Jew Nation Wreckers take great pleasure in race-baiting and pushing for non-White immigration into the White countries of the West, because they can’t stand Whites to be a majority anywhere. These Pied Pipers of Jew mayhem have been brainwashing White liberals into supporting “diversity” for decades now. [INCOG] 

‘In both South Africa and the United States Jews played crucial roles in developing Black political movements and bringing down institutions created by Whites’ 

By Sam Davidson 

Jew hypocrites never allow ANY non-Jews to immigrate to Israel — what's that tell you?

We will begin with two facts. First, the average IQ of African-Americans is 85, and secondly, the average IQ of sub-Saharan Africans is 70. If we take the average ‘White’ IQ to be 100, then Whites are vastly more intelligent than Africans. So, how did blacks overthrow the racial dominance of Whites in both the United States and other White nations such as South Africa? 

The answer will surprise you: They didn’t. To clarify, there were indeed black political movements in these nations that abolished segregation and apartheid but these were not led by blacks – they were led by Jews. 


Liliesleaf Farm bust, 1963: The Nation Wreckers (with the help of media Jews in the West) worked non-stop to destroy White rule in South Africa, resulting in Whites now openly discriminated against and at least 3,081 White farmers horribly murdered in a hidden, on-going genocidal war that the American media and left-wing liberals never breath a word about. These White-hating Jews are still considered “heroes” by Commie Jews everywhere. 

Go to my Race Reality Videos page and scroll down to the bottom and watch two short videos that will leave you hopping mad. 

Ask yourself this: Why don’t we ever see something on the killings and discriminations against SA Whites in the news? [INCOG] 


In South Africa the most prominent anti-apartheid political group was Nelson Mandela’s African National Congress. The military wing of the ANC, Umkhonto we Sizwe (MK), was created in 1961. Both of these organizations worked in coordination with the South African Communist Party. 

When the South African police raided Liliesleaf Farm in 1963 they managed to arrest 19 members of the ANC and MK. Among those arrested were Denis Goldberg, Lionel Bernstein, Bob Hepple, Arthur Goldreich, Harold Wolpe, and James Kantor – all Jews. 

Goldreich, with Wolpe, had bought Liliesleaf Farm with funds provided by the SACP. Wolpe, a lawyer, also worked with Goldreich to locate targets for the MK’s operations. Goldberg was a technical officer in the MK. Bernstein was a member of the South African Communist Party. Hepple was a lawyer who advised the ANC. At the Rivonia Trial their legal defence included Harry Schwarz, Arthur Chaskalson, and Joel Joffe – all Jewish. 

Other Jewish activists like writer Nadine Gordimer continued their anti-apartheid efforts. Gordimer testified on behalf of the defendants in the later Delmas Treason Trial and would also meet with other anti-apartheid activists such as Helen Suzman at the house of her publisher Lulu Friedman. Suzman knew Mandela on a personal basis and would visit him in prison. Another activist, lawyer Albie Sachs, mounted legal challenges to apartheid in court. Joe Slovo [pictured below right with Nelson Mandela] continued his work as a leader of the SACP and Chief of Staff in MK. Ronnie Kasrils, a writer of film scripts, became the MK intelligence chief and eventually became a member of the ANC National Executive Committee in 1987. 

Most of these individuals were rewarded for their efforts after the White government was finally overthrown in 1994. Kasrils was made the Deputy Minister of Defence from 1994 to 1999. Arthur Chaskalson was made first president, then Chief Justice, of South Africa’s Constitutional Court from 1994 until 2005. Albie Sachs was appointed to the Constitutional Court in 1994 and authored the decision in Minister of Home Affairs v. Fourie declaring a constitutional right to same-sex marriage. 

While the anti-apartheid movement was gaining support, the ‘Civil Rights’ campaign was simultaneously unleashed upon the United States. At first this too appears a movement led by blacks such as Martin Luther King Jr., Rosa Parks, and Malcolm X. Upon closer inspection this movement was also dominated by Jews. 

On June 21, 1964 three young ’Civil Rights’ activists were killed in Mississippi. These men were James Chaney, Andrew Goodman, and Michael Schwerner. Chaney was a black man from Mississippi but Goodman and Schwerner were Jews from New York. According to the PBS documentary From Swastika to Jim Crow, fifty percent of the ‘Whites’ who went to Mississippi in 1964 to challenge Jim Crow laws were Jewish. It is also estimated that fifty percent of civil rights attorneys in the South during the 1960s were Jewish. 

Could those percentages be correct? Jews have never been more than 1-2% of the population of the United States [it's probably more than 3%]. But, let us examine further. One of the most prominent African-American organization is the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People. The organization had numerous Jewish founding members such as professor Joel Spingarn, Rabbi Stephen Wise, banker Jacob Schiff, Jacob Billikopf, Julius Rosenwald, Lillian Wald, and Emil G. Hirsch. This organization was so thoroughly dominated by Jews that from 1915 until 1975 every president was Jewish. [See NAACP President Kivie Kaplan (1966-1975) posing with Martin Luther King Jr., bottom right.] 

Even Martin Luther King Jr., the figurehead of the movement, relied heavily upon his Jewish friend and advisor Stanley Levison for organizing fundraising and publicity. Levison was previously involved with the leadership of the Communist Party of America in the 1950s and was introduced to King by Bayard Rustin, a member of the Communist Youth movement. When Levison was brought before the Senate Subcommittee on Internal Defense, his lawyer was Jewish-radical William Kunstler. Kunstler later defended several high-profile defendants such as the Chicago Seven, a group of mostly Jewish agitators who were charged with conspiring to incite a riot at the 1968 Democratic National Convention. 

When we examine the role of Jews in anti-apartheid and desegregation activity we find that the Jews were not an oppressed minority acting in solidarity with blacks. The overwhelming majority of Jewish anti-apartheid and ‘Civil Rights’ activists were university educated and occupied good positions within the dominant White culture. Even the Communist Slovo was a university educated lawyer. Not being subject to the same travel restrictions and curfews as black Africans, they were in a unique position to subvert the apartheid society. Indeed, most of their intelligence, some of which included targets for the MK bombing campaign, came from official sources that may have been inaccessible to black South Africans. 

In both South Africa and the United States the Jews played crucial roles in developing black political movements and bringing down the institutions created by Whites. Without the efforts of Jews, would segregation and apartheid still be with us? 

Sources and Further Reading: 

IQ and the Wealth of Nations by Richard Lynn
Armed and Dangerous by Ronnie Kasrils
Long Walk to Freedom by Nelson Mandela
The World That Was Ours by Hilda Bernstein
A History of Jews in America by Howard Sachar
From Swastika to Jim Crow: Refugee Scholars at Black Colleges by Gabrielle Simon Edgcomb 

[Also See Moment Magazine's Photo Essay: 'Jews and Blacks in America'] 

Article Source: Occidental Dissent

HORRIBLE PHOTOS of Whites being murdered by blacks in South Africa. Thanks Jews!