The Jewish Propaganda Machine is now in full spew mode over the commando assault on the Gaza Freedom flotilla ship M.V. Mavi Marmara, in which the Israelis killed at least 10, but possibly up to 19 humanitarian activists (the final number is not yet clear for some reason). Turkey is now threatening to cut-off diplomatic ties and send another ship (good for them!) since many of the dead were turkish citizens.

The Jews are now making a big deal about these people attacking them with pipes, rocks and slingshots. But think about it here: They were simply defending themselves from a blatant attack by the Israelis in the first place! The Jews are so arrogant that they actually have the cojeñes to say if you defend yourself against them, then you’re the criminal!

This is what they’ve been doing across the planet for decades, now. They somehow think that if anyone fights back, or even dares to say the least thing, then it’s us who are the evil ones. This is because they think they are innocent little lambs, always persecuted unjustly, or as God’s “Chosen Ones,” they know what’s best for you, so you had better go along with the Jew deal or else!

They are now playing IDF military night camera videos of the attack on US mainstream media, overlaid with Israeli PR graphics pointing out the activists fighting the commando assault – like that proves JACK! In the Jew’s pointy little head, fighting back makes it acceptable for them to have whipped out lethal machine guns and shoot them down. They could just as easily left the vessel (Israeli military inflatables were all over the place), or better yet, not even bothered with the attack in the first place. But the Jews can’t allow anyone doing something they don’t want, of course.

Video grab shows armed commandos aboard Israeli helicopter as they prepare to disembark on the Gaza Flotilla ship. The cowardly Jews so love to attack relatively defenseless targets, like activists and Palestinians. Also, this is exactly like what the sailors on-board the USS Liberty reported seeing back in 1967, right before the Israelis called off the attack (undoubtedly, they intercepted US communications telling them the Americans knew who they were). In the case of the Liberty attack, the Israelis would have had orders to kill every American aboard before setting scuttling charges to sink the ship to cover up their crime. These people are no allies of us!


And all this was in international waters, too. The Israelis have ZERO legal excuse. I have yet to see that simple fact mentioned yet in US mainstream media (they had to report on the story — way too many dead for them to bury it, like they usually do). Plus, it was a Turkish-flagged vessel — not some “terrorist” owned ship. The Jews now think they’re the regional superpower who can do whatever.

In a way, this is history repeating itself – next week marks the 43rd anniversary of the Israeli attack on the USS Liberty, which was sailing in international water near Gaza, too. Back then, the Israeli Jews killed 34 Americans and we did SQUAT. Hell, ”our” Washington leadership actively worked to cover the travesty up — most Americans never had a clue and even to this day don’t know that Jewish Israel blatantly attacked America on the high seas.

These Israeli Jews are always doing evil things like this. They kill and torture the Palestinians all the time, women and children too. Basically, they’ve been slowly strangling the Palestinian people and stealing property so the Jews have the entire land to themselves. Eventually, the Jews will rewrite history so that the Palestinians never existed (they already claim that the land was mostly empty or inhabitated by desert Bedoins).

Military actions against these weaker people thrills these yellow-bellied cowards to the core. Then they have the nerve to cry out that they are “only” defending themselves in a part of the world where everyone is against them. Our media tells us that Israel is the only democratic country concerned with “human rights” in the region. What a sorry laugh.

To these arrogant Jews, anyone merely telling the truth about their behavior is tantamount to being another Hitler or terrorist.

How do the Israelis get away with all this? Because of all their millions of embedded psycho agents across the globe and in our government and media, that’s why. Ask yourself this: How can an ostensibly “American” Jew get up on the podium and defend the criminal actions of a foreign nation like Israel? No one seems to take notice just how traitorous these people truly are.

The Jew just has to have enemies in the world — everywhere. They are a small, bitter little race, who take immense pleasure at getting payback on the world they think hates them because they are better than everyone else. In their way of thinking, killing a non-Jew, however innocent, is no biggie since the person was a Goyim (cattle) to begin with. That’s why the Jews secretly love the idea of turning our country into a Commie Police state so they can kill us at will.

The Jew’s sense of “God-given” superiority over the world has now run amok. They seem to think they have America in their pocket. Unfortunately they have a point, because they pretty much own the media and the Israel Lobby controls so much of Capital Hill. They now feel they can get away with pretty much anything. And, because of the holocaust and the Politically Correct mindset fostered by them, far too many Americans give them a pass, no matter what.

These arrogant people often brag to one another about it all (but you never hear anything unless you read it on the Internet). Get this quote from one of these smirking bastards and think:

“Together, these advocates create a pro-Israeli case so compelling that the idea and reality of Israel has worked itself deep into American culture, politics and foreign policy. Many American Jews refuse to accept it, but the real debate between Israel’s supporters and detractors in America is all but over.”

— Aaron David Miller on “Jews and Power” Jewish Daily Forward May 2008. This arrogant Jew is often trotted out by our owned mainstream media (FOX and ABC) to give Mideast “commentary” to the foolish Goyim who don’t know he’s really just another traitorous and completely biased, Zionist Jew.

America is on the wrong side here! Israel is THE TERRORIST nation, pure and simple. For America to “ally” ourselves with these bastards is an affront to every clear-thinking, freedom-loving and moral American. They are using this nation for their own racial/religious purposes!

Hell, we give them at least 30 million dollars a day of your taxpayer dollars. Maybe that might get you.

It’s because of these arrogant hypocrites in power in all sorts of places that America is now going to the dogs. Not because of some wierd nonsense disinfo that Jewry puts out there to confuse you. Get that one straight and everything today will be instantly understandable.

– Phillip Marlowe

NOTE: Someone intelligently commented below that the media is specifically calling the humanitarian activists on board the flotilla as “pro-Palestinians,” or “pro-Hamas.” This is purposeful Orwellian Zio Spin language to allude to them being “terrorists.” Typical, so typical.