV news. How long has all this been going on? It’s the number one reason and they’re afraid of America drawing conclusions and getting angry about Israel.

Everything is connected and the dots lead conclusively to the exact same people back then as today. None of it can possibly be decoupled from what’s happening to our economy and your personal pocketbook right now.

AIPAC (American Israeli Public Affairs Committee) has been leading this country down the garden path over the precious State of Israel for decades now and it’s truly verbotten for the Jew media to discuss this in front of us regular people. This group, along with so many other traitorous Zionist entities in this country, are all on the same page: To ensure we do everything for the Sacred State of Israel no matter how it affects the rest of this country, to continue non-white immigration into the Western countries and to steal the USA’s sovereignty and future.

They consider us all to be dupes and very well may be right! People, we got ourselves a big, big problem for America. They want you to get all worked up about “Mad Muslims” running all over the place, when the real dangers are right here, among us – hiding in plain sight!

They know, that if we know, then they might have some problems fulfilling their ultimate designs. This accounts for everything you see going on in the world today as well as all the race issues being stoked up to keep us distracted. The White race must be kept in the dark and divided or else.

People have been questioning and hotly debating the involvement of International Jewry in the wars and social tumult of the 20th century for decades now — and it’s still going on in the 21st century too. Hell, the war in Iraq has people pointing fingers every which way — everywhere except where it belongs — even when the facts of the matter are staring them right in the dam face!

You fence sitters: What don’t you people get? I’m asking you!

It’s painfully clear that Americans are completely stupefied over the whole thing. Especially so when considering that the war in Iraq is running this country straight into the ground, right at this very minute. You people are paying for it dearly and so will your children and their children pay for it dearly, too. Quite possibly to the extent of having a life much like Dr. Zhivago, right here in America!

– Phillip Marlowe

Here’s a Jew discussing the matter: Jew on Stalin’s Murderers

Also: Alexander Solzhenitsyn on the Jews and the USSR

For further reading:
The Jews Behind Stalin
The Origin of the Artificial Famine of 1932-1933 in the Ukraine

The First Holocaust of the 20th Century
Judaic Communists: The Documentary Record

NOTE! All the Jewish Supremacists and Zionists spoken about here are mostly from the Khazari tribe from southern Russia (or Ashkhenazis), who converted in the mid-8th century, AD. Not the true Israelites of the Bible. They’ve donned the cloak of Judaism yet retained ancient criminal and parasitic functions among the Gentiles. Over the centuries, their behavior has caused their host populations to rise up and throw them bodily out. This has happened about 79 times. Now, elements of them have control of important and powerful parts of America and other white Nations, as well as having their own stolen country in the Mideast that we’re now completely beholden to — no matter what they do to us or what they make us do to the world for them. We are nothing but “Goyim” or cattle to them.