I’m sitting here right now wondering why all the big whoop-di-do going on in the media about Arizona’s new immigration law. Call me thick-headed or whatever, but I sort of, kind of, thought if you broke a law then you had to accept the legal consequences. Maybe I’ve been a little too law-abiding all my years and need to start breaking a few so I can get liberal and Jew groups to hold demonstrations on my behalf. Wait, I’m White.

Now, before you go off on how I’m a big “racist” this and “supremacist” that, read on to see what this evil White guy has to say on the matter. Maybe, just maybe, I might have another perspective that’s more important than the “feel good” kind they’ve programmed you to have. You’re a big enough boy to handle it, right?

The Jew media is always telling us that it’s only 12 million illegals here, when we know that’s a BIG FAT LIE. They know it too. Immigration Counters.com pegs it at almost 23 million and even the US government accounting office says it’s 20 million plus. I’ve read somewhere that immigration enforcement people think it might be upwards of 38 million, based on how many they catch versus an estimated number who get past them.

From what I’ve personally seen, I’m not the least surprised (I’ve been to 46 states so far). In many places they were all over the place, far outnumbering Whites. I remember this one little Southwestern burg I passed through that seemed just like Juárez. Everyone I encountered was Mestizo and spoke Spanish — all the while giving this here Gringo the evil eye like I was the foreigner.

But it’s not just in the Southwest, either. One time I came across this group of Mestizos (probably illegal) in the mountains near a backwoods Appalachian town. They were awkwardly hacking away at something big and bizarre looking with a rusty old axe. Curious, I stopped my truck and went up to them to see what they were doing.

They had themselves a giant old snapping turtle that must have been three foot long, believe it or not. Now, snapping turtles live forever and this poor thing had to have been over 100 years old. Through broken English, the Mestizos told me they snagged him in a nearby reservoir and were trying to make turtle soup!

This was against Fish and Game laws, but they didn’t give a rat’s ass (I should have called them in, but it would have put some people I knew living nearby in danger). That’s another big thing about these illegals. They don’t care about any stinking laws or the environment whatsoever. They will rape and plunder whatever they can get away with. Liberals don’t have the least understanding of the environmental problems posed by these people.

Immigration Gumballs. If you have not watched this video, stop and do so immediately.

Just think about all the new highways, schools, shoddy strip malls, cantenas, buildings, etc. etc. that will have to go up in the years to come to cater to a burgeoning population. Right now, we’re at about 306 million citizens, that we know of. In 20 years or so, it will be over 400 million, at least. They say at the rate we’re going, in 2050 America will be doubled, population-wise. That’s 600 million people. Everywhere you go, imagine everything doubled. Things are bad enough across this land, but with all this the environment will be toast.

I’m a big environment kind of guy. I know you might not believe that, but I am. Sure, I’m not the usual tree hugger, yogurt-eating type, but I know a hellava lot more and can name species and facts. I love fishing, hunting and backwoods camping; not the wussy campground crap with toilets and parking spaces, but as far as possible from the nearest road, often miles from a regular hiking trail. I once got caught in an early winter snow storm deep in the mountains and had to find my own way out through snow drifts and icy, raging streams. Talk about one miserable SOB when I got back to my truck!

Now, I’m not telling you all this because I think I’m a tough guy. Actually, I’m not. Like most things in life, it’s all relative. If I lived in a place like Alaska, more than likely I’d be dead by now. So I’m definitely smart enough to understand that I could not last all that long in the wilderness all by myself. I suppose it’s possible, but you sure as hell had better know some serious woodcraft to last very long.

Getting back to illegals: Us White people in this country are SAPS. The illegals know this. The multinational corporations know this. The political parties know this. The Jews know this. We are allowing all these forces to take advantage of us for their own selfish and racial reasons. No if’s and’s or but’s. They don’t give a flying you-know-what about you think or say. Never really have.

The bleeding heart liberals only seem to care about looking so sensitive and concerned about everyone but their own race. For some stupid reason they think we have to take in the entire world and everything will forever be blue skies and fluffy clouds in Unicorn Land. Sure, they might dimly understand that it’s clearly impossible, but far be it for them to openly admit it. Hell, they probably don’t even let themselves think such evil thoughts!

We simply cannot cure the world of it’s ills by letting in everyone. Can’t be done — the math rules against it (see video above). All liberals who think illegals deserve a break and tell us that we’re being selfish, racist, etc., etc. are just plain stupid. Gibbering idiots, really. They have ZERO idea what the real world is like.

