From: MidWest Free Press

Now that President Obama’s Health Care Agenda has been shoved down the throats of the American people, immigration reform is likely the next big controversy. It has been reported that Jewish Senator Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) and the Neo-con patsy Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) have already drafted a comprehensive immigration bill.

Frustrated with the time it has taken for this issue to re-enter the spotlight, illegal alien activist groups held a massive march on Washington this past Sunday. As noted in the article below, many Jewish groups were involved with the rally:

Jewish Groups Join March for Immigration Reform

American Jewish groups were among 200,000 protesters in Washington demanding comprehensive immigration reform in the United States.

Under the banner of We Were Strangers, Too-the Jewish Campaign for Immigration Reform, Jewish groups including the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society and the Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism were among the marchers on March 21 from the Hillel International offices in Chinatown joining the protesters on the National Mall.

The rally was organized by Reform Immigration for America Campaign, a coalition of immigrants’ rights groups that want to make immigration reform a top priority for lawmakers in 2010. The cause was put on the back burner as U.S. lawmakers tackled the health care debate.

HIAS and the American Jewish Committee have voiced their support for the Refugee Protection Act of 2010 introduced earlier this month by U.S. Sens. Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.) and Carl Levin (Jew) (D-Mich.). The legislation is aimed at improving protections and rights of refugees and asylum seekers.

The “We Were Strangers Too” campaign is organized by the HIAS (Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society) and endorsed by many of the largest Jewish organizations in America. Check out the HIAS homepage here. A hysterically cheesy promotional video of the campaign was released by the Jewish Council on Urban Affairs. Check out their website here, and notice their propaganda about “social justice” (i.e. social communism). Be sure to read about their history and mission. What is even more startling is their “Achievements” Page. The typical Jewish communist involvement in racial agitation is extremely prevalent throughout their activities.

While most of White America is distracted by the economy, these people have been quietly gearing up. Above are Jewish groups organizing with Latino activists in Durham, NC this past January. Supporting Israel and the ”Jewish Agenda” is the quid pro quo for the Jew’s efforts. White people: When will you get it about the Jew? [INCOG]

It is important for you to start noticing these similar patterns in Jewish behavior. Once you become familiar with their goals and rhetoric, it is ridiculously easy to spot their activities. As I’ve said before, I can literally see a TV program, movie, or news report and immediately predict whether a Jew is involved; just based on the subject matter, their attempt at persuasion, and the predictable wording of it all. Do you really believe it’s some huge coincidence that so many Jewish groups agitate on behalf of minority communities? It is insufficient for you to only focus on the superficial aspects of immigration activism. Without the historical Jewish organizational efforts within these movements, most minority groups would not have the power they have today. You must always look to the root of the problem.

Below is a video of protesters trying to interrupt and silence the reporting of Roy Beck of NumbersUSA. It is reported that much of this protesting was organized by the SEIU (Service Employees International Union). In fact, you can see “SEIU” written on the shirt of the whistle-blower in the video. SEIU is a labor union run by the leftist Jew Andy Stern. Stern was found to be the most frequent visitor to the White House following the release of visitation records. Glenn Beck has done a wealth of reporting on SEIU’s communist activities. Be sure to also watch the short video of Stern below.

This is the reality of political discourse in our society today. Anyone who voices a legitimate argument against massive immigration is not met with debate. Instead they are shouted down, attacked, or discredited with accusations of being a “racist.” Roy beck, who gives a great presentation in this video, predominantly talks about the economic consequences of massive immigration. Apparently if you care about America’s economic future you must be a bigot.

This type of behavior has always been characteristic of the Left. Their arguments are never based in rationality, so intimidation and propaganda become the norm. The biggest problem is that modern conservatives are still concerned with “playing by the rules.” They actually think that if you just give people the facts then the “truth will win.” Unfortunately the Left has never cared about the truth, nor are they intent on playing by the rules; which is why they have gained such a stronghold in American life.


Make sure you visit my page “The Real Immigration Deal” and watch two short videos on the problem. Also, there’s a link there to a PDF from Prof. Kevin MacDonald, who exposes all the Jewish efforts behind immigration going back decades. Once you read it, you will see all the work they’ve done to turn America into a racial monstrosity, just so they will feel more comfortable that us Whites are rendered powerless. Say what? Yep, that’s the real reason Jews have worked so hard at opening America’s borders!


“For perhaps another generation, an optimistic forecast, the Jewish community will be in a position where it will be in a position to divide and conquer and enter into selective coalitions to support our agendas.”

– Stephen Steinlight, “The Jewish Stake in America’s Changing Demography.” Center for Immigration Studies, October, 2001