FRANCE’S PRIME MINISTER has got to be one of the biggest SOB-ing Jew rats out there (note the “one of”). The only way Whites in the US might even remotely hear anything on this guy is because of the Internet, since our Jew-controlled media will not dare breath a word that might possibly awaken a few Whites to what Jew rat finks like Sarkozy are up to.    

Remember this when reading about this guy: This is a Prime Minister of a major European country, and not some minor flunky Jew in Israel. If you’re White, I can assure you the more you learn about this Jew character and the rest of his cohorts, the angrier you’ll get. 

And make no mistake, this guy is indeed totally Jewish. Jewry (including embedded Jews at Kikepedia) have tried to play the crypto game (secret Jews) on us Goyim by saying he’s a Roman Catholic, but don’t you believe it. His mother was from a rich crypto-Jew family in Greece, making him 100% Jew.

Read on and watch a short video from David Duke on Sarkozy. 

In addition, the French newspaper, Le Figuro, revealed documents showing Sarkozy may have been a Mossad asset back in the ’80′s called a ”Sayan,” meaning a fifth-columnist for Jewry. Hell, he probably still is one when you take into account all the slobbering support he does for Israel today. This guy is no Frenchmen, but an out-and-out Internationalist Jew, just like all the traitor Jew rats we now have here in America.

Just this past spring, at the G20 Summit in London, Sarkozy had the nerve to blame all the world’s economic problems on the “Anglo-Saxon” model of capitalism. Can you believe that crap? With all the Jews neck-deep in global financial shenanigans since time immemorial, this sorry SOB comes out and publicly says that White people are the ones at fault. Talk about total Jew chutzpah! 

Just imagine that: This Jew dares to blame ”Anglo-Saxons” for the economic mess. He knows all about the real money Jews involved, believe you me. The few Goyim involved are little more than their owned “shabbos goys” or greedy parrot fish — darting in to take a bite from the Jew criminal feeding frenzies. 

Some recent examples from what we know: Jews Alan Greenspan, Robert Rubin and Larry Summers (Samuelson) led the efforts to repeal the Glass-Steagall act, enabling the OTC derivatives market. This allowed Hank Greenberg of AIG to create the financial weapons of destruction that greedy Jews like Goldman Sachs joined in on. When the housing bubble (helped by Jew Barney Frank) burst, the FED’s Ben Bernanke and Goldman Sachs* insider man and crypto-Jew, Tim Geithner, funneled tens of billions of taxpayer dollars to bail both of them out (at a thieving 100% original “value” of the OTC’s). These Jews have done everything they can to keep the American public clueless about it. Most still are. 

What about the Jew’s involvement in creating the Central banks that enslave our countries? Just what race of people do you think the Rothschilds, Warburgs, Rockefellers, Kuhn-Loeb, Lazard brothers and all the rest of the Zionist Crime Network are? All “Anglo-Saxons,” Jew? 

This Jew control of money has allowed them to control our governments and media. They’ve been gradually whittling away at our racial solidarity ever since. One only needs to read what they themselves say, and look at the big picture going on today. Once you understand the enormity of their long-hidden, deceitful war against us, no longer will you be confused as to who the real perps are behind today’s world troubles and why. 

And I guess Sarkozy also missed the entire Bernie Madoff affair and how he laundered billions in scammed money through Israeli banks via his still free-as-a-bird Jew partner, Ezra Merkin? Maybe Sarkozy didn’t even read about the French financier, Rene-Thierry Magon de la Villehuchet, who killed himself in New York shortly after finding out about losing over a billion of his client’s money thanks to Madoff’s model of capitalism? 

Midget rat gets an award from other rats at the "American" Jewish Committee.

Sarkozy threatened (or pretended) to walk out of last year’s G20 Summit, unless a global financial regulatory agency was formed, which is basically what all the filthy Internationalist NWO Jews really want, in the end. See how these bastards turn around any mess they’ve created from the start to favor themselves even more so at some point down the road?

This is the standard operating procedure for these NWO rats. If you haven’t figured that one out by now, you’re just the putz they think you are.   

And think a minute here: What if Sarkozy was a White big shot who said blacks were responsible for something? It would be non-stop in the media. This is how these Jew hypocrites get away with pure murder anymore — because the media keeps you in the dark about real Jewish behavior. But Jews everywhere could care less when it comes to attacking White people, simply because they know that most Whites will keep it zipped out of fear of them calling us “anti-Semites.”

Hell, smiling American Jew rats see no problems even giving Sarkozy public awards all the time (above right)!   

Midwest Free Press does a good job describing the situation:    

Blaming White people is nothing new to Jews like Sarkozy. After-all, according to both the media and academia in the United States, White people are primarily to blame for the individual failings of all non-whites, despite how much good we’ve done for the world. Who cares about silly contributions to human advancement like modern chemistry or aeronautical science. Those things are pale in comparison to the fact that we shuffle minorities into prisons for crimes we cause them to commit. But in all seriousness, the act of Sarkozy blaming “Anglo-Saxons” for the downfall of the world’s economies might be the most hypocritical statement I’ve ever heard. The mere fact that Sarkozy went out of his way to say such a statement shows that he is well aware of the situation and is deliberately trying to sway public opinion, much like the Jews in the media do every day.  They have successfully used this guilt tactic against us for generations.  Just look at the outrageous gains they have made by associating all forms of White cultural pride with genocidal mass murder.  They have truly proven that if you repeat a lie often enough the masses will eventually accept it as fact, even if it is the most erroneous of claims. READ MORE HERE    

This is a unretouched shot of the sneering Jew rat. Demonic!

Jews are rats, pure and simple! How much does White America do (need I remind you?), so that precious Jew country of theirs, Israel, survives? You might think these bastards would do everything they could to stay on our good side. But they don’t give a rat’s ass what anyone thinks — after-all, they are the “Chosen Ones,” remember?

And it’s not only just this. No way. The guy comes out telling the French people that Whites must interbreed with the other races. Unbelievable! But true. In a speech in December, 2008 he tells young students at the Ecole Polytechnique that the French must “crossbreed,” or intermarry themselves with other cultures in France, which only means White French mating with non-Whites after all the Muslim and African immigration over the years (all due to Jew and globalist social meddling).  

Pretty GD hypocritical since both his first and second wives were Jews and his son just married a Jewess! 

Of course, with these hypocrite Jews, none of the interbreeding business ever does go for them. Just like in Israel. Sarkozy fully supports Israel as nothing but a Jewish State. Whites in France can just suck on a big one far as he’s concerned. This is why our countries are being stolen right from under our feet as these Jews continue to get away with pushing these things; simply because if you dare say something about it, they scream bloody murder about you being the hater! 

Jews would love to see the entire White race turn into a dumbed-down, mulatto mud. If you think about it, you’ll see this being pushed constantly in the media. It truly is a form of racial genocide. 

Sarkozy even told the French that Whites must accept being passed over for jobs and promotions in favor of non-Whites. He hires this Algerian guy, Yazid Sabeg, with express orders to create discriminatory practices to screw Whites over. Imagine that: Coming right out and openly telling Whites they had better put up with it all, just so the other races get special treatment. Hell, the subversive Jews have done this exact same thing to American Whites with Affirmative Action, when you think about it.   

Sarkozy once wanted to make each French school kid adopt a “ghost” from the holocaust, as part of the Jew holocaust brainwashing efforts. People criticized the program as too ghoulish for children and they would lack the maturity, so they dropped it. But Sarkozy’s idea was a prime example of the Jew’s sheer death cult obsession with the holocaust. The guy is clearly a Jew Extremist. 

These Jews are liars, hypocrites and con-artists. They are doing everything they can to keep unaware Whites in the dark and to think Jews are merely fellow Whites with a different religion, when nothing could be further from the truth. They are a secret, poisonous race, everywhere they target our race for marginalization and eventual destruction. No question about it. 

It doesn’t matter one whit where these Jews live: Paris, New York, Chicago, Washington DC — they are all in it together. As long as we keep allowing these subversive SOB-ing rats to get away with what they do, the more they’ll destroy our race. And we’ll never, ever see one iota of what they do in the Jew-controlled media. No way. If we don’t somehow put a stop to these bastards our children and our grandchildren will suffer for it. Hell, all of us are suffering from what they are now doing to our countries. 

– Phillip Marlowe

* Goldman Sachs was Obama’s top financial contributor for his election. It’s all a giant Jew Job on America!


Nicolas Sarkozy and the genocide of European Mankind. This video exposes the hypocrisy of Jewish extremists like Sarkozy who support the Supremacist State of Israel based on the preservation of the Jewish people while at the same time he tries to destroy the European French people!    

Europe and the world must learn what is behind the destruction of our heritage and our freedom.    

It is no accident!