Another thing is that we are actually doing these people a huge disfavor. Let me explain: Let’s say people want to come to America because their third world country is a giant shit-hole. No one can blame them for wanting to escape, right? That’s where these liberals get all cry-baby dumb and emotional. But what if the option of escaping to America was not available — perhaps that situation would give them the motivation to band together and make enough positive changes to their own country so it’s not such a shit hole any longer. In other words, get on the stick like White people do.

Why do us Whites always have to be the Mr. Nice Guy? Ever ask yourself that? Upwards of 300,000 illegals a year come here to have babies because the law says our hospitals have to put them up and deliver the child. Two thirds of all births in Los Angeles are illegals. Having an “anchor” baby allows them to stay in the US because lefty judges have ruled we have to be the “good guys’ and not break up the family, etc. This is happening all across America. You pay for it, friend.

Anchor babies should never have been an issue. The courts ruled back in 1898 that only people here legally can have a child considered as a citizen upon birth. Calling them “citizens” is only due to activist judges extending it to illegals by saying the 14th amendment gives them this right, when it was only meant for freed slaves in the south. Even so, the 14th amendment was not even ratified in the first place. Congressmen Duncan Hunter is out to end this whole anchor baby business and we should give him complete support.

Congressman Luis  Gutierrez (D-IL) out promoting “family unity,” as in “anchor babies.” He knows that weak-willed Whites in America will fall for this emotional angle. But if you think about it honestly, it’s all “racist” to begin with because they are really promoting their own race in the end. When will you take into consideration your own race?

Whether you know it or not, you are paying for all these illegals. California is now close to bankruptcy because of it. They now figure it’s over 13 billion is doled out by the state for these parasites — almost half of the projected fiscal deficits for next year. 40% of Los Angeles residents are illegals working for cash and pay no taxes. Most of the criminal warrants and 35% of prison inmates in California are illegals.

Before you start going off about making them pay their fair share of taxes, please keep this in mind: Once you give this last batch of lawbreakers citizenship and expect them to anty-up, even more illegals will make their way here. This endless cycle has been going on since the 1960′s.

They also wire tons of money out of this country, instead of spending it here. This a major net drain on our economy as well (Mexico practically lives on it).

Crime is sky-rocketing due to these people. Robbing, drug-dealing, killing and kidnapping are a way of life south of the border and the criminal Mestizo gangs already here. They worship something called Saint Death (Santa Muerta), and think a black Madonna/skull statue gives them supernatural powers to kill enemies. These kind of people would have no problem chopping off your White Anglo head.

You think any of this won’t happen to you? Total stupidity. It could happen anywhere in America. Your daughter and friend could be coming home from shopping and some illegal dishwasher, drunk on beer, could plow into them at a stoplight. This happened to an acquaintance of mine. Ever see people killed in a car crash? It’s not pretty. Something like 12 Americans die everyday this way due to illegals. That’s more than our soldiers fighting Jew wars overseas!

Face the brutal realities of the world, instead of your ”race equality” fantasies. Step back and see that not a one of these people have your interests in mind, consider you the interloper and seek to use your pathetic emotions to get their way. If they could, they’d have you deported to Europe in a Jew York minute.

The media tells you all the time ”we can’t deport all these people — it’s far too many!” They take it for granted that you won’t question the matter. There is absolutely no reason at all why a majority can’t be caught and deported. They did it in 1954, during Operation Wetback (true name). Put every illegal found on a bus and drive them to El Paso or San Diego and march them straight across the border. It’s not like we’re shipping them to a concentration camp.

We can and must deport them before America goes straight into the gutter.

We need to bring the troops home from all the Jew wars and station them on the border. Other troops should be used in conjunction with police, SWAT teams and ICE to hold massive sweeps of cities, businesses and neighborhoods to hunt them down. We need to round-up all illegals — including mothers, fathers, “anchor babies” and Chihuahuas –secure them from escape and immediately deport them. For those not illegal, but who unfortunately mated with one, can be given the opportunity to leave right alongside with Jose (like that’ll be the day).

No more sob stories, so quit your crying liberals. And we got your number too, Jews. We know all about your efforts in turning America into a crap country, something you arrogantly call a “Universal Country,” just so you can feel more comfortable when us Whites are finally in the minority. It won’t work — Whites are rapidly becoming sick and tired of your incessant meddling and will soon enough put a stop to you bastards.

Sayanora, parasite SCUM!

– Phillip Marlowe

The Real Immigration Deal

Read this sign from a recent rally for illegal immigrants.