Any of these women could have been your mother or grandmother today in America –”The Land of the Free,” the world’s first “Universal Country” — the land of “Die-versity!”

Ask yourself this one very simple question. It’s not hard. It doesn’t require any convoluted reasoning or explanations or whatever. It’s this: How many times do you ever hear of some white guy killing an elderly Negro woman?

I mean, really think about that, for a minute.

It just doesn’t happen. Or if it does, then only rarely. I personally can’t think of a single case. But I have some news for you, it happens quite often to our white mothers and grandmothers. No lie. It’ll make you furious to understand just how often. Someone recently made a comment about a post here on all the young white girls killed by blacks and said that I only cared about the matter because they were attractive, as he put it. Right. Like I only care about good-looking, white women! Hell, if such was the deal, I’d be writing for True Detective magazine, or maybe Hustler — making serious change instead of this dam blog!

Do you imagine that maybe, just maybe, blacks might get a little worked-up, if crazed white men killed helpless little old black women on a regular basis, like we see going on today to elderly white women? Just think: What if some white guy gets arrested every week or so, because they’ve killed some old Black women; after stealing her ATM and credit cards or even raping them — then you’d see the American black community go completely haywire about another “Granny Moses” being viciously slain by the evil whiteys.

But there’s some other things that these kinds of crimes tells us and things that cannot be denied or glossed over by all the liberal Multicults out there. Yet I doubt if any of them will take the time reading this post all the way. But if they do, they just may reach a terrible conclusion about it all (below). If you’re such a liberal, who believes so much in “diversity,” then I ask you to at least read this through – only because you, undoubtedly, have a mother too.

When I read this latest story, I once again asked myself all these questions.

Here’s a 75 year-old white woman, one Jane Britt of Seattle, WA who, when leaving the nursing home where her invalided husband is living, gets beaten and strangled to death by some black Nurse’s assistent from the same home. He then stuffs her dead body into the trunk of her own car and then makes off with her husband’s valuable Costco card, of all things. In addition to her life, chances are he took more than that (I would guess). His DNA was found under the dead women’s fingernails, proving the SOB did it and she tried to fight back in some fashion. Read more here

At first, the local news reports wouldn’t show Joseph Nijonge’s courtroom shot – since he’s black, of course. But eventually they did flash courtroom shots for a few seconds once the public figured out his race. Meanwhile, in the Seattle area at the time, some white guy was arrested for taunting the police on the 911 phoneline, over towing his car. The local TV news showed his WHITE face non-stop and turned this minor crime into the headline news of the day. Can you believe how crime reporting has been so turned completely around with what the media makes of things, anymore? Un-frigging-believable!

And this is not some isolated instance, at all. Here’s a few more:

The Neighbors loved her, but they sure didn’t…

2/16/08: 70 year-old Pirkko Gaultney was described as “bubbly, happy, full of life” by a neighbor. “I’m going to miss her a lot — this neighborhood’s going to miss her a lot.” She had lived in that neighborhood in Minneapolis for 20 years, but had some unexpected young visitors to her home one night this past February. Two black teenagers, 15 and 16 year-old Reggie Jones (pictured) broke in a side window and then let themselves in. After finding her, they stabbed her multiple times, killing her dead; then the Negroes stole her credit cards, personal items and her car. And I’m certain that some people will say “they were so young they just didn’t know what they did” or “they had such a bright future and now it’s all gone” but not a word about the WHITE victim. Always some excuse, anything other than what’s staring them right in the face. Read more here

Robbery was the motive, of course...

10/19/07: Meals on wheels volunteers Debbie Kornegay (58) and assistant director Eve Beasely were preparing hot food for the elderly and home-bound people in her area. It was shortly after 9 in the morning and the two were in the church kitchen, when a random, feral black man, Tommy Lee Holiday, burst in. After stabbing and slashing the two white women with a nearby kitchen knife, he rummages through their purses and then flees the scene in Debbie’s car. She dies from her horrible knife wounds but Eve manages to survive with critical injuries. Read more here

Takes young white girlfriend shopping…

8/16/07: Building maintenance worker John Middleton was entrusted with the apartment complexe’s keys. So when he decided to take his young white girlfriend shopping at the Walmart and needing some money, he paid a little visit to 80 year-old (can you believe that?) Virginia Harrit’s apartment. After he conveniently let himself in with his keys, he ties her up with a telephone cord and duct-tapes her mouth. Evidently, he forced her to tell him the PIN number to her ATM card before killing her. It seems that blacks just don’t know ATM’s are equipped with cameras nowadays. And so are Walmarts, too. Read more here

After beating her to death, he enjoys a nice evening...

