by Keith Johnson

Days after our tough talking Vice President Joe Biden returned from his trip to Israel with a handful of broken glass, the Obama administration announced that it has blocked delivery of armaments slated for delivery to the state of Israel. This announcement brought cheers and jeers from opposite ends of the political spectrum while leaving those in the middle, well…perplexed. 

The diplomatic theatre going on between Israel and the Obama administration has everybody fooled.  But this entire political circus is purely for public consumption. The short-term goal is to create the illusion that there is a riff between the two nations, while the larger scheme is intended to give Israel complete inculpability when the U.S. finally decides to strike Iran. The move yesterday by the Obama administration to divert delivery of 387 bunker-busters from the state of Israel to the island of Diego Garcia is just another slight-of-hand maneuver in the shell game that is being played out in the days leading up to the inevitable attack on the Islamic state.

Quoting from a Thursday article in the World Tribune “In January 2010, the administration agreed to an Israeli request to double the amount of U.S. military stockpiles to $800 million. Officials said the bunker-busters as well as Patriot missile interceptors were included in the agreement.” Now, are we expected to believe that it was Israel’s announcement to construct new illegal settlements in disputed East Jerusalem that has compelled the administration to go back on its promise?  Give me a break!  Is Israel’s expansionist campaign something new?  They’ve never stopped building. They’ve never stopped destroying. They’ve never stopped killing. They have been engaged in an ongoing military adventure that has violated the human rights and cost thousands of Palestinian lives for as long as this writer has been alive. 

The whole staged crisis between the U.S. and Israel is to secure delivery of those weapons to a more strategic location.  That’s always been the plan. If not, why would they even put those munitions into transit at all?  It’s obvious that a direct delivery of those weapons to Diego Garcia would be just too obvious. But by creating the illusion that those weapons were intended on being delivered to Israel, the contrived “last-minute decision” to divert them to housing on Diego Garcia appears to be merely an innocuous logistics decision.  But it’s anything but innocuous. When you realize the strategic significance of this move it makes the reality of the world crisis we are now facing even that more ominous. Diego Garcia is a U.S. air and naval stronghold in the Indian Ocean. It is a giant, sprawling military complex that was solely responsible for launching air strikes against Iraq during Operation Desert Storm. More recently, coalition aircraft at Diego Garcia dropped more ordnance on Taliban and Al Qaeda forces in Afghanistan than any other unit during the war on terror.

This is not a place where bombs go to sit in storage. This is a place they go before they’re launched.


Scottish paper reveals shipping of bombs