
False prophets as once prophesied? Bishop Hagee has recently come out with a book titled “In Defense of Israel.” In it, he says that Jesus was not born divine. Is he really in cahoots with Jewish Orthodoxy and Zionist money? Are religious leaders like him, secretly agents for the Noahide subversion of believers in Jesus Christ?

Continued from: “Christians: You Must Wake Up From These Evils!” 

Some of the Evangelical leaders have undoubtedly been corrupted, either through threats to cut off their lucrative satellite feeds and maybe even with money under the table or other “incentives.” For instance: The Israeli Terrorist Menechim Begin once bought a Lear Jet for Reverend Jerry Falwell. Abe Foxman of the ADL paid him a visit to insist that he always include the phrase “Judaism” as in “Judeo-Christian” when he described his beliefs in his sermons or to anyone.

These are the very same people who have religious writings that say Jesus was really a magician from Egypt and that He’s now boiling in a vat of excrement in hell; after being choked five times by Jewish Rabbis in a trash heap. They can’t even give the execution credit to the Romans! And Mary is described as a Harlot for a carpenter –which really tears me up personally.

But not only does their religious writings of the past show such hatred against the Christian, but their plans for you in the future does as well, if all goes well in the secular operations they have going on to totally subvert this country. The Orthodox Jews have big plans in store for all of us, not just for the US Muslims, but any non-Jew:

“The inclusion of heathens [Gentiles], to whom blasphemy is prohibited just as to Israelites, and they are executed by decapitation; for every death penalty decreed for the sons of Noah is only by decapitation.“– Babylonian Talmud, Tractate Sanhedrin 57a

Christmas? Forget about it. Considered Idolatry and should they have total power, they’ll cut your heads off if you celebrate it. They’ve already had any Christian symbols, including the Ten Commandments, removed from any public display. Yet they’ve managed to get our government to declare this country was founded on the Orthodox Jew’s Seven Noahide Laws (secretly 66) in 1991 (US Congress HR 104 Public Law 102-14). Read more here

And it’s absolutely no problem for them to erect their religious symbols all over and right in you face. I write about it here. Even the word “Christmas” is now a target for these people to eliminate from the vocabulary!

We will not even get any time off nor have any of our own celebrations of any kind. All we’ll be relegated to do, is being slaves to their own religious festivals by fixing the feasts and then standing around clapping as the dance and gyrate about! We won’t even be allowed our own Sunday off (considered the first day of the week by them), since they consider that sacrilege!

“Similarly, a gentile who rests, even on a weekday, observing that day as a Sabbath, is liable to the death penalty. Needless to say, he is liable for that punishment if he creates a festival for himself. The general principle governing these matters is: They are not to be allowed to originate a new religion or create mitzvot for themselves based on their own decisions. They may either become righteous converts and accept all the Mitzvot or retain their statutes without adding to detracting from them.

Just studying any of their writings, may earn you this treatment:

If a gentile studies Torah, makes a Sabbath, or creates a religious practice, a Jewish court should beat him, punish him, and inform him that he is liable to the death penalty.” Read more here!

And the media asks the question about the religious views of Gentile candidates as possibly being a danger to those who profess no faith? What a joke! Unbelievable. The tenets of Christianity and Mormonism come nowhere near the utter hate speech of the Talmud.

Christians, you simply must wake up to all of this.

The Jews have bilked the “Chosen Ones” concept for all it’s worth and yet the whole thing has been over with, done, finito, for the last 2,000 years, according to the New Testament which records Jesus’ Ministry on this earth. In the Book of Hebrews, in the New Testament, God states clearly that a new Covenant is formed with those who accept Jesus Christ:

“Not according to the covenant that I made with their fathers, in the day when I took them by the hand out of the land of Egypt; because they continued not in my covenant, and I regarded them not, saith the Lord.” (Hebrews 8:6-7, 9-10)

It’s little wonder that the Israelis forbid any New Testament books or quotations in their schools and have even burned them publicly and ceremoniously in Jerusalem on March 23, 1980, by the Yad Le’akhim who are funded by the Israelis Ministry of Religions. Even the “plus” symbol on calculators is banned in Israel due to the resemblance to the crucifixion cross!