8/1/07: Elderly Wichita, KS, community activist, 79 year-old Evelyn Middlestadt helped minorities get started in work with her Self Help Network. It seems that one of those minorities asked for a $200 check and she refused for some reason. So he brutally beat her, punching her in the face until she fell and then he kicked the living life out of the prostate old woman on the floor. He then takes the check, cashes it, buys himself a nice dinner, visits a prostitute and then relaxes the rest of the evening with his buds, smoking some crack. A perfect Negro evening out! In court, minority Benjamin Fish (47) pleads no contest to the crime and is now fed by the taxpayer for life. Read more here

Just had to go to the Big Game…

3/31/07: Ellie Halfacre was a retired school teacher living Newbury county, SC. Described as a devoted mother, loving wife, active in her community and church. Of course she wasn’t expecting a visit out of the blue from someone named Demetrius Pepper. Seems the mad dog, fat-faced Demetrius was on a crime spree through the countryside, robbing and killing. After his last stolen car broke down nearby, he searched around for new wheels so he could go see his brother play in a football game. “There were two cars in the yard that had keys in them. All he had to do was take the car. He didn’t have to go in and kill her over a car. It’s just senseless,” Sheriff Lee Foster said. He had broken into her house, where he shot the poor woman in the head, killing her. Read more here


Now think about something here a minute. Like I said, you rarely (if ever) read about a white guy doing this kind of thing. Nor do you read about black men doing this to black elderly women (OK, sometimes). So what does that tell you? These black men have purposefully targeted elderly white women for crime and violence. Let’s say they needed money for crack or something. Why don’t they do this to black little old ladies?

No, they don’t and as such proves conclusively that these are what they term “hate” crimes (which is BS and meant only to be used against whites) since it’s one race attacking the weaker members of another race. To simply ascribe it as doing it for money ignores the fact that elderly black women can have money too. Whites are fair game to them, because of all the so-called “oppression” we supposedly are always guilty of, especially the evil old ladies like these. So, somehow, it must justify this kind of crime in their eyes. It’s just another old white bitch, right?

This is getting worse and worse in America, as our society becomes more like the Third-World. If you are young or middle-aged, the above kind of thing is what your future may hold for you with the illegal aliens flooding our lands, increasing crime enormously. Illegals Mestizos and Mexicans criminally murder 12 white Americans per day — more than the dead in the Iraq war – and that doesn’t include all those killed by drunk illegals just driving down the road!

And of these particular cases, I wrote about here, no rapes were involved. When you read about black-on-white crimes, you’ll see that elderly whites are quite often raped by young black males, sometimes getting killed afterwards, sometimes not. Why would they rape such older women? Power and revenge for imagined whitey wrongs, maybe. Disgustingly vile, blind lust too, more often than not.

And make note of a few other things, here. All of these crimes took place within the last year. These are not the work of some rare sicko who comes along every five years or so. If some white man committed a crime like the above, you would see the story endlessly replayed on the crime documentaries on TV (and you do, too). Instead, blacks commit crimes like this on White women all the time, so they have the gall to describe it as not “newsworthy” (they are to you and me) but what they really don’t want, is us whites to start thinking and getting pissed (which I am, seriously).

Also, every one of these crimes, except one, were committed without a gun. The Negroes choked, beat, kicked or stabbed the white victims to death. Gun control is not the answer. Hell, if these women were packing heat, they might have had the chance to turn the tables on these animals. The police are not going to arrive in the nick of time, almost certainly. Might as well forget that.

And whites do stop vicious blacks with guns all the time. That’s another thing the media fails to report to you because it’s not “Politically Correct.” Crimes in the US are prevented by alert whites with guns on a daily basis. In fact, it’s probably the only protection really left to us, anymore. Not having guns would take away all the risk to these types and we would then be completely defenseless, even to blacks who have no guns themselves, as these cases amply illustrate.

Now, I know that many elderly whites are very scared of this happening to them, for good dam reason, obviously. And some of them may still hope for racial harmony and all that jazz, nevertheless. But I have bad news for them and any other whites out there who believe that crap: These violent and Affirmative Action-spoiled blacks don’t give a flying flock about any of your social politics! All they want is your money, your car, or whatever, and get away clean — even if it means killing your white butt. And, maybe especially, if it means killing your white butt.

Figure it out. It’s not rocket science.

–Phillip Marlowe

Please, just take just a few minutes to look over this site and the enormity of this issue and not just what I write here! Black-on-White Crime

Or my series on the black-on-white crime numbers that the media fails to tell you JACK about:

What You Don’t Know Could Get You Killed
What You Don’t Know Could Get You Raped
What You Don’t Know Could Make You a Number
What You Don’t Know WILL Make You Retch
What You Don’t Know or Will Not Talk About!