
by Ralph Iver

Contact the Embassy of the Czech Republic in Washington DC:
Embassy: The Czech Republic
3900 Spring of Freedom Street, NW, Washington DC 20008
Telephone: (202) 274-9100
Fax: (202) 966-8540
E-mail: washington@embassy.mzv.cz

Listen up, Folks. Dr. David Duke has been arrested and detained by the Czech Republic police and is falsely accused of the crime of Holocaust denial. Jan Mikulovsky, spokesman for the police states this carries up to a three year sentence. He is falsely accused of promoting “movements seeking suppression of human rights.” David Duke does not suppress human rights, he fights for them. We the people of the world must join together to demand an end to the spread of draconian Orwellian thoughtcrime laws throughout Western nations. We must demand this man’s freedom.

David Duke is a prisoner of conscience. This term, coined by Amnesty International, indicates someone who is “imprisoned because of their race, religion, color, language, sexual orientation, belief, or lifestyle so long as they have not used or advocated violence. It also refers to those who have been imprisoned and/or persecuted for the non-violent expression of their conscientiously-held beliefs.”

David Duke is being held on account of his race, his support for his own race, and for the non-violent expression of his conscientiously-held beliefs. He has never advocated violence –- you will not find any of the sort in his books, in any of his writings, on any of his Internet radio shows. You will find no such advocating of violence anywhere by Dr. David Duke. If you have been following along for the past eight years of the existence of this website, you will have heard and read on a constant basis that Dr. Duke opposes the use of violence or force. Instead, he fully supports upholding the basic human right of free thought and free speech. Shared ideas move humanity forward; shared truths help keep us from falling backward; shared opinions is the spice promoting tolerance.


David Duke is not the only one victimized by the Global Zionist Holyhoaxers. When will America be next? [INCOG]

Dr. Duke promotes tolerance–towards people around the world who are White. Throughout the entirety of Western nations, White people have been intimidated into silence at our own expense; our tolerance towards others is demanded by them, but it is almost never returned in kind. Western minds have been poisoned by a design of control by governments, the media, education, film, and even artistic forms. We are disallowed everywhere the right to think thoughts that are considered “unpopular,” much less openly express those opinions. The ultimate act of tolerance is the bravery to weather opinions we don’t like. The ultimate intolerance is the establishment of laws against opinions, thoughts, and speech. In other words, throughout the West, we are subjected to laws against our disagreeing with the people who put them there.

Laws against free thought can, have, and do result in genocide. The least of our worries is legal involvement and imprisonment. One only has to recall the history of communist countries to see how over a hundred million citizens can be murdered by their own governments for what they believe. This is what David Duke stands against; this is what he has spent his life defending against. One of the most basic human rights is the right to what we do with our own minds and voices, and every law created against either poses an eventual threat to the lives of millions of people.

Of all people who should understand this, are those people David Duke has defended, the Slavic people, citizens of the Czech Republic. The loss of millions of Slavs by genocide has been forgotten, deliberately erased and dropped down the fiery memory hole, by an increasingly controlled Western society. Today, it’s David Duke. Tomorrow, it is all the rest of us.

In America, John Adams created the Alien and Sedition Acts.

Lincoln suspended habeas corpus during the War Between the States.

Roosevelt placed Japanese-Americans into concentration camps.

Johnson and Nixon used the military and FBI to spy on war protesters and labeled many “subversives”.

Today, like most of Europe, we stand facing another thoughtcrime law that will apprehend American citizens the same way David Duke was arrested today–even on false accusation, let alone an actual voiced opinion.

Such laws create criminals out of innocent people. Such laws even result in their deaths. Such laws eventually result in genocide. The curtailment of basic human rights is never justified.

The police in the Czech Republic are wrong about David Duke–he is a brave defender of human rights, never one to suppress it. We at www.DavidDuke.com implore the good sense of the government of the Czech Republic to free this man, a prisoner of conscience.

Free thought and the voicing of those thoughts is a basic human right that everyone in the world is born with. Laws against them are a design of mass intimidation that, in its worst form, can kill.

Free David Duke, demand an end to the false accusations against him, and preserve Free Speech. Call the embassy of the Czech Republic.


In a country that has a museum of victims to Communism and the bloody 1968 crack-down, you might expect appreciation of free speech. What’s that tell you? Friggin’ JEWS! [INCOG]


Czech Jews gave a warm, Israel-First style welcome to the ZIONIST PUPPET Barry Soetoro. [INCOG]


Michelle Obama, looking so Jackie-O (NOT!), meeting Czech Jews. Note Soetoro’s Zionist handler, Rahm Emanuel, hovering in the background. [INCOG]


The Czech president warmly welcomed by the Israeli Zionist terrorist, Shimon Peres. [INCOG]


Yes, I am now free, at least temporarily

The outrage by so many Czech citizens and even many in the media after my arrest led the government to release me from my cell in the wee hours of the morning, After about 3 hours sleep I now write these words to you.

The charges, of course, from the beginning are specious. I was invited to the Czech Rep. originally to speak at one of the oldest and most famous universities in Europe, Charles University in Prague. It is also famous for being founded by heroic Czechs like Jan Hus who stood up and told the truth and believed that truth and its pursuit is the most important thing a man can do in his life, even if costs him his life and freedom. This is the man who is the national hero of the Czech people.

As those who read my material know, I do not seek the suppression of any people, race or religion, but simply believe that Europeans have the human right to preserve our homelands and that our governments should be in the service of our own people and not the International Zionist Global matrix of financial and political power. I am not a man who denies that atrocities took place against Jews in the Second World War, but I argue forcefully that freedom of speech on this or any other is issue is a basic human right of all people.

My lectures in the Czech republic were not on the subject of the Holocaust at all, in fact why all the constant attention on this subject by the media, when one considers the fact that Bolshevism killed, tortured and harmed tens of millions of more people. I never speak about the Holocaust in Europe other than to say that it is a human rights outrage that people are imprisoned for simply having a differing opinion about an historical event.

I was going to lecture about the Israeli influence over American and European foreign policy and the International Zionist Banking firms that are leading America and the world to financial oblivion, globalist hegemony and unending war.

Now they seek a terrible, catastrophic war with Iran.

That is why extremist Jewish organizations worked to keep my message and ideas from the Czech people and the world.

I am doing tremendous numbers of interviews because of this false imprisonment, so we are reaching literally millions of people here in the Czech Rep. and around the world that I would not have reached otherwise.

I was lucky to have excellent legal representation, but although I am free we must be prepared for any legal challenge against my freedom and the right of Europeans to hear the legitimate ideas that I offer. I certainly am not guilty of any violation of Czech law either in its letter or spirit.

To that end, we need to raise considerable funds for legal defense and hope that all supporters will take a moment to contribute to that necessity as well as the vital work I endeavor to continue for our people.

Please go to David Duke.com and give me the support I need to stay free and to continue to support your cause and mine.

– David Duke