Ehud Barak – Architect of 9-11

By Christopher Bollyn, September 11, 2009

Eight years after 9-11, the American people and the U.S. government are still woefully misinformed about what actually happened on September 11, 2001.  The media version of events, accepted by most Americans, is based on a completely false understanding of the terror atrocity that changed America – and the world. This is, however, no accident. This is how Israeli false-flag terrorism is designed to work. 

The terror attacks of 9-11 were planned and carried out by Zionist extremists with the intention that the blame would be assigned to Islamic terrorists based in Afghanistan. Israeli military leaders and the Zionist-controlled media were well prepared to interpret the attacks so that public opinion would blame Muslims and Arabs for the atrocity.  Changing public opinion is the primary mission of the architects of false-flag terrorism.

The evidence, however, indicates that the terror atrocity of 9-11 was not carried out by Osama Bin Laden, Al Qaida, the Taliban, or any Muslim entity. The discovery of chips of nano-thermite in the dust of the demolished World Trade Center has fully exposed the official version, promoted by the controlled media for eight years, as nothing but a pack of lies. Whoever applied tons of super-thermite to the Twin Towers had unrestricted access to every floor of the buildings – and state of the art nano-technology explosives. This was certainly not Osama Bin Laden and his gang of twenty.

Thousands of American, Afghani, and Iraqi lives have been lost as a result of the false understanding of 9-11, and the map of the Middle East has been redrawn. This is intentional, of course, and the Zionist-controlled media has been the most important supporter of the lies that surround 9-11. In the United States, the false interpretation of 9-11 has been vigorously promoted by Rupert Murdoch’s FOX News and News Corporation, CNN/Time Warner, the New York Times, and other Zionist-controlled news networks.

The lies about 9-11 were prepared in advance to kick-start a U.S.-led military campaign across the Middle East that would result in American troops being permanently based across the region to support the fortress state of Israel and its Zionist hegemony.  This is what is called the “War on Terror,” which has been the Israeli plan since the mid-1980s, as articulated by Israel’s current prime minister from the far-right Likud party, Benjamin “Bibi” Netanyahu.  This extreme Zionist strategy became U.S. policy in the aftermath of 9-11. It was planned that way, of course.

The invasion of Afghanistan, the response of President George W. Bush to 9-11, has been called “Obama’s war” because of President Barack Obama’s escalation of the nearly eight-year-old war of occupation.  Despite the discovery of super-thermite in the dust of the World Trade Center, Obama continues to push the war in Afghanistan as a response to 9-11:  “Let us renew our resolve against those who perpetrated this barbaric act and plot against us still,” Obama said at the Pentagon’s eighth anniversary ceremony. ”In pursuit of al Qaeda and its extremist allies we will never falter,” he said.

The war in Afghanistan, begun on 7 October 2001, cannot rightly be called Obama’s war. It can, however, be called “Barak’s war” if we mean Ehud Barak, the current Israeli defense minister and former prime minister. Barak was the first person to call for a U.S. war against Afghanistan and the chief architect of 9-11. By being the first to interpret the attacks and articulate the desired response, Barak revealed his role as a chief architect of 9-11. 


The false-flag terrorist troika: Shimon Peres, Bibi Netanyahu, and Ehud Barak

The Israeli leaders Benjamin Netanyahu and Ehud Barak were among the very first people to blame Osama Bin Laden for 9-11 and call for military action against the Taliban-led regime in Afghanistan. The false-flag attacks were designed and then used by these Israeli leaders to start their long-planned “War on Terror,” an Israeli military strategy pushed by Netanyahu for many years. The U.S. military presence in Afghanistan and Iraq allows Israel to carry out covert murderous false-flag terror operations in these beleaguered nations, acts that are effectively disguised as “sectarian” violence by the Zionist-controlled media.

It needs to be understood that Israel is, unlike any Western nation, a state that is run by the military. It is often said in Israel that while some of the Zionists wanted Athens, they got Sparta.  The Israeli military/security establishment dominates the political affairs of the nation and has done so for decades.  Seven of Israel’s sixteen defense ministers, for example, were also serving as prime ministers. Four of them, Moshe Dayan, Yitzhak Rabin, Ehud Barak, and Shaul Mofaz, also served as Chief of Staff of the military. This is essential to understanding Ehud Barak’s key role in 9-11.

Ehud Barak, the current defense minister, was both prime minister and defense minister of Israel from 1999 until March 2001.  As defense minister, Barak led the criminal aggression known as Operation Cast Lead against the civilian population of Gaza from December 2008 through January 2009. Although Israeli forces under Barak’s command committed egregious war crimes in Gaza, neither Israel nor Ehud Barak has been held accountable by the international community. The Israeli military, for example, flagrantly used banned white phosphorous bombs on the civilian population and intentionally bombed an American-run school and U.N. compound.  The Israeli assault killed some 1,300 civilians.

Just this week, defense minister Barak approved the building of some 500 housing units on illegally occupied Palestinian land without a word of protest from the administration of  Barack Obama, which has openly demanded an end to illegal Zionist construction in the occupied territories. The position taken by the Obama administration is, however, merely a false front meant to placate Arab states and public concerns about Israeli crimes in Palestine.  In the same way, president-elect Obama said he would have plenty to say about Israeli war crimes committed in Gaza after he was inaugurated.  He has, however, been completely silent about Israeli war crimes. 


Daniel Lewin was a member of

Daniel Lewin (Flight 11) was once a member of Sayeret Matkal.

Ehud Barak is a chief architect of 9-11.  As Israel’s highest military strategist in political office, his role in the false-flag terror attacks of 9-11 was at the highest architectural level.  As the Israeli prime minister and defense minister from 1999 through March 2001, Barak was at the top of Israel’s political and military establishment when the false-flag terror attack was being prepared.  Although Barak was replaced as prime minister by Ariel Sharon six months before 9-11, the project had been planned and was set to go before Barak left office. Barak was given a high-paying position with Electronic Data Systems, an American company, only hours before the 9-11 attacks. Israeli crimes like 9-11 and the murder of President John F. Kennedy are planned well in advance and compartmentalized for operation security.

Outside observers were surprised when the extremely hawkish right-wing Likud prime minister Binyamin Netanyahu took Barak, head of the Labor party, as his defense minister.  The key fact to be considered in this relationship is that Barak was Netanyahu’s commanding officer when they were both active in Israel’s elite commando force, the Sayeret Matkal.


Ehud Barak was Netanyahu’s commanding officer in the Sayeret Matkal. Here they attend a June 2009 memorial ceremony for Netanyahu’s brother who died in the Entebbe operation headed by Barak.




Flight 11 stewardess, Betty Ong, called American Airline’s reservation clerk Nydia Gonzalez and talked to her for over 20 minutes as the jet made it’s way towards the north tower of the WTC. She is said to have reported that the passenger in 9B (whom she called him “Daniel Lord”) was shot and killed by someone in 10B, or possibly even one of the pilots at the start of the hijackings.

Later, FBI interview reports say ”BETTY stated the individual who was seated in 9B, further described as [REDACTED by the FBI, for some reason] appeared to be dead.” The full recording or transcripts of her phone call is never released to the public and ATC ground control recordings were ordered destroyed.

The first FAA memo written that day by several officials privy to the conversation (5:30 pm) had the passenger in 10B specifically shooting Lewin, but later changed to the terrorists stabbing him. The final memo was never released.

A leaked Federal Aviation Administration memo written on the evening of Sept. 11 contains disturbing revelations about American Airlines Flight 11, the first to hit the World Trade Center. The “Executive Summary,” based on information relayed by a flight attendant to the American Airlines Operation Center, stated “that a passenger located in seat 10B shot and killed a passenger in seat 9B at 9:20 a.m. The passenger killed was Daniel Lewin, shot by passenger Satam Al Suqami.” The FAA has claimed that the document is a “first draft,” declining to release the final draft, as it is “protected information,” noting the inaccuracies in reported times, etc. The final draft omits all mention of gunfire. Lewin, a 31 year-old dual American-Israeli citizen was a graduate of MIT and Israel’s Technion. Lewin had emigrated to Israel with his parents at age 14 and had worked at IBM’s research lab in Haifa, Israel. Lewin was a co-founder and chief technology officer of Akamai Technologies, and lived in Boston with his family. A report in Ha’aretz on Sept. 17 identified Lewin as a former member of the Israel Defense Force Sayeret Matkal, a top-secret counter-terrorist unit, whose Unit 269 specializes in counter-terrorism activities outside of Israel.

WEB arc of UPI copy

Israeli Special Ops passenger shot or stabbed?