Have you noticed the news media is still going on and on about the Nigerian Crotch-Bomber, Abdulmulla-whatever-Negro? “We Have a Sys-ta-ma-tic Problem That Needs To Be Fixed, blah, blah, blah” they drone. OK, OK, we heard you already. No one will ever get fired over this (just like 9/11) and certainly not like any White who dares crack the smallest race joke these days.

But does the media care to report on what else Obama is up to? How about Barry Soetoro lifting the ban on HIV-afflicted (AIDS) immigrants coming into the US? It will be mostly Africans and Haitians, as usual. Great, thanks to the Ziopuppet, we’ll now get more disease-ridden, Sub-saharan Wild Goat humpers sneaking into America and hanging out in bars all across the country. Note the qualification “more,” since some are here already. Here’s Curt Maynard telling us straight-up about one disgusting case:

…The US Jews media bent over backwards to make certain American White’s never learned the story about Mubita, you know, because the Jews want us all to believe that telling the truth and relating facts is racist. Mubita knowingly infected as many as eleven or more dumbed down White women that probably threw themselves at him at a local bar in the hopes that they could prove that by screwing the above ugly gorilla, they weren’t racist n shit. Now I guess they can work on proving what great AIDs activists they all are. — From Curt Maynard

I’m asking you, people: Can you believe all this crap, anymore? Thanks, GD White liberals and Jews! Don’t read on, if you can’t handle sick stuff.

Zambian Kenay Mubita seduced women when he knowingly had AIDS. Now he’s going to jail on your dime and that dime will be $30,000 plus yearly just for his AIDS medications! With his other upkeep costs, he’ll be costing good Americans well-over fifty grand a year. Pretty good deal for an African, considering he probably used to live in a corregated sheet metal shack and ate Jungle bush meat. Imagine the pain and suffering of the women who stupidly slept with this ugly African gorilla? Guess what? They deserve it!


This African was already getting free medicine from the US taxpayer and even had a case worker assigned to help him with all the forms, getting money and whatever help he needed. Meanwhile, he was busy putting the moves on as many stupid women as he could, knowing full-well he was HIV-ridden. He didn’t care! Some of these women apparently were White coeds from the University of Idaho.

The Negro then had the nerve to tell the court he didn’t know he had AIDS and the health papers he signed explaining it were forgeries! Like they would bother forging something like that? Typical Negro Behavior (TNB). Doesn’t matter the least bit whether they are from Africa or Detroit. Figure that one out!


Another example of a sickening HIV Negro purposely infecting naïve White girls was New York city Gangsta boy and drug dealer, Nushawn Williams (right); who moved his act out to the suburbs and ruined up to 50 White girl’s lives with addiction and AIDS. One was a mere 13 year-old. Braindead liberal Whites and Jews never care unless it happens to their daughters.

Now here’s the thing: When these African or Haitian types come over here as “visitors” they just stay here as long as they like, quite possibly forever. Think that’s so crazy? They do this all the time. They tell the Airport ICE people whatever BS story they come up with and then just melt into the countryside, simply ignoring any visa or green card time limits. More illegals get in this way than any other. The country is filled with such types.

And, if you still think there is a difference between Obama and Bush, get this: It was Bush who actually put the ball in motion to drop the legal ban on AIDS people coming over here to begin with. Obama merely signed it into law (gladly, I’m sure). Just like all the other Bush crap Obama is continuing, like the “Patriot” act and us dying in Jew Wars. Obama even gave INTERPOL immunity in America for reasons we can only speculate about.

These ”Shabbos Goys,” or bought agents of the Jews, are working for hidden others and those people are certainly not us American citizens! Our presidents are not real presidents, but merely public-relations department heads for the globalists and their designs.

When Obama signs the health insurance business, him and his cohorts will move on to jamming a new immigration bill down our throats (already the Nation Wreckers are gearing up for this), legalizing the 20 million plus illegals already here. With that, he should have enough Mexiscum voters to ensure the re-election of Democrats and himself in 2012. Apparently, that’s the plan, Stan.

Make clear note of the numbers of illegals compared to the numbers of unemployed: Last year 20 million people collected unemployment at some point, which made 2009 the record year of unemployment (carefully unmentioned by the media). Although they keep telling us the jobless number is at 10.2%, the real rate is actually 17 to 20% if figured the same way as in the 1930′s.

And they want to spend billions on new health care insurance; continue Jew Wars like Afghanistan and now Yemen; then legalize all those aliens with the way things are? Unbelievable!

