You might think these two turkeys are thinking “WTF?” right now, because of that giant fake rat (how appropriate) standing next to them, wearing some ridiculous-looking outfit. But the fact is, these birds are really just too stupid and docile to know what the hell is going on. Do you?

Hey, you real Turkeys: I’m planning on eating one of your recently departed brethren later today. Know why? Because I can. My meat-eating jaw bones are going to be working overtime very soon — just imagine how horrible it all will be (oh, wait, turkeys have a brain the size of a pea and can’t imagine jack). OK, how about you Vegans out there do the imagining instead? Hell, I doubt any of you liberal-type Vegans even come here to my blog in the first place. Too mind-blowing for pea brains.

Founding Father Benjamin Franklin suggested using the Turkey as the national bird. You know something? That’s not a bad idea to reconsider, nowadays. Yep, this country is filled to the brim with big fat turkeys who can’t seem to take their heads out of the sand and figure out what’s up. Yeah, I know that’s what ostriches supposedly do and not you turkeys. But you get the gist. Read on, fellow Turkeys!

Someone once told me that farm turkeys risk death during rainstorms because they look up wondering where all the water droplets come from and soon drown. That’s just the stupid farm turkeys, mind you. The wild and free versions of them are pretty damn smart when it comes to survival (at least whenever I went out hunting them).

But think about it all here for a minute. What happens to a species that allows themselves to be herded and corralled by farmers who have something in mind that doesn’t bode too well for them in the end? These dumbed-down birds have no idea of what’s in store, since they’ve been bred only to be fat, stupid and easily cowed for generations. Ever think of that, anyone? Anyone?

Look, I’m not going to sit here and tell you I have all the answers, or that I’m such a nice guy. I’m not. I do know that things are totally f–ked up and getting worse and worse in America and it’s not some kind of accident or “just the way things are.” What I do know about comes into play and I’m telling you that the handwriting is on the wall for all to see.

People often say to me: “Oh, you think the Jews are behind everything!” Uh, the Jews are indeed behind a whole lot of things, both now and in history going back centuries, numb-nuts. You just don’t know because you don’t want to know. You can’t even point to where half the countries are on a map, barely even know who won “The War of Northern Aggression” (the Civil war) and think everything they tell you on TV has to be true and have your interests in mind. OK, so I may not always say everything I think to their faces, but I should.

Here’s the scariest words in America today: “Maybe Hitler was right, after-all!”

White people had better get on the stick. They are not going to allow these kinds of views on the mainstream media because those who own the media want to keep us dumb and caged-up. Those of us who have figured out the deal are only to be ignored and vilified. Just like they will never allow us to openly have any politician who has White people’s best interests in mind. It’s as simple as that.

This is why they can continually get away with trashing America and the White race. Angry, organized and racially-together Whites represent a real potential threat for these farmers. We far outnumber the old, greedy bastards, so they must keep us divided and distracted by using the Politically Correct blinders they’ve slowly nurtured in America for decades now (it’s like a fence in your mind).

If you just think about it for a little bit, you’ll see the pieces in the puzzle fall right into place. That’s all I ask for you readers here: Just think about it.

The farmers behind all this are really a group of insidious Globalist Jews, using lefty socialistic politics, Zionism, race-mixing for Whites and various other divisions in our free societies to slowly, but surely choke the White race into a powerless, spat-upon minority in our own countries. Whites have a major Achille’s heel that these people have been silently taking advantage of and that weakness is our far too good nature and sense of fairness.

You can also see new efforts coming down the pike to eliminate the last vestiges of free speech in America under the guise of “hate crime,” or what it really is: Thought control. Already Europe, Canada and Australia have forms of censorship that try to silence Whites who dare fight back against immigration, who voice any doubts about the “holocaust,” or even all the evils that the Zionists do to the Palestinians in Israel. They want this bad in the US. When they succeed in totally shutting down true speech, how will our race fare in the future?

What will it then take to communicate among ourselves and ensure decent lives for our children?

Yet, among us now, we have those who want to blow it all off, like it’s nothing but a joke. These are people who insist you hold Politically Correct views, forcing down our throats their own social fantasies of diversity. Some even have a real deep-seated, vested racial stake in keeping White people confused, divided and cowed (the Jews).

Even if you don’t believe all this, you can definitely see the actions of all these people enriching themselves at our expense. From total Ponzi scheme operators to the ”legal” and international banker class, who now get money at zero percent interest from the treasury and loan it out to you at exorbitant interest rates (if you can get it). It’s pure profit and they get away clean as a rat. Every penny of your income tax goes towards a government debt owed to secret Global parasites — to which each and every one of us taxpayers now owes over a hundred and eleven thousand dollars, at the very least.

Think about all the money they’ve taken out of your hide up till now. Think about all the hard work and labor ever since you can remember, while they’ve been sitting around, laughing and toasting themselves in opulent splendor as they concoct global shennanigans that may even cost you the life of a son or daughter. The deal is that you are a paying sap and they want to keep you that way.

Massive hyperinflation, the collapse of the dollar, unemployment and sheer poverty now looms over us all because of a government totally out of touch with reality and the behind the scenes dealings of a private entity called the Federal Reserve, owned by hidden, unelected and unaudited parasites. Who really knows exactly where they are taking this country?

These people are purposefully bringing America to it’s knees. No doubt about it. Time for us to face reality people, instead of what they tell you on TV. It’s also time for you to start speaking out while preparing. We need to educate and infuriate everyone around us. We only have so much time.

– Phillip Marlowe

PS: To all my loyal readers, please have a Happy Thanksgiving and thanks for visiting my blog. Try not to start any big fights at the dinner table today. I know sometimes it’s hard.

You Jews can just shut your big foul traps for one lousy day and go eat Chinese.

Are White People Stupid or What?