
Barry Soetoro, aka Barack Hussein Obama, is now the star to propaganda of a sort not seen this side of North Korea. It will be positively ridiculous on Tuesday as 10,000 busloads descend on DC, turning the place into a total zoo and quite possibly even worse.

Get ready America! This coming week will be a non-stop Negro love-fest — with Martin Luther King Day on Monday and then the crowning of his holiness, the Obamanation, on following the day. Negroes, White diversity liberals and the media everywhere are now quite delirious with unabashed glee.obama-sockpuppet

Pretty cheeky considering he’s really half-black, or more accurately a Mulatto (liberals hate that word so I use it lovingly). But he’s also demonstrably an illegal alien and totally unconstitutional to be sworn-in as president. This is what goes with having a sock-puppet monkey installed for your president: You have to take what they give you, as the “Free Media” keeps their mouth’s shut about all the rest.*

If you are a White person reading this — especially if you are for peace, “diversity” and all that jazz  – then you need to read this all the way till the end and ask yourself some important questions that only you can answer for yourself. The media, as you may now suspect, has not and will not give you the full story for politically correct reasons, as well as being owned by people who have vested interests in the whole “schmeil.”

You may try to discount all this right off the bat as being “racist,” or even think that it’s all “a good thing,” but you should stop and give serious thought to what’s really going on and what this means to the US and your children’s future in the end. Please read on.


Someone in Taiwan needs to start cutting royalty checks to Obama.

Yep, this coming week will be an interesting one, as well as a sad one for America. The elite White buffoon and Jew dupe, George W. Bush, who laughed at the Constitution as he created police state powers to fight created “Islamic Terror;” has fawningly described Obama’s Installation as the first “Black” president to be a ”a moment of hope and pride.” Right. Sounds like the bastard is bucking for a pardon. Hell, it doesn’t matter, nothing is going to happen – all these people play for the same side, anyways — the Zionist Jew’s side. Always have.

Bush even went and declared the DC area a Federal Emergency — just so they could technically get at 15 million more of your tax dollars to pay for the Obama Installation (total cost so far: 170 million). So, whatever happened to the half a billion in election donations for Obama? Did he give it all back or spend a little too much in Hawaii taking care of a few things?

Oh, it’s a “Federal Emergency,” alright. All across the board, this country is now in a economic death spiral and the media hypocrisies over this and the bloody Israeli Zionist’s genocides in the Gaza Ghetto is so thick you can cut it with a dull knife. Note how the media, this week, barely breathed a word about Citigroup getting 20 billion dollars, but went on and on about the auto makers getting 17 billion last month. Note how the entire world is now up in arms about the Jew Zionist atrocities in the Gaza; his use of phosphor munitions in populated areas, threatening with force and turning back humanitarian relief ships, etc. etc., yet the US mainstream media, as usual, has carefully toed the Zionist’s propaganda line and stays silent about such inconvenient details.

Of course, some Negroes might be reading this because it looks to be a mostly Negro subject. Spoiled, militant American Negroes are almost totally consumed with the sad fact they were born Negro and, apparently, that’s all that concerns them. We could have a Comet or Asteroid headed to earth, threatening mass extinction, and these people would be screaming about a ”racist” plot, while Whitey hides out in his secret underground caverns. Negroes only care about Negro or race-related issues.

They are just so excited about the Obama and all the free stuff they now think they’ll get for being Negro. From having their car, house or rent payments discontinued; to getting free gas or the perennial demands for slavery reparations  — the possibilities for Negro self-aggrandizement is endless. Of course, all the hand-outs and special treatment (called “Entitlements”) they’ve been getting will have to continue unabated.


Obama once read a book about Abraham Lincoln and now fancies himself as a later-day Lincoln. He’s even taking a train from Illinois for his Installation and had the Library of Congress provide Lincoln’s very own bible to be sworn in with. How’s that for some Chutzpah? The Jews must love this guy. Funny, no one must have ever told him that old Abe thought the Negro would never equal the White man and wanted to deport their asses back to the Dark Continent after the War of Northern Aggression. Thanks a lot, John Wilkes Booth!