Dr. Israel Shahak of Hebrew University reports that the Israelis burned hundreds of New Testament Bibles in occupied Palestine on March 23, 1980 (cf. Jewish History, Jewish Religion, p. 21).

“Those who read the New Testament (“uncanonical books”) will have no portion in the world to come.” –Sanhedrin 90a.

“Jews must destroy the books of the Christians, i.e. the New Testament.”–Shabbath 116a.

Now, lately you have been propagandized into accepting the “Dispensationalist” theory or Armageddon idea. This is where the forces of Evil coalesce to attack Israel and the Antichrist shows up, surviving a fiery plane crash and then starts making people do things like put micro-chips in their foreheads. Maybe like what’s in store for us in the near future –the way things are now going– like the national ID card being forced on us all by the Jew Michael Chertoff of Homeland Security?

Eventually, Jesus shows up to walk through the west gate of the Temple mount and a thousand years of peace and justice will now reign. But the Jews happen to believe that the Moshiach (Messiah) will be the actual one showing up to the party and, at that point, the borders of Israel then “magically” expand outwards to include the whole world –including turning you and even the Christian Zionist into second-class citizens and even slaves to them for all of eternity. Some payback, huh?

They don’t want to go into too many details about all this to the Christian Zionist. Regardless, they want you to suck down all of the “End-Times” theory as a ploy to support the Zionist’s efforts in creating what they call “Eretz Ysrael,” which is really a greatly expanded area of the Mideast, but now populated by other people who call it their home (when has that made a difference to them?).

Just think about it for a minute: Could it be that such “End-Times” beliefs are being used against you and every one else, for evil purposes in the first place? You always told yourself that you would see right through the Devil’s plans and choose the right way. I don’t want to say you’re a dummy compared to the Devil but you very well might be. After all, he’s been around a lot longer than you have.

Is it remotely possibly that the Jewish Race, itself, is the Anti-Christ from Revelation? Perhaps the Holocaust was the real fires from which his race survived? I’m just thinking out loud, here. I certainly don’t claim Theology credentials.

If all this wasn’t bad enough, the Jews are also purposefully destroying this country politically and socially. It’s becoming increasingly clear just how powerful and controlling they are. There’s every indication that the secular Jews are working to create a world in which the Orthodox elements will finally get what they’ve always wanted: A Jewish “Noahide” regime, based on the Seven Laws. I write more on this here.  

Look, I don’t call on you to become some kind of “hater” as they want any who are fight against these things to be called. I only ask that you look into the whole matter and cast a gimlet eye on those who claim leadership, preach to you and expect your unwavering support for a nation that has America in a fierce choke-hold about the neck and is squeezing the sense out us. They’ve already suckered us into fighting their enemies.

You’re a thinking person and you can decide what’s the facts of the matter are. I’m only here to alert you to what I see is going on and to find some way of waking up this country to the evils that all of us may face.

And I know that all of the fantasies from some wacked-out old, Jewish dudes will probably never succeed, in the end. At least, I hope not. But here’s the thing: Just the efforts, alone, in doing all this will screw us up, totally. Is it real? Oh yeah, take a look at all the efforts being done to the churches and all the social changes being inflicted on us across the board. Just look at 9/11 and the NWO, for crying out loud. They are indeed working towards this goal and the more you study this subject, the more evidence you’ll find that’ll back it up. I’d wished it was not so, but alas, such is not the case. We have a real problem brewing as a country, as a race and everyone has to face up to this thing, like now.

By Phillip Marlowe

Start your research into this here: America Under the Talmud

Other Links to read:

The Unacceptable cost of Christian Zionisim

Jews against Zionist Talmudic beliefs on the Gentiles

The Truth about the Talmud

On the Khazars Conversion to Judaism