Folks: Basically, we’re in a depression, not a recession. The “stimulus” money did little to stumulate real job growth. The Jews in control of Central Banking may have to print up some more increasingly worthless paper this year, probably sparking Weimar Republic-style hyperinflation. That, or suddenly come out and declare the dollar dead and being replaced with something they’ve already had planned (remember this when it happens). They’ll take out the devaluations of the dollar by giving you 1 for 2, or much less, on whatever you have. Once again stealing you blind to pay for their mistakes. Ever think that might be what’s up their sleeves to begin with?

They get away with anything they want because they own the media. They think you’re just a stupid idiot, so they keep on with whatever bull they please and laugh about it all behind closed doors (voting for Obama just because of his skin color probably cracks them up).

Right along with all the economic problems they don’t seem to care about, Obama and his crew are busy placating the sickos who don’t give a damn about the morals of America. Most Whites don’t have a clue. How about the business with this guy, below:

This is Just Plain SICK!


Obama’s “Safe Schools” Czar Kevin Jennings. I don’t know about you, but this guy looks awful Jewy to me. He may be a major league Crypto. He’s definitely Gay as all hell — more than enough reason to suspect him of Jewness. Sick bastard.

Suffice to say, this is definitely a shocker to see our country’s government now involved in things like the above. Absolutely insane. Unbelievably foul, too — so bad that I can’t bring myself to explain it in real detail. Here, I’ll let you read what they tell the kids:

“Fisting [forcing one's entire hand into another person's rectum or vagina] often gets a bad rap….[It's] an experience of letting somebody into your body that you want to be that close and intimate with…[and] to put you into an exploratory mode.”

Massachusetts Department of Education employees to High School children bussed in to take part in a “FISTING” workshop run by GLSEN, founded by Kevin Jennings.

Kevin Jennings is Obama’s selection for “Safe Schools” Czar for the department of education. Safe Schools, my ass — wait cancel that — leave my ass out of it.

This is state paid for, people. Actually, taxpayer paid for. Explaining to mere children how to get off doing sick crap! This may only be a few states today, but it will certainly be the entire country tomorrow, if Obama and these kind of people get their way. Jennings is also behind a Homo propaganda play attacking Christians being performed now in schools nationally. Read more from the Mass Resistance website.

Why is all this going down? Because, these people are basically Satanic and have always hated decent White America. You can see this Jew mind-set in how they trash the America of the 1950′s in Hollywood movies today and anything to do with Christianity. They’ve been working towards this for a long time now. What don’t you get — yet?

Comrade Obama’s Marxist Jews from hell, yesteryear and today. Cass Sunstein is another. It’s these kind of trouble-making Jews who have been steadily working towards the day good, decent White people are turned into a powerless, spat-upon minority in America — a country we founded!

Obama is obviously running from the Jew/Marxist playbook of the Frankfurt School, Saul Alinsky, Cloward and Piven, Robert Creamer and a whole host of Jews and other lefty bastards. From massive unemployment and subsistance work; to taxpayers being forced to foot the bill for Obama’s Globalist Jew masters and Wall Street scamsters; to destroying our economy and dollar, as they purposefully collapse this country.

OK, I’m not kidding about what’s happening now: America is being trashed and turned into a Commie and Sicko hell as we speak. White people and America are being raped royally! Not only figuratively, but often literally as well.

When will you readers get it? When it’s too late?

No, I’m not talking about those who come here and have already put two and two together. I’m talking to those who have just stopped by my semi-censored “hate” blog, wondering WTF? All this is NOT conspiracy talk, you can find out about these things with just a little research. The mainstream media does not tell you these things since it’s politically incorrect, plus they don’t want you to get alarmed.

Well, you had better get alarmed, alright. And fast. These people are busy stealing America right out from under our feet, along with turning America into a virtual Third World shithole, Marxist and filled with the most insane perverts doing whatever sick crap they want. Someone, hidden somewhere, wants the masses to stay busy enjoying vices and material pleasures — because they don’t want people spending a lot of time figuring out who they are and what they are doing.

Folks: All this business with the economy and morals is quite purposeful. At some point, we have to come to that conclusion. This has all been part and parcel to the NWO schedule for 2010 — bringing White Middle America to our knees and begging for relief. That will put us right where these bastards want us. No doubt about it.

Are you going to just sit there and scratch your head about it all? And then go back to watching the stupidest BULL on TV — like FOX and MSNBC news; Dancing with the Stars or NFL Football?

Buy guns, bullets, extra food and don’t forget to stock up on some thick, heavy-duty rope, too. Trust me: We’re going to need every foot!

— Phillip Marlowe