
This beautiful White girl, 13 year-old Esme Kenney, was brutally murdered and God-knows-what-else, by another feral Negro who should have fried years ago.

You know, sometimes I feel I’m a little too mean to the Negroes here at my blog, until I read something like the following. Then I realize that it’s all too horribly true: These “people” indeed act like animals. Read on about two recent ”hush” crimes — just in the Cincinnati, Ohio area — murders which the national media stays very silent about, with no legitimate excuse whatsoever.

The Negro pretends to faint when hauled before the Judge.

The vile, but still ridiculous Kirkland Negro pretends to faint when hauled before the judge on the charges.

Remember to keep in mind, while reading them, that if the races were reversed, or even if both victims and perps happened to be White, such crimes would be all over the national news, 24/7. Quite literally.


The beautiful, young Esme Kenney, was simply going for a short jog while listening to her I-Pod. But in the woods near where she lived, a monster awaited her. What transpired can only be guessed at, but we can safely assume that the girl was totally scared out of her living wits when this monster, Anthony Kirkland (above right), lunged at her from the thicket.

After gaining control of her with two knives, he stripped her naked, sexually molested her in some unknown fashion and attempted to rape her. After doing his thing, or failing to, the monster then brutally strangled the life out of the little 5′ 4″, 100lb little girl (look at the picture of him again) — so viciously that the capillaries in her eyes and cheeks burst open.

Kirkland then hid her dead body under some brush and tried to burn it with the little girl’s own torn-away clothing (Negroes often stupidly resort to fire to hide evidence). Police, out looking for the missing girl, came across the animal sleeping up against a tree and immediately knew things looked bad for her when they realized who it was:

“They knew he had fatally beaten and burned a woman more than 20 years ago. They knew he was a convicted sex offender. They knew a halfway house had evicted him in late February and he was suspected of a crime spree that included an assault, a stabbing and threats against the mother of his child.

So when they found Kirkland on the edge of the wooded area near where Esme went jogging, her watch and iPod in his pocket, they immediately suspected the worst.

They found the 13-year-old girl’s body three hours later, about 100 yards away, her body hidden under brush in the heavily wooded area across the street from her Winton Hills home.” News report

In 1987, this Negro used lighter fluid to burn to death a woman and for that he got 16 years. Can you believe that? 16 years! He also beat a rape at knifepoint case in court. In March of just last year, he was sent to jail for trying to molest a 13 year-old and was released this last October for that crime. The police have since indicted him in 2 other murders.

Anyone, I mean anyone, who says that all serial killers are White needs a big slap right across his or her stupid fat face!

Fry the SOB, NOW! Yet the parents of the girl urge spreading “kindness” — can you believe how spineless White people have now become? We should all be down there, en mass with blazing torches, to haul that filthy Negro to the nearest tree!

I truly believe Negroes don’t respect anything anymore, since they know they’ll be protected and get free food in the slammer from the taxpayer and not have to work, so they just don’t give a dam if they get caught or not.

And then we have the militant Negroes caterwauling about all the brothers locked up by “the man.” “Oh, too many of us are in prison” they might whine. Like they never, ever do anything to deserve it other than being born black, of course. Well, Negroes, why don’t you start behaving, instead of complaining?


Can you guess which ones were the perpetrators and and which one the victim? If you guess correctly, you must be a racist! [C. MAYNARD]

From the Political Cesspool we have this torture of a White man:

Walter Sartory was a brilliant but mentally ill 73 year old retired mathematician living quietly in a small Kentucky town near Cincinnati. He was retired from Oak Ridge National Laboratories, and was an expert on centrifuges, holding two patents related to them. He was also a paranoid schizophrenic who was uncomfortable around others and suspicious of strangers. But not suspicious enough, it seems. Cops say that two blacks, 47 year old Willa Blanc and her 27 year old son Louis Wilkinson befriended Sartory, and then kidnapped him. They duct taped him to a chair in Blanc’s basement, drugged and starved him until he signed over power of attorney to them for his bank account. After transferring some $200,000 of Sartory’s money to themselves, they shot him in the head and threw his body in a trash can. They then drove to Indiana and paid some friends $1000 to help them burn and bury his corpse.

If you live outside the Cincinnati area, this is probably the first you’re hearing about this horrific murder. If the races were reversed, it’s all the national media would be talking about. But the killers are black, and the victim was an old white man, so it’s not news.


It really is all because of the Jew…

Jew organizations, like the SPLC, get filthy rich milking race friction in the US.

Subversive Jew organizations, like the SPLC, get filthy rich milking race friction and attacking White solidarity -- the real target for these people.

You know, I really can’t blame the Negro totally for all this. We know that it’s the whole Politically Correct business responsible for the situation. It’s this PC “zeitgeist” that protects against any talk about crimes like these two, and was created and nurtured by Jewry (like those on the right). They’ve been working non-stop to keep Whites muzzled about anything they care about, right along with the PC brainwashed White liberals in the mainstream news.

As such, these people are virtually as responsible for these crimes as the perps. That’s right, homies. They’ve set this country down a path where violent Negro animals now roam the streets of this country, looking for quick thrills, as well as having an ingrained hatred of White people and a fierce sense of victimhood instilled by these arrogant Jews and self-hating liberal Whites.

And these people fully realize if the media reported on such evil crimes against Whites nationally, we would rapidly reject all the PC nonsense, becoming racially aware and angry. Very angry. This is the exact same motives they now have when they fail to report anything substantial on the Tea Party movements going on the US — they don’t want you to know what’s really going down!

And Negroes would be much more behaved in the US if they knew we would not put up with their crap any longer. Call it “tough love.” Those blacks who do preach responsibility, like Bill Cosby, are routinely ignored in favor of militant big mouths like Michael Eric Dyson, who can only jibber jabber out big words about White racism 24/7. These kind of Negroes are given the podium by White-hating liberals and Jews in the media, such as HBO’s Bill Maher.

They do all this because the main thing about being Politically Correct, is not really some sense of fairness towards the Negroes (which has suckered the White liberals), but the inner anti-White hate of the Jew. That’s right, if the message bearer tries to talk about personal responsibility and upright moral behavior for Blacks, without blaming the White man for all the problems, then you can forget about it.

This all because of Big and Little Jewry, people. They’ve taken the best country on earth and destroyed it from within, with their own inflated sense of self-importance and an atavistic hatred of White people, manifested across this country’s politics and media.

Remember, this kind of thing could happen to you. Spend some time reading about Whites being victimized in this country — go to my Contents page above (under my banner) and scroll down to see only a few of the many horrible murders of Whites that have been ignored by the national media in just the last couple of years. Also, please, take a few moments to go here and read all about the real history of the Politically Correct business in this country — then the whole stinking mess will become crystal clear!

Until we deal with the Jew, this country is going to hell in a hand-basket!

– Phillip Marlowe