JUST THINK ABOUT it a minute: You know how much the media demonizes Iran, right? Well, with that in mind, why didn’t they make a big stink about the Iranians recently forcing down a plane so they could haul off some guy? Maybe it was a story they didn’t want Americans to hear? If this had happened with anyone else, the US media would definitely be shouting it out on the airwaves — and you think our media is free? What a joke. They work for the same people behind all this mess going down.  

The Iranian guy was named Abdolmalek Rigi and was on board a plane travelling over Iranian airspace from United Arab Emirates to Kyrgyzstan, when security forces made his plane land (I don’t know if it was intercepted by fighters or not). Riga confessed to being the ringleader of the Jundallah “terrorist” group. He also admitted some other interesting things, like America offering him unlimited military aid, money and a secret base in Afghanistan, just across the border so he could conduct operations inside Iran. 

Basically, the CIA was caught offering to fund a terrorist. A terrorist working for us, against a sovereign government. You might even call this guy a “homegrown terrorist” being recruited by the US. And the pro-Zionist media in the US has the GD nerve to accuse Iran of funding anti-Israel groups like Hezbollah and Hamas? Just think how hypocritical this all is. Read on to find out who the guy was supposed to meet at his destination.

Here’s what the guy said to the Iranian security forces:  

“They asked to meet me and we said where should we meet you and he said in Dubai. We sent someone to Dubai and we told a person to ask a place for myself in Afghanistan from the area near the operations and they complied that they would sort out the problem for us and they will find Mr. Rigi a base and guarantee his own security in Afghanistan or in any of the countries adjacent to Iran so that he can carry on his operations.  

“They told me that in Kyrgyzstan they have a base called Manas near Bishkek, and that a high-ranking person was coming to meet me and that if such high-ranking people come to the United Arab Emirates, they may be observed by intelligence people but in a place like Bishkek this high-ranking American person could come and we could reach an agreement on making personal contacts. But after the last major operation we took part in, they said that they wanted to meet with us.  

“The Americans said Iran was going its own way and they said our problem at the present is Iran… not al-Qaeda and not the Taliban, but the main problem is Iran. We don’t have a military plan against Iran. Attacking Iran is very difficult for us (the US). The CIA is very particular about you and is prepared to do anything for you because our government has reached the conclusion that there was nothing Americans could do about Iran and only I could take care of the operations for them.  

“One of the CIA officers said that it was too difficult for us to attack Iran militarily, but we plan to give aid and support to all anti-Iran groups that have the capability to wage war and create difficulty for the Iranian (Islamic) system. They reached the conclusion that your organization has the power to create difficulties for the Islamic Republic and they are prepared to give you training and/or any assistance that you would require, in terms of telecommunications security and procedures as well as other support, the Americans said they would be willing to provide it at an extensive level.”  

Riga confesses his story on Iranian Press TV. 

It gets even more interesting. The guy was due to meet with a ”high-profile US official,” scheduled to be in Kyrgyzstan when Riga arrived. Apparently, this was Richard Holbrooke who happened also to be due at the Kyrgyzstan Manas airbase in Central Asia, at the same time.

Jew agent for Jew fat cats.

Jew agent for Jew fat cats.

Richard Holbrooke is a bona fide Crypto-Jew — his father married into the Rothschild and Guggenheim families. He was a Russian Khazar Jew from Poland who changed his name on arrival in America, after escaping the always evil Nazis, of course. Curiously, the name is still a carefully guarded secret to this day (they say it’s lost and forgotten — right). The mother is a Jewess named Moos from southern Germany related to the big banker Jews.

Holbrooke (right) is the man on the ground used by the real power structure behind America. He’s always getting sent over to the Mideast for some kind of Jewy business. With him, foreign leaders must know that they are talking to the real decision makers in control of the US and our intelligence operations. A true Jew Agent for the Banker class.

Interestingly, the pampered Jew prince also did a stint as director in Maurice Greenberg’s AIG Insurance behemoth as they were selling the toxic assets called derivatives, which ended-up costing us American taxpayers 180 billion dollars. He’s also a close associate of Henry Kissinger, too. Now he’s running Obama’s war in Afghanistan.  

Let’s stop for a minute again. People are going to yell “INCOG MAN the guy was tortured into saying all that by the evil Iranians.” Sure, maybe he did get roughed-up or waterboarded like we might do. But that still does not explain the US mainstream media stayed silent over the story. In fact, that possibility would only add “spice” to the story, if you think about it. 

No, the media kept silent because they don’t want Americans to know about such things. The so-called conservative FOX news should be raising hell, but they prefer the sleeping masses not to have any real idea of our gambits over there.  

Hey, the point is not really about who the guy worked for, or even what Iran did. This is something that should give you pause to think about how controlled our media truly is in America. If they can do this for one relatively small story, trust me they can do it for just about anything. Just think about it. 

Also, make note of how much hypocrisy and sneaky doings the Jews have got America into these days. This is the kind of thing that makes us look evil to the rest of the world and costs us so much money. Not only money, too, but lives of our children and friends. While we dick around in pieces of shit countