Is this how the rest of the world views America, anymore? Sadly yes, and for dam good reasons. You would feel the exact same way, if you were on the other end of the stick — I’m telling you.

The Ashkhanazim Jews of eastern Europe have an old Talmudic fairy tale about their Rabbis creating giants out of dust, called the Golem, who go out to destroy the Jew’s enemies wherever and whomever they are. Sometimes, in these Jew tall tales, they are simply big, dumb servants to the Rabbis who created them. Having a Golem was considered the ultimate sign of wisdom and holiness in the legend of that Rabbi. A kind of mythical status symbol.

Of course, such fantastical creatures¹ don’t really exist. Or do they? For it seems that they have truly created a Golem out of the brainwashed and seemingly malleable American people. The Zionists have literally taken the best country on earth, callously using our own sentiments of fairness and equality, and have twisted them all around for their own ends. It can’t be denied any longer. These Zionist Jews must get a spiteful laugh over what they’ve done to us Goyim (another Yiddish term for us meaning “cattle”).

There’s a saying that one man’s Terrorist, is another man’s Freedom Fighter. And it’s so true. As a child and most of my adult life, I naïvely believed America was for truth and justice, all the stuff that Superman said. How foolish was I. When I saw Palestinians, like Black September, committing various acts of Terrorism, I thought that those people were evil and misguided. It turns out that it was I who was sadly misguided about the real facts!

Make no mistake: I’m no fan of Islam, whatsoever. I have no special place in my heart for Muslims. That being said, I completely reject the propaganda that has been foisted on this country about them turning the entire World into a Muslim Caliphate and all that jazz. It’s non-sense and transparent propaganda to get us to hate the enemies of someone else’s medieval religion.


The Zionists have always treated even innocent Palestinians worse than dirt (clockwise): Orthodox Jew enjoys a day of shelling from the safe side; Jewish school girls writing messages of hate on the shells; Gaza child on the recieving end; an old Palestinian woman harassed on the streets by Zionists.

And yes, it’s true that the Palestinian Arabs committed acts of violence against the Jews and British in Palestine. But you have to understand that the British pretty much sold them out with the Balfour declaration and the consequent flooding of their lands by European Jewry. Also, representatives of the Rothschilds — laden with huge amounts of Western cash — had been taking advantage of individual greed and buying up as much land as possible for the planned, upcoming waves of foreign Jews – even before Zionism was supposedly created by Theodor Herzl!

These same Zionists later (after 1948) massacred and evicted over a million Palestinians when they stole the country of Palestine — long before Black September. And, it turns out, it was the Zionist who was the first to introduce “strategic” Terrorism into the Mideast, targeting the British troops who were doing whatever they could to keep the peace between the Jews and Arabs. The Zionist Terror gangs, such as the Irgun, bombed, assassinated and tortured those soldiers — doing whatever they could to get the Brits out, to free them to take over the entire country. A country, if truth be told, that they can’t even historically claim to begin with.

They did these kind of things well before WWII or the so-called Holocaust™, even. In 1937 they assassinated the British Commissioner of the Galilee, Lewis Andrew, and then proceeded to instigate attacks on the local population, that included bombings against those innocent Arab Palestinians.

“Sometimes it is necessary to sacrifice the few in order to save the many,” – Moshe Sharett, a former Israeli Prime Minister said at memorial service in 1958 alluding to the Jews killed by Zionists for propaganda purposes.

Another Zionist terror act was the purposeful 1940 sinking of a ship, the Patria, crowded with Jewish settlers which the Brits had refused to disembark, since they were finally trying to limit the number of Jews in Palestine to placate Arab ire. In order to shame those Brits with inhumane propaganda and continue the influx of Jewry, the Zionist Terrorist gangs exploded a bomb next to the hull — dooming their very own people to a watery grave!

You think people capable of such acts — even to their own people — would have ANY PROBLEM in attacking a US naval vessel (USS Liberty) to sucker us, a supposed ally, into a Mideast war? Or how about running planes into skyscrapers for the same dam reason? Like hell, NO!

One Terrorist member of the Irgun, Menachim Begin, authorized the bombing of a Jerusalem hotel, the King David, that killed 91 innocent people (including some Jews) in 1946. This evil man (this was not the only thing he did) was made Prime Minister of Israel (Ariel Sharon was another Terrorist PM) and was later awarded a Nobel Peace prize for signing his name to a piece of paper that gives 3 Billion dollars yearly of OUR tax money to Egypt as a bribe to ignore the Palestinian’s plight.

Ever since the beginnings of Israel, the Zionists have used the Jews living in the US to advance the cause of Zion. American Jews have traitorously gone along with it and have transformed the US into the Golem of the Israeli’s dreams. Whatever that the Israelis ask of American Jews they usually get. Massive money, spying with impunity, whoring, propaganda writing in the media, censorship of stories that reflect poorly on Israel and even outright deceit is never a problem for these American Zionist Traitors to do for Israel. Anything, anytime, anywhere – always for Israel!

It’s Jews and Israel first, America second. In fact, more American Jews have volunteered for the Israeli armed forces (IDF) to fight rock-throwing Palestinian kids than have joined our very own US military (and should be imprisoned for doing so). That’s right. Jews will go gladly over to Israel (they often have dual-citizenship papers) to spend some quality time in the genocide operations against the Palestinians. But less than 1% of all American serviceman are Jewish and a measly 17 American Jews have died in Afghanistan AND Iraq — when proportionally it should be over 200.

Over 4,000 American Goyim have died in Iraq, 74% of them white Gentiles. Some 30,000 have been wounded, many horribly and for life. Some 3,000 Americans and other foreign nationals died on September 11th, yet a scant 3 Israelis. Even more Columbians died on that day than Israelis.

Simply put, Israel’s fate is much more important to American Jews than whatever it costs the rest of us Americans. They each personally feel that America must go along with it all — if not, than you’re the one who’s a traitor, as well as the anti-Semite hater. And they could care less about how the rest of the world views how they manipulate us:

 ”The Jewish sense of superiority is typified by hypocrisy and zeal… The Jews are incapable of actualizing their influence and control for a simple reason, and that is that they are a demographic minority in every society in the world. For this reason, the Jews are trying by means of their trickery to weaken the national identity [of the non-Jews] and thus take over affairs and direct them to serve their interests…

…When we realize that the American media is controlled by the Jews, we are no longer surprised. Presenting this obvious fact does not suit Jewish interests, and damages the Jews’ relations and interests with the American people. For this reason, it is concealed, as are the daily Jewish crimes against the Palestinians.” — The Saudi daily Al-Watan Read more here

And the real reasons we are in Iraq, in the first dam place, is because of Israeli paranoia about Saddam Hussein (remember him?) and the behind the scene quest to turn Iraq into a oil-field for the global Zionists. They’ve successfully divided the country into 3 warring ethnic states, installed a puppet regime and have built 14 permanent bases there. In addition, this allows the Zionist’s “Goyim Golem” a jumping off point for when we attack the next target of the Zionist’s: Iran.

And although we may not physically have Goyim soldiers (but some American Jews) taking part in the on-going genocide against the Palestinian people, we’re surely intimately involved, providing massive amounts of money, arms and ammunition — the absolute best in tanks, rockets and jets– along with providing them with unconditional political support in the UN vetoing any other country’s efforts at real peace and justice. Also, they virtually own Capital Hill and our media. These people routinely have military arms deals with other countries sunk to make them happy.

But it’s not as simple as supporting a honest and forthright friend in need. These people do whatever they think they can get away with in the world to benefit their race:

“Our strategy was always to provoke the Arabs and get an appropriate response so we could attack and smash them.” –Israeli General Moshe Dayan

In the summer of 2006, the Israelis purposefully instigated the “Summer Rain” campaign in Lebanon, by sending IDF troops into Lebanese territory and sacrificing some poor Jew schmuck to be captured. These Zionist cowards secretly pick fights to get what they lust after, or for payback, and used this event as justification to attack Hezbollah in an effort to destroy it, militarily and politically — but which ultimately failed. The Israelis bombed and shelled one end of the country to the other, killing some 1100 civilians, wounding thousands more; most were usually far from any Hezbollah military or rocket sites, like in the north and in the suburbs of Beirut.

The Lebanese Hezbollah countered as best as they could with a crude WWII era, the Katyushi rockets; which had actually originated with the Israelis, ironically enough. They had received them from the Soviets decades ago (you would not believe the real relationship the Zionists had with them) and then secretly sold them to Iran as part of Reagan and Bush, Sr’s Iran/Contra scandal. That scandal has since been forgotten by most of America, but could be resurrected by the media — anytime —  should the Bush family’s “Yes Man,” Defense Secretary Robert Gates, show any measure of independence from the Israel-Firsters. It’s funny how the media has selective memory — just look at what they did to Rep. John Muthra (more in a minute).

This kind of weapon has a limited range, is totally unguided and with a relatively small warhead. The Hezbollah rockets killed 44 Israelis, 19 of which happened to be Arab or Christian Israelis who did not have access to the few and far between bomb shelters built for them and were not allowed into Jew-only bomb shelters! Of course, that fact or of them being non-Jewish was conveniently ignored by Zionist propagandists in the US when justifying the war by the number of their casualties.

Even with the crudity of those vintage rockets, the Hezbollah managed to hit mostly Israeli IDF military targets, killing 4 Israeli soldiers for every one Israeli civilian, while the much vaunted Israeli precision bombing was completely the opposite, killing 10 civilians for every single Lebanese fighter. Israel also struck many non-combatant targets like hospitals, a canned milk factory, a pharmaceutical plant and the like. Not a single American Zionist opinion article, op-ed or commentary dared mention these facts to the American people.

And the proportions were completely ridiculous. Israel attacked everywhere, destroying 15,000 homes and pretty much laying waste to southern Lebanon with some 177,000 Bombs, Missiles and Artillery shells. They even used 5-ton bunker-busting bombs and anti-personnel cluster bombs. 50 people were later killed or maimed up to 4 months after the end of the campaign from unexploded cluster munitions. Against this massive attack, the Lebanese Resistance launched 4,000 rockets, a ratio of 1 to 44, compared to this naked Israeli aggression.

And while all this was going on and America’s attention was diverted (they are doing the same thing, right now, during the US elections), they killed 200 Palestinians in the Gaza, deeming them all “Terrorists.” Just two IDF soldiers were killed in these attacks, one of those probably by friendly fire.

“Israel should have exploited the repression of the demonstrations in China, when world attention focused on that country, to carry out mass expulsions among the Arabs of the territories.” – Benjamin Netanyahu: Speech at Bar-Ilan University, 1989

Whenever the UN and other countries, like Italy, France, Spain and even Saudi Arabia offer to help with peace initiatives and to safeguard the borders, the Israelis always spit in their faces. This has been going on now for decades, literally, and the Zionist will always give you double-talk for being against the latest efforts. Truth of the matter: Most Jews have never wanted any real peace to work.

Even the Palestinian Hamas once went overboard in refraining from responding to any Israeli military attacks between January 2005 and June 2006, despite numerous assassinations, house demolitions, wholesale arrests of Palestinian activists and the shooting of children in the streets. It was only when the Israelis shelled a beach full of picnicking Palestinian families, eviscerating 18 innocent parents and children with flying shrapnel (made in the USA), did they respond back.

And we’ve done similar things in Iraq, I’m deeply troubled and sorry to say. Since we’ve been in Iraq, we’ve killed literally hundreds of thousands of Iraqi civilians. Some peg the number past 1.2 million, now. Our soldiers use horrific modern war technology, spotting targets with infared scopes and wasting them with giant 30mm shells. They may or may not always be “combatants” and often the wounded and incapacitated are finished off with another dose of shellfire. We’ve bombed similar civilian targets as the Israelis do in Lebanon and the Gaza, destroying entire houses in the effort to kill one man. Our soldiers sometimes lose their minds and slaughter helpless people in violent fits of revenge after a “Improvised Explosive Devise” (IED) attack on them. But the Iraqi “terrorists” have little else to strike back with, such as IED’s and sniper fire, against our sheer war technological edge.