Unfortunately for the Negroes, since they don’t pay much attention to non-Negro subjects, this country is now going totally down the tubes — as in bankrupt. No if’s and’s or but’s. Obama and the Democrats want to spend like a drunken sailor in the vain hope to stave off the inevitable, with Obama’s wish to further the debt to the tune of 825 billion. He has to pretend, at least, to do something, anything, to put a stop to what’s in this country’s future. But the spending will only make the inflationary hole that much deeper and the misery long-term.

But for the International Jews and spend now, pay later Negroes, that’s going to be A-OK! Our country’s economy is being handled exactly like some spend-thrift transaction at a used car lot: You can’t afford it? Let’s not worry about it — for right now. No wonder Henry Kissinger said last week that Obama and the global economic crisis will be really good for the Jew World Order. Don’t cry for me Argentina! Read more here

Public schools are even having “celebrations” over Obamanation’s Installation, getting the kids indoctrinated with loyalty to the new “Great Leader.” They’ve sent out letters to parents about what the kids should wear and all the happy “Cultural Revolution” pep-rallies they’ve planned. Folks, this is all starting to sound like Commie Land!

Dear Parents: As we begin our 2009 school year, we do so with new hope! As a school community we will celebrate the spirit of CHANGE! We have six days of activities planned for our students, culminating in the viewing of the inauguration of our new president on January 20, 2009. We will all be in our Multipurpose Room, watching together as Barack Obamatakes the oath of office. Read more here

Of course, most Black daddies (when they can be found) and mommies won’t be at their Affirmative Action jobs that day or even the day before (MLK day). They are all planning to call in sick so they can act like they did when OJ got off from killing two people. Remember that? When they handed down the decision, Negroes went haywire with joy over it.

“Being at work is not an option,” said Brenda Wilson, a 51-year-old manager at the American Cancer Society in Atlanta who abandoned her dreams of heading to Washington but will not be in the office. “I wouldn’t be able to get any work done, wondering what was going on.” Read more here

All kinds of stuff is planned for this travesty. Not only are all the networks going off the hook with it, it’ll also be in local theaters and the NY Jumbotron live. MSNBC is so Obama-crazed that it’s gotten down right embarrassing:

NEW YORK — President-elect Barack Obama is on his way to the big screen, thanks to a deal between MSNBC and Screenvision that will put the news channel’s inaugural coverage in 27 theaters around the country.

That means that Keith Olbermann, Rachel Maddow, Chris Matthews and other MSNBC and NBC personalities will play the big movie screen in addition to the usual MSNBC cable and satellite stream.

“It’ll look great,” MSNBC president Phil Griffin said. “We’re thrilled about it.”

Imagine all this for a White guy? Even HBO is covering it, for crying out loud — when have they ever down that for a current event? Speaking of movies, his humbleness Barry Soetoro thinks Will Smith will be perfect for playing him when they do the biopic of Obama for the big screen (probably sooner than you think):

Speaking at the premiere of his new film Seven Pounds at the Empire, Leicester Square, in London, Smith laughed about reports that the US President-elect had indicated that he would like the actor to play him if his life story were ever to be made into a movie.

“If I am ordered by my commander in chief to star in a film about him, I will do my duty as an American,” he said, beaming.  Read more here

This is all a matter of skin color. Negroes have absolutely no qualms about being that way, but woe if any White were to act the same, they would go Negro ballistic about “racism” and “White supremacy.” And Negresses love Barry Soetoro because he married a full-blown Negro, instead of some trophy White chick. That really endears him to Negro women all over, since they hate seeing “their men” with ”dem ebil Whitey gurlz” and marrying her may have been enough for him to have won the Democratic nomination (real issues mean nothing to them).

Read this piece where Vanessa Williams does a race riff on Obama and his Queen:

“Hey, dark ‘n lovely!”

Gotta love the brothers who show their affection for the dark-skinned girls, even if they are hollering out the window of a passing car.

