Letalvis Cobbins

Letalvis Cobbins

Letalvis “Rome” Cobbins, one of the vile Negroes who took part in the raping and killing of both Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom, got off pretty good this week when the half-black Jury gave him Life in prison, without parole, as if that makes a difference. So far, all the convictions in this case have been easy on the perps.

Easy? You might ask, considering life in prison to be so terrible. Yeah, because they all should now be swaying from the rafters, their legs twitching in the breeze!

Imagine if the races were reversed? Just imagine. The story would be all over the news, Black big-mouths, like Reverend Al Sharpton, would be organizing protest marches and getting corporations to pay for the travel expenses. Quite possibly, entire cities would have been burned to the ground long before the trials and hundreds of innocent White people slain.

You think for one minute that’s hyperbole? I don’t!

Just picture what happened: This young White couple was kidnapped off the street, taking to some house to be brutally sodomized and tortured unmercifully by these Negroes in front of one another. Christopher, was shot 3 times and his body burned. The still alive Shannon, after 2 hellish days of torture, had her privates kicked in and scrubbed down with caustic bleach, which they poured down her throat too, so as to eliminate their foul DNA. Her lips were said to have been torn from the membrane connecting to her face. They even peed on her like dogs.

When they tired of her, they put her broken, bloody and battered body into garbage bags, with a plastic bag covering her head and then stuffed her into a small garbage can (below). Eventually, she died from suffocation. They did it without batting an eye.

The woman member of this murderous group, Vanessa Coleman, fixed herself a nice big breakfast and sat her fat butt down, while the boys were doing these horrible things to the Whitey girl back in the bedroom. Chances are, she could hear muffled screams and pleas coming from Channon, as she ate her greasy food and watched herself a little TV.

Channon was stuffed still alive into this garbage can. While Christopher's body was being discovered, the perps played on the Xbox.

Channon was stuffed barely alive into this garbage can. While Christopher's body was being discovered, the perps played on the Xbox.

At the very moment when the police and firefighters found the burned and shot Christopher out by the railroad tracks nearby, all the murderers were still inside the house, busy playing on the Xbox like it was all nothing. Trust me, if this bunch didn’t leave evidence in Channon’s Toyota 4Runner leading back to them, they would all be laughing about it till this day.

Channon’s father Gary, later wondered if his daughter was still alive when they first found her car on Chipman street after she had gone missing. “Was she still alive in that (trash) can (where her body was found), not 200 yards from where I stood?”

Can you imagine?

Gary Christian later said his daughter had “a beautiful face, a beautiful smile and a beautiful heart.” He said she loved her friends and family dearly and was protective of her older brother. “The last thing she said to me was, ‘I love you,’” Gary said. “We think about her every day. We think about her every minute.”

Channon’s mother Deena: “The jury let us down, they lied to us when they said they could consider the death penalty.” Well, of course they did, 6 of them were fellow Negroes. They don’t care a lick about some Whitey. Besides, let the taxpayer take care of them for the next 40-50 years, just like they do for Blacks, anyways.

“Their standard of living went up. He’s got a roof over his head,” Deena said. “He didn’t have a home. Now, he does.”

If anyone deserves the death penalty, it’s ALL five of these Negroes. Instead, they’ll get three squares, time to chill out, watch a some TV and have sex with their fellow jail homies for the rest of their lives at our expense. They don’t care. American prisons are a lot better than living in Africa, considering.

They should be hung or electrocuted in the chair. NOW, G-dammit!

As usual, the national media kept very silent about the trial. Hell, they don’t give a rat’s ass, either. It wasn’t one of them nor anyone they knew. Being in Tennessee, it was probably nothing but some rednecks and “former slave owners,” they probably think.

The taxpayers of Tennessee will now pay something like $30,000 a year for the upkeep and maintenance of just this one perp. Let’s see, he’s probably got another 40 years of life (that is, if another convict doesn’t shank him) and so that would make it one million, two hundred thousand dollars ($1,200,000) coming out of the state tax coffers for this one absolutely worthless Negro. That’s not even counting the money spent on convicting the SOB.

But please, let’s not lose sight of the incredible pain and heartache suffered by Channon and Christopher’s friends and family. They will never see their loved ones again.

Also, this is NOT some aberration or fluke. Violent crimes perpetrated by Negroes happens on a daily basis in our nation’s cities and most of the time you hear nothing about it except maybe on the local news. Even then, the local channels will often avoid mentioning the race. Every week, there is some new horrible Black on White crime somewhere that you hear nothing about, unless you read of it on the Internet.

How about the Wichita Horror, where the Carr brothers broke into a house with 5 Whites? They took turns raping the women and making the men have sex at the point of a gun, laughing uproariously about it all. When through, they bundled them off to steal money from their ATM’s and then shot each of them in the back of the head, while naked in a snow-covered field. Then the 2 Negroes went back to their house, stole some more and then killed the dog. One White woman miraculously managed to survive and point the finger (she was infected by a STD from the multiple rapes). Disgusting!

Stella and Ruby Harvey

Stella and Ruby Harvey

Or how about the sickening Richmond, VA. Harvey Family murders, two of which were little girls? All had their heads bashed-in with a hammer, stabbed about the face and chest; finally, they cut their throats. When the perps were discovered to be Negroes, the national press dropped the whole horrific story like a hot potato. It was so obvious, it wasn’t funny.

Yet the media still goes out of it’s way to portray us Whites as the evildoers, criminals and “oppressors,” etc. etc.!

Haven’t you had enough of this double-standard? When will you stand up and say so?

Each of us knows that Negroes are violent and dangerous. You may sit there and try to say they are just like us and that I’m being all “racist” about it, but what I’m doing is stating the honest-to-God facts of the matter. If you live near a Negro area, or even have Negroes living in your own neighborhood, you would constantly be concerned with having your stuff stolen, loved ones getting raped, or murdered.

They have no problem killing each other and they certainly have no problem killing your White butt. You know it, I know it, so let’s stop with all the pretend PC-BS and present a united front to these monstrous “people!”

— Phillip Marlowe


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My original post on this crime