
by James Buchanan

msnbc_results-300x230An MSNBC online poll asked Americans to grade Obama on his first 100 days in office. MSNBC is a typicable liberal news outlet which has had its lips firmly pressed to Obama’s buttocks as long ago as the primary. Anyone getting their news from MSNBC would be getting a steady dose of pro-Obama liberal propaganda. Despite all this, Obama was trounced in the online poll with most people, out of 2.7 million online votes, giving him either a “D” or an “F”. Of all the possible grades, the most common grade Obama got was an “F”. For a while, people trying to give Obama an “F” complained that they were getting error messages and the percentage of “A’s” gained a little. MSNBC eventually shut down the poll when it became obvious the results were a little too embarrassing to leave up. Sounds like typical liberals, if you can’t win, cheat!

What exactly has Obama done during his first 100 days? Well, he’s continued the highly unpopular policy of bailing out big Wall Street corporations, pumping more billions of our tax dollars into AIG. Obama also introduced a $787 billion dollar “stimulus plan” which has apparently done nothing to help little people and will almost certainly disappear into Democrat pork barrel projects and the pockets of major campaign donors.

More and more Americans are using up their last unemployment checks. Many are defaulting on their mortgages and joining the growing crowds living in tent cities all over America. In the first three months of 2009, an additional 800,000 Americans defaulted on their mortgages –- despite banks bending over backwards not to foreclose on people. Over six hundred thousand Americans have been losing their jobs every month so far in 2009 with about 2.5 million Americans added to the unemployment roles so far this year.

It’s true that Bush helped get the collapse going, but the dumbest thing Bush did -aside from the Iraq War- was to support the minority subprime loan program. This is what ultimately knocked over the first financial domino and started the current economic collapse. Obama however is also guilty. Obama filed a lawsuit on behalf of ACORN to force banks to make more subprime loans to minorities.

Obama has suggested that the government should help bail out some subprime lenders. Most of the minority subprime borrowers, got their homes with no down-payments. Many of them have stopped paying their mortgage, and ACORN has encouraged these people to continue “squatting” in expensive homes. Many Americans are concerned that they will be forced to buy homes for these subprime minority deadbeats, which could easily amount to more trillions of dollars in government spending. Meanwhile, the typical American taxpayer lives in a modest home, not nearly as nice as the spacious $500,000 new homes that many subprime borrowers live in.

On top of the ongoing economic meltdown, the recent Mexican swine flu pandemic has already turned up in several US states thanks to the total lack of control at the US border. And to add insult to injury, some idiot in the Obama regime (possibly Obama himself) got the completely bone-headed idea of buzzing New York City with a presidential 747 flying low enough supposedly for a picture with the statue of liberty. The 747 circled around three times completely alarming ordinary residents of New York who had flash backs to 911. An accompanying, but hard to see F16 roared alongside with none of the noise-arresting gear of a commercial plane. The terrific din of the fighter plane no doubt pannicked people even further.

Obama is doing everything wrong. He’s trying to spend his way out of a Depression, which didn’t work for FDR and didn’t work for Robert Mugabe. Obama is going on “road trips” around the world visiting Europe and Mexico during his first hundred days as millions of Americans are suffering through a Depression. Maybe a little less travel would be more appropriate and a little less tone deaf to the plight of ordinary Americans. Obama’s bail outs appear to be reserved for the rich and politically-connected. If Obama’s $787 billion were distributed to ordinary Americans, who lost their jobs, ten million Americans could receive the equivalent of $9.84 per hour, for forty hours per week, for four years. This could help many ordinary Americans keep paying their mortgages and to stay out of those tent cities which seem to be growing larger every month.

Obama apologists of course will whine that it’s too early to judge Obama and that his policies need more time, but a clear trend has been established: The big shots on Wall Street are getting all the bail out money while 600,000 more Americans get laid off every month with no hope of being reemployed anytime soon. Imagine how bad Obama would be graded in an online poll if the people in these tent cities had access to the Internet.

White Civil Rights: SOURCE