Gotta love it even more when the brother is the president, and the object of his affection is front and center for the world to see.

It’s true: A lot of black women fell for Barack Obama the moment they saw his wife.

If a black president represents change, a dark-skinned first lady is straight-up revolutionary. Read the rest here

The new Jackie-O?

The new Jackie-O? Please.

The darker the skin with Negroes, the more they hate themselves. That’s very true, all of them consider being really dark as primitive and African-looking. Look at Michael Jackson, he’s been bleaching himself for years and Negroes spend millions annually for hair straightener chemicals.

They want to turn Michelle Obama into the new “Jackie-O” as in Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis. They blather on about what she wears, like she has some kind of classy sense of style, but the real Jackie was a fashion trend-setter — people copied her, instead of the other way around.

What they’re really trying to say is that the Obamas represents a new “Camelot” for America (JFK, FDR, Lincoln, which is it?), so Michelle dresses like some blue blood White women circa early sixties to play the role. She can’t dress like some African queen, this might be too much Negro for Whites and we can’t be having that now, dearies.


The MLK Statue is said to be too “socialist realist” looking and changes have been called for (scale model above), so it won’t make all the Negro celebrations next week — but the design is just right for where this country is going. Negroes all over complained that a Chinese man was selected to design it, instead of the fact that it’s being constructed overseas in China. How’s that for Negrotude? MLK Statue Controversy


"I have a dream," too: That these people will one day shut the hell up!†

This Sunday night, the History Channel is beaming a big Martin Luther King documentary. We’re certain this will be another “white-wash” of this guy’s life, since he’s the designated Negro “hero martyr,” so they’ll never reveal any real dirt for fear of getting the Negroes all torqued-up about “dissing the King’s memory.” What a laugh. They’ve been ignoring real facts about him from day-one.

Like the fact that MLK’s writings were well-proven by researchers to be plagiarized whole-sale from other writers. Or that his famous “I have a dream” speech was written by his Jew-Commie handler, Stanley Levison, helped out by Clarence Jones who had it copy-righted the next day (the King family will sue you for using it without paying them hard cash). Or that he used church funds for to party down with prostitutes. Oh yeah, his associate Reverend Ralph Abernathy said as much in his 1989 book, “And the Walls Came Tumbling Down.”

Or that the night after MLK visited the Supreme Court on January 6, 1964, he hired three White prostitutes for a party and as he brutally beat one of them, he screamed out “I’m f–king for God” and “I’m a White man tonight!” This was recorded by three secret microphones that Hoover’s boys installed. Of course, there is a lot of other material just like this hidden away by the US government and not to be released until 2017, for some reason. What’s the deal there? Read more here

Methinks that the History Channel will not say one word about any of this. But then again, the History Channel is owned by the Jew-controlled big-media corporations.


MLK (#1 at far right) at the Jew-financed 1957 Highlander school, a real-life Commie front for training in subversive political tactics. Commie Jews and Negroes have a long history in the US. Plenty of people, including Ronald Reagan, knew all about this at the time. Read my blog posting about Obama’s Commie childhood mentor and quite possibly his daddy too: Was Obama’s Daddy a Commie Pervert?

This guy was indeed a piece of work. Why is it that Negroes always have these kind of people as leaders? Could it be, that the Jews behind the curtain prefer to have real dirt on what kind of Negroes they allow reverence to? Who they can keep on a media leash and turn into canned heroes for the masses? Why do people like Reverend Sharpton have little problem with ridiculous behavior like in the Tawana Brawley and Duke rape cases? Perhaps it’s because they’ve learned early on, not to touch the Jew and in return get media attention to continue their lucrative blackmail operations against corporate America over race issues.

How about when some White says the most inconsequential racial thing, like Prince Harry in England calling a fellow soldier in his squad a ”Paki” and all kinds of stupid attention is paid, but when these media-created Negro heroes say anything about the Whitey, it gets completely ignored? Or that horrific Black on White crimes never see any national coverage and go down the memory hole, but when Negroes are victimized by a White, it’s talked about forever and ever. Surely, you’ve seen all this, time and time again.

Now, I asked you White liberals to read on to this point. You know that things with the US are not exactly going well and we have some scary international issues rearing up. If you are basing things just on what you see on the mainstream news, then I have some serious news for you: You are not getting the full picture from these people. And you know it, too.

But you need to ask yourself some important questions. Like why is it that every other race out there can be as free as a bird when it comes to expressing pride and solidarity in the color of their skin but it’s anathema for us Whites to do the same? What will it mean to this country when Obama can hide behind all this PC business, so that if you say anything about his policies or what his minders plan to do, then the liberals and media will scream racism?

The media has created a “Culture of Personality” around this guy and God help you if you can’t see that. They are plenty of Whites out there who are getting sick and tired of all this nonsense fast and if you think for one dam minute the ”Silent Majority” will stay asleep, then you’d better think again.

You remember something now about Lincoln — who Obamahas the temerity to emulate without doing one GD thing but decide to spend us into debt — not long after Lincoln became president, this country went to war witheach other. And, just like when FDR was president (another premature comparison with the Obamanation), hundreds of thousands of White men were killed fighting a Jew-instigated war. Iran, anyone?

Benjamin Disraeli (19th century PM of Britain and Sephardic Jew) once said that all of history came down to race in the end and if you sit there in your infinite wisdom and think “race doesn’t matter” well, I’ve got news for you pal: It does indeed matter a great deal to every other race out there. In case you haven’t noticed, all of the business with Obama is over race! Every last bit. They just can’t say so outright on the TV, since people like you might get the message what the real deal is.

obamahopenosiska1But let’s forget about all that race stuff, since you find it so distasteful to think on, let alone speak openly about. Understand that having a situation where the mainstream media obsfuscates and omits what the rest of the world knows, shows us that they want Americans to stay asleep to the real deal. This is exactly the reason why people one day wake up and ask themselves WTF happened? And what will you or your children do then?

Words like “HOPE” or “Change” or pithy slogans like “Yes, We Can!” all sound so wonderful, but that’s all total brainless, wishful BULL. You can sit there, hoping and praying all dam day long, but it won’t get you anywhere real — just put you in a dreamy, trance-like state. Which, like mainstream TV news, is the real idea in the first place.

Obama is obviously a media-created puppet for the PC masses. The evidence is now becoming clear-cut as we see that most of Obama’s cabinet and appointees are socialistic CFR Bilderbergers and Banker Jews. We are being silently marshaled along towards the goal of what Huey Long once described as a “Fascist, Anti-Fascist” state and the concept of a “Free” America will be in name only. Non-White immigration and special status for Negroes will only increase and you will not be able to say JACK about any it, maybe not even know much about it, once “anti-Hate” censorship silences free speech, talk radio and the Internet.

As of Tuesday, January 20th, 2009, the United States of America will not really have a president, only a “person of color” pretend president — a puppet installed by International Elite Zionists to stultify and appease the Politically Correct American braindead as this country rapidly goes down the toilet and then is turned into a Jew World Order/Socialist nightmare. This has all been planned out long before, you only have to connect the dots to see the direction it’s going.

Regardless of all the “Hope” you are now doing, you will soon get a ring-side seat and probably a whole hellava lot more that you will not find so entertaining.

 – Phillip Marlowe

*You think for one friggin’ moment that this country really has a free media? Wake up and smell the horseshit! The Jews tried to get my blog shut-down when I first came on board, but WordPress allowed it to stay up under “mature,” so I guess I can use a few dirty words here and there. If you are reading this now, you have my address for other reasons, but will not see my posts in WordPress’ blogosphere screens.

† The misspelled “I have a Dream” TV screen image above is very real — it was taken with a cellphone camera of an actual broadcast by KIII-TV in Corpus Christi, TX for the MLK day “celebrations” in Jan. 2007. Embarrassed TV station executives were upset that the video editors missed it and the photo spread so far over the Internet.

CNN lyingly implies “White supremacists,” David Duke and Stormfront wants Obama assasination!