Good news! Obama was dealt a decisive slap in the face by voters Tuesday in Virginia and New Jersey and came close to another big loss in New York. Doug Hoffman almost upset the Democrats, after running on a conservative platform, and despite the backing of Bill Owens by the lefty and turncoat Republican Dede “Scuzzy” Scozzafava. I guess they were one too many Jews, Homos and Negroes up there to pull it off (and there is a lot).

crying lezbo

"Now I can't wear my strap-on in holy matrimony!"

Most importantly, independents came out in droves to vote down the pro-Obama candidates, who have done JACK for us normal, American workers. They voted more than 2 to 1 against the liberal Democraps everywhere (and I’m not a Retardacan, either).

But the one vote nearest and dearest to my heart was the big slap in the face to all the Sodomites wanting to marry in Maine. In May, the State Legislature voted to allow the homos to wed, but in a state-wide referendum held yesterday, a huge turn-out of Maine voters said “HELL NO” to the homos, rolling-back Gay marriage instigated by traitorous politicians and Judges. Even Commiefornia voters in 2008 said fuggitaboutit faggots when they voted for Proposition 8, stating marriage is only between a man and a woman, just as it should be.

The poor homos have lost every single time when decent Americans get to have a say and vote on the matter (as we should). The record now stands: 31 state referendums against the homo perverts desecrating the sanctity of marriage, to a big fat ZERO for the forces of faggotry.

But all this doesn’t matter to the devious Jews and homos. Many of them are now arrogantly trying to say that it is “all too important to leave to the voters” (our voices mean nothing) and are working non-stop to get their vile wishes come true through backroom deals with liberal Judges and corrupt Politicians. So appropriate considering they like going the backdoor route in the first place.

Just think about that for a minute. These homos want to force down the throat (they’ll giggle about that too) their vileness on America, no matter what it takes. They want to turn the US of A into an absolutely degenerate country, where they can freely expose our youth to the sick things they like to do to each other (let’s not go there). This actually turns them on in a major way — corruption is part and parcel to homo excitement — these sickos are so narcissistic that they brag about how queer they can be: “Look at me everybody, no one could possibly be as sick as I am to do this kind of thing!”


These are unbelievably foul people who love to openly parade their filth through our cities, even publicly engaging in sexual perversions to shock onlookers. The perv in the upper left is performing oral sex on strangers, while onlookers pee on him. They also proudly display their utter hatred of Christianity, but never Judaism (note the sale prices on dildos in the shape of the cross). Demonic!

Then they have the unmitigated gall to call us “haters” because we are against them displaying perversions in public. Allowing them to even exist is not enough for these homos, they are doing everything they can to make Sodomy “as normal as heteros.” Friggin fags!

The homos get all kind of upset that money comes in from out-of-state religious organizations to fight them like the National Organization for Marriage, the Mormons and the Catholic Church. Oh man, they hate that, big-time. Yet, they get plenty of moolah from homos, Jews and liberals across the nation too.

They just can’t bring themselves to admit that most Americans are decent folk, and get sick to their stomachs when they see these foul creatures planting big wet kisses on the steps of city hall. Americans plainly don’t agree that they have the right to marry as “husband and wife” when they are NOT husband and wife, but one pervert engaging in perverted acts with another.

Plus, decent America sure as hell does not want seeing these homos getting to adopt, or even have Turkey baster babies, because they know the homos will subject them to sick behavior in the effort to bend them into Gayness. Or maybe even get them to have sex — Homos are far more likely to engage in pedophilia than straight people, no matter what lies they tell you. Gays get all kind of excited at the thought of hairless, innocent youth being seduced by their groping, grubby hands. Nothing excites these filthy, pedophile Gays more.

They know this is the God-honest truth, too.

And the Jews want all this homo crap because 1) it cuts down on Goyim reproduction, 2) it destroys the family unit, undermining White countries and 3) a substantial percentage of them are moral degenerates in the first place. Hell, they even declared Tel Aviv the homo capital of the world! I guess San FranSickos might do some boohooing about that!

Jews want to use all the hate crimes legislation to hide themselves behind. They try to tell you that it’s all about protecting the homos from us straights busting them up, but the reality is that they want to use the same protection racket to keep us from them! What they most want to do is silence any talk about the “Chosen Ones” before the majority gets too wise. The Jews are a truly subversive force in America today.

Let’s also remember another major thing that these social sickness engineers want to do. They want us to go along with something called “Gender-Bending.” This is when some crazed individual wants to dress any damn way he pleases and use your bathroom even if he/she/it has different equipment than you. And if you say jack squat about it, then he/she/it can go call the police and have your White ass arrested!

Think that’s so impossible? Hell, they are trying to pass laws in Massachusetts to do exactly that!

Imagine some freak with a beard wearing a mini-dress wanting to work in your company. If you don’t like that idea, the freak may just decide to make a stink about it and then you have to fight it in court! Or get fined by the government. And us straights will be first out the door during lay-offs, because companies may elect not to let-go Gays or freaks — opening them up to court cases about “discrimination.”


Imagine having to work with some bizarre-looking transgender, what they cutely call “trannys.” The one on the bottom right had her breasts surgically removed so “IT” can now look more “man-like.” And the trannys love to walk around in public with their shirts off to show off their titless chests, it’s just too bad that they all look like flabby losers!

Also, the traitorous Federal government wants to repeal the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) and the “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy of our armed forces. Since Obama may very well be a bisexual in the first place, none of this should be surprising. This White homo named Larry Sinclair had some very believable evidence of Obama doing drugs and allowing the Fag to orally do him. Several Negro homos in his church and in the Chicago area may have been wacked for knowing too much. Also, the Jews undoubtedly have something very big on his ass, maybe his real birth facts, maybe his homo-ness, or quite probably even both!

We are in a giant war, everybody. It’s not some mere “culture war” but a war against decent White people, very possibly a part of an over-all Satanic effort to destroy Goodness. I mean look at it, step back and think what kind of society we’ll have should these people have their way — all kinds of vile evil will be gleefully celebrated and thrown in our faces on a daily basis. Innocent children and even straight adults will end up as victims to these people’s foul lusts.

Haven’t you had enough?

Americans all over are angrily speaking out and showing justified disgust about so many things these sickos and Commies are now trying to do to America. Join with me and all other Whites who have had quite enough of this crap and let any liberal faggot or Jew near you know that they had better shut their big foul traps or we’ll soon be shutting them up with “extreme prejudice.”

Let God or us decent Americans burn these scum right off the face of the earth!

– Phillip Marlowe

DO NOT GO TO THIS LINK WITHOUT A GIANT BARF BAG AT THE READY! (one section does have parts blurred).
Sickening San FranSickos doing it in public