Not only do we have all this sorry blood on our hands, but we are paying for this with our tax money. Just the Iraq war alone is estimated to end up costing EACH American family at least $46,400 dollars (see below for link). The Iraq war will now be more expensive than Vietnam come September! This war and further Zionist gambits (like Iran and Syria) will definitely sink this country financially. Think about it all now, people.

And all of this Iraq expense does not even including the exorbitant cost of gasoline to each of us, due to Zionist strife in the region. Oh, no, the Zionist-controlled media is always telling us that it’s because of China or that we have too few oil distillation plants. Have you noticed that? Every-time they do a report they make sure to tell us these reasons. Rarely, will they even mention the Mideast! But that’s surely the biggest dam reason and you can actually see it occur, almost in real time, when some new hint of threat comes out of that area (like what’s happening now over Syria and Iran).

We’ve been systematically destroying Iraq, going on 20 years now. After the first gulf war led by Bush, Sr., we established “no-fly” zones, embargoed the country and prevented even medicine from reaching them. The reporter, Lesley Stahl of 60 Minutes asked Clinton’s Secretary of State, the Jew Madeline Albright (who tried to hide her Jewish roots) if it was worth it to consign an estimated 500,000 Iraqi children to early death with this embargo and she blithely intoned that she considered it “acceptable.” Imagine that!

You think the liberal Jews are always so against Wars? What a laugh. Many Zionist liberals complained openly that they did not go far enough in Lebanon and kill more of Hezbollah! They accused PM Olmert of ending it all too soon. Even the million-strong US modern Orthodox Jewish Woman’s organization, Eminah, called for maximizing Lebanese civilian deaths in order to save risk to ”their boys” in Israel.

These kinds of people have totally taken over the thinking and morals of “our government” in Washington, DC. The Israel Lobby (AIPAC) has over 100,000 members with so much power over us as to be truly sickening. They now brag openly of writing legislation for our government to rubber stamp! And they are not the only people to make up the Israel Lobby, oh no. There are a multitude of Jew groups from the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations, ADL, various Federations, local and global B’nai B’rith, etc. etc. all over the country and the world at large who are all expressly dedicated to Father Israel in all it’s meanest, hypocritical splendor — no matter the country.

When the midterm elections of 2006 were over with, the one that brought in a Democrat majority running on a anti-War platform which made Nancy Pelosi the new Speaker of the House, Prime Minister Olmert of Israel paid Bush a visit on November 13th to give a speech on how the US must stay in Iraq and how we must now isolate and stop Iran’s nuclear ambitions (much is total BS). The SOB then had the nerve to hand out marching orders for the new crew on the Hill. Nancy Pelosi, contrary to all her media bluster about confronting Bush over the war, then kept her big mouth shut – just like the Zionist tool she has always been.

Along with that, the Zionist media went into over-drive, cranking out op-ed pieces and propaganda about “staying the course” in Iraq, more about al-Qaeda terrorist paranoia and then went and drudged-up a 30 year-old story (ABSCAM) just to besmirch the anti-war Democrat, Pennsylvania Rep. John Muthra, into silence and to keep him from becoming the Majority leader that he deserved. They even purposefully undermined the Baker-Hamilton Iraq Study Group’s findings on how we should open a dialogue with Iran and Syria. The bloody Zionists would have none of that! Even Seymour Hersh, the darling of the “Progressives” wrote a piece that criticized the Bush administration, but completely failed to mention a single fellow Jew, none of the Neocons nor any of the Israeli Lobby’s obvious efforts to continue the Iraq war.

Most of the US anti-War liberals, too, ignore all this. Many of their leadership positions are held by Jews and have completely snowed these people about the Bush administration with misdirection, obfuscation and downright lies. They have tried to paint the whole thing as some “Big Oil Cabal,” – even making out the Jew Neocons to be some kind of Nazi! Yet the facts are crystal-clear: The whole thing has always been Zionist orchestrated. It would be funny, if it wasn’t so tragic for our soldiers and all the innocent people abroad.

The Democratic Party is hopelessly beholden to all these people. It’s estimated that 65% of the party’s money is attributable to the Lobby’s Jewish donor base. Even the head of the Democratic Caucus and Democratic campaign finance director, Raham Emanuel (backed by a multi-million dollar Wall Street slush fund), was a former Israeli IDF member. Think about that one, for moment: One of the top dogs on the American political party scene once used to serve in Israel’s  armed forces! How can it ever be anything but pro-Israel with these people?

And even though the amount of the Lobby’s financial control over the Republican party is estimated to be less (35-40%), the Republicans have many “Christian Zionists” and “Israeli-Firster Neocons” swaying the party into going along with all the evils of Israel. It’s not a situation of “conservatives” or “liberals” at all, anymore — if it ever was to begin with.

If any of these spineless politicians says one dam word about the real deal, then expect non-stop press “revelations” about the most stupid or long-ago mistake they ever made and massive campaign funds going to their opponent during the next election. Possibly even made-up stuff — how would you know with our media?

Right now, as I write these words, the Israelis are again attacking the Palestinians in the Gaza and which our media does not tell you all the real facts. What the Israelis are really trying to do, is to eliminate Hamas – duly elected by the Palestinian people – but since they are not a puppet of Israel, they must be destroyed! It has to be finally clear to all of you now, that the Israelis are committing outright genocide against these people. It’s been the only possible answer to their behavior all these years. They don’t want peace, never have – they just want the Palestinians either gone or dead!

Folks, let’s face the facts: These Zionist Jews, both in the US and in Israel, will do whatever they can to keep their stranglehold on America’s head and lead us by the nose in their on-going Mideast Imperialist² travesties. Contrary to anything we say or the rest of the world thinks about any of it. The fact that other countries laugh or scream bloody murder about us, makes not a whit of difference to these people.

It’s now plain to see that the Israeli Zionists are a small, dishonorable and forever embittered people. They can be manipulative, arrogant and have zero sense of justice and fair play when it comes to anyone but themselves. They will completely ignore any other people’s perspective of a matter; they will strike back and way out of proportion to whatever crimes, real or imagined, that have been done to them; they will do whatever they wish to in this world. On top of all that, they will dam you and slander you as a Nazi for saying one lousy thing about it.

And it’s a sorry fact of life, people, that the Zionist has turned the US into a kind of personal “Goyim Golem” for him in the Mideast. And, like the way they’ve treated other allies in the past, they will use us till we’re through and then throw us away like a used condom. They are definitely NOT honorable nor have they EVER been respectful friends and allies of us.

–Phillip Marlowe



1) A small, ugly creature named the “Golum” was a character in the Tolkian movie, The Lord of the Rings. Since I did not read the original book, I don’t know if Tolken borrowed it as well. The character “Master Blaster” in the main art above, is from the movie “Beyond the Thunderdome” with Mel Gibson.

2) It’s a fact that the Zionists seek to extend the borders of Israel or what they call “Eretz Ysrael,” which coincidentally includes half of Iraq. Read more here And it’s quite obvious that the real reason they fear the Iranians having the bomb, is the possibility that they might lose their strategic superiority in the Arab world from having the bomb themselves (wink-wink).

Much of the facts about the Zionist’s “Summer Rain” campaign in Lebanon, is from the book “Rulers and Ruled in the US Empire” by James Petras (Clarity Press, 2007). I highly suggest buying this book.



The Agenda Behind The Hoax

Read here on what I have to say about some little-discussed Mideast military matters you may not have known about with the US and Israel; which probably will soon force us into war with Iran: The FISA Bill and Where This Country is Headed

Read up on how these people suck the money out of all of us to pay for all their crimes. Also contains the link for the report on the $46,400 cost to EVERY American family: America: Enslaved to Zionist Bloodsuckers

Israel: Founded on Terror

Israeli Official Calls for Holocaust on the Palestinians

Israel Planning Extermination in the Gaza?

Learn more about the Palestinian side to all of this: If Americans Knew The Zionist’s side is already everywhere you dam look, anymore.