What was it that Chevy Chase said in that vacation movie? This is crazy! This is crazy! This is crazy! 

Today, TIME magazine announced the ”Person of the Year” award will go to Ben SHALOM Bernanke. Bernanke is called “Helicopter Ben” for spreading America’s dollars to all his Jew buds back on Wall Street (like Goldman Sachs), while they continue the rapine and pillage of America. These Jews are living and lying so large that it’s beyond the comprehension of most of us normal folks. It’s on an entirely whole other criminal level.

Are we getting taken for a ride from Jew media or what? Hell, Jews are taking the entire country for a ride — straight to hell!  

Once again the American people have been dosed majorly with Orwellian Jew bull, ala Obama getting the Nobel Peace prize after serving a mere 12 days in office and, only days before he picked up his prize, announcing the expansion of the war in Afghanistan. Jew mouthpiece TIME magazine called Obama the new Roosevelt in November, 2008 and glorifies him shamelessly. Also today, the Associated Press gave Tiger Woods the award for “greatest athlete of the decade.” What will the Jew media try to sell us next?  

Richard Stengel, Managing Editor Time

Richard Stengel, Jewboy Managing Editor of Time.

Bernanke is being hailed ”because he saved us from a Great Depression.” Not so fast, Jews. He may have delayed total chaos so far but the jury is still out, regardless of how the Jew media spins things. Look at all the lies uncovered in the last 10 years, or so, that “our” media never breathes a word about. We actually may be in the beginning stages of a Great Depression now. It took two and a half years from “Black Friday” in October, 1929 to hit bottom.

In case anyone wants to know, we have close to the same rates of unemployment now, as back then (if measured with the same math used in the ’30′s, it would be 17.5%). Millions are out of work. During the last year and a half, Bernanke has overseen the destruction of 30% of US household wealth. Well over a hundred banks went belly-up last year; the FDIC has completely gone through their basic reserves and is now working on a special taxpayer allowance. Thousands of banks are teetering at the moment. States are raising taxes. Our dollar is increasingly considered worthless on the world stage and likely scheduled for NWO replacement. Once they do that, a big chunk people’s wealth will be lost. You watch. 

What’s more, the guy worked with Alan Greenspan on the Credit Default Swaps and the toxic mortgage programs which set-up the whole situation that brought this country to this point (see Frontline video below). These people create the mess, try to fix it using our money (or outright steal from us) and then have the unmitigated gall to have their media treat them as the heroes who saved the world!  

This might seem, at the very least, like some idiot who ruined the bank getting promoted to boss. But in fact, it’s more than like these Jew characters are really bank robbers becoming CEOs of the banks, robbing the bank from the inside and getting the key to the city as heroes.  

He lied under oath about not monetizing this country’s debt. He is guilty of embezzlement since he cannot or will not account for 9 trillion in US debt, “lost” from the “off-balance sheet transactions.” He’s a fraudster, since all his talk about “green shoots in the economy” is patent bull. Counterfeiter, because all he’s really doing is printing (or adding zeroes to the computer screen) increasingly phony money to throw at the problem. Guilty of corruption, by keeping interest rates non-existent so as to artificially prop-up globalist stock value, making all the Jew Wall Streeters happy.  

The guy is a con-artist. He tells us: “We are an agency of the government, but we’re – within the government we need to have some independence from Congress and the administration, and the most important area is monetary policy.” Bull. The Fed is a cartel of private banks owned by secretive families who “lend” the US it’s very own money and are guaranteed big returns. It’s the world’s biggest scam operation in all history!

Does this guy give a rat’s ass about the regular Joes out here? Hell, no. Keep in mind that the Fed has a mandate to maximize employment. Plus, the man is asking for cut backs on Social Security benefits and Medicare to senior citizens to save a little on what him and his buds have stolen.  

Oh, America will pay the piper, alright. Consumer pricing rose 1.8% in the last month (have you filled up at the gas station lately?). Will inflation become an Argentina-style flood here soon? Or will it get as bad as the Weimar Republic back in Germany during the 1920′s? You know, before Hitler, when the Jews were all busy little bees sucking all the wealth they could, while at the same time, Jew Marxists on the streets were trying to turn the place all Commie. Hmmmm.  

Let’s just think about one thing here: The 9 trillion dollars missing from Federal Reserve off-balance sheets transactions. Nor do they “know” what happened to a 2 trillion dollar portfolio (oh, these people know where it went). To give you some perspective on much money this is, consider that America is now over 12 trillion in debt. Here’s Congressman Grayson asking some out-of-the-loop Goyim bureaucrat about all this:  


Alan Grayson: Is Anyone Minding the Store at the Federal Reserve? Here’s the Federal Reserve Inspector not having a clue about JACK.  

Also, in 2008, Bernanke payed out a half trillion dollars to foreign Central banks, in the dead of the night (508 billion or $1,800 for every man, woman and child in America). All without any elected official in our government even knowing one thing. Hell, he claims not to even know where it all ended up:  

Bernanke: “Those are swaps that were done with foreign central banks…”
Grayson: “So who got the money?”
Bernanke: “Financial institutions in Europe and other countries…”
Grayson: “Which ones?”
Bernanke: “I don’t know.”
Grayson: “Half a trillion dollars and you don’t know who got the money?”
Bernanke: “Um, um, the loans go to the central banks and they then put them out to their institutions…”  

This is cold hard cash that went to someone, somewhere for something. Hell, as far as we know it could all have gone into the private Swiss bank accounts of Israelis and other Jew pals.  

People, you will be paying for it. Oh yes you will. So will your kids and grandkids through inflation up the ying yang and much higher taxes. That is, of course, if we don’t completely off the cliff, going totally bankrupt and having a civil war (more and more likely, if not probable).  

This guy should not even be the Chairman of the Federal Reserve (his reconfirmation is being pushed by Ziopuppet Obama), let alone getting accolades like this TIME magazine cover. Anyone who doubts the US media is not in the firm control of the Jews must have their heads examined (but not by a Jew shrink, please).  

These Jews are now so full of it, that even saying a word about America getting ripped-off has them all yapping the ”anti-Semite” line of crap because it’s so obvious as to the culprits. Why even bother trying to mollify these people, anymore? It’s frankly impossible when you think about it. From Bernie Madoff, his wife “it’s the Gentile’s fault” Ruth and other free-as-a-bird chums; to that new scam artist down in Florida, lawyer Scott Rothstein stealing a billion dollars from clients; to Helicopter Ben Bernanke — all of them are big fat crooks. Isn’t it about damn time you figured it out?  

The entire Jewish race are hypocrites, crooks and liars! It’s time for them to go now.  

– Phillip Marlowe

Read what Christopher Bollyn has to say about the Global Warming scam and Ben Bernanke HERE. And on my blog: The Zionist Gangsters Behind 9/11 and the Bailout



Explosive PBS Frontline documentary on the unmitigated evil of the Great Financial Swindle

"Committee to save the world." Right. Time cover from back then. All three of these guys are Jews. Larry Samuelson (right) is Obama's senior economic advisor.

The one-hour documentary “The Warning” is about the supreme arrogance of the Jewish cabal (Greenspan, Rubin, Summers) that led to the ultimate robbery of 700 billion dollars of American taxpayers’ money in ‘bailout’ to ostensibly prevent the collapse of Wall Street.  

Needless to say, my jaw was agape in astonishment and outrage throughout the documentary. Greenspan’s pure arrogance as an Objectivist (Ayn Rand cult think) in vigorous opposition of governmental regulation of markets, particularly “black box” (the impossibly-convoluted mathematical formula of derivatives), led to the Great Swindle, along with inside-knowledge & exploitative white collar criminals.  

They (Greenspan, Rubin and Summers) and other complicit fraudsters deserve execution at the gallows.  

– Nepos Libertas @The Truth will set you free website.