The two of them would certainly have been a lot better off without all the binge drinking. After a big fight in a Miami nightclub last week with her White boyfriend, blond Playboy Bunny Paula Sladewski (above), was escorted out of the club by two bouncers at 7:21 in the morning, evidently drunk out of her mind. The boyfriend, Kevin Klym, had already been tossed out at 7 (places like this are open to 2pm) and angrily took a cab back to the hotel.

Her brutalized body was later found ablaze and burned to a crisp inside a trash can, around 9 that night (they had to ID her with dental records). The boyfriend was considered a “person of interest” right off the bat, but police eventually cleared him after his alibi checked out (the mainstream media was chomping at the bit to cover the case because of him). Now it’s come out that witnesses from the club told police that a black man apparently followed her as she left. The media dropped the story like a hot potato. It was so obvious it wasn’t funny.

Speculation here: Some Negro (or Negroes) saw an easy opportunity with a good-looking White girl, since she was so drunk, and offered her a lift to wherever she might want to go. At first, he probably acted all nice and helpful to the woman and, because of the non-stop diversity brainwashing we have today, the girl stupidly fell for it. When she finally realized something wasn’t quite right, it was already too late. He pulled a pistol or knife and made it clear he would kill her if she didn’t go along. Once under his control, she was now good as dead, even if she did whatever sick crap he wanted.

God knows what this animal did to her. He probably beat and raped her multiple times in the back of his car, or back at his Negro crack pad. After he tired of her crying and pleading, or when she finally passed out, he choked the life out of her or simply slit her throat in the bathtub. Bundling her up in the nearest blanket or area rug he could find, he threw her into dumpster in the back of a nearby strip mall and doused her with gasoline before tossing in a lit match.

Now she’s blackened worm food and will never open those beautiful eyes again. Whites, just don’t realize how bad it is from this feral and crime-prone population, and will continue to be violently victimized by this worthless race.

One sure-fire way of knowing a Negro was the perp in this crime, is the attempt to burn the victim and/or crime scene; Negroes stupidly think this will outfox the lawman. TV shows like A&E’s 48 Hours, often have such cases. In fact, 9 out of 10 cases on this show are Negroes committing murders — mostly on each other, thankfully.

Note that the perp has yet to be nabbed or even named here. From the details of the case, it’s easy to see that, in all likelihood, it’s another Negro. And, since most Negroes are also pretty damn ugly, chances are that I’ll be exactly right on that score, too. You wait and see.

It doesn’t take a rocket scientist or a seer to know what’s going on in America today.

Now, I know that I may sound like a broken record here, but imagine a second if the races were reversed in this case? They would be covering it in the media like no tomorrow. As it is now, it’s a mystery until they name a Negro suspect and then it will disappear from the radar (it’s basically gone now). The drunken boyfriend leaving her behind will be castigated by the mainstream media worse than the killer, since he’s a White male and fair game.

— Phillip Marlowe

[First draft written 1/11, published on 1/12 @ 16:33. Added details will follow below when they bring this Negro or Negroes to justice]

Here’s a Negro policeman, committing sex crimes while on duty. When will you get it about these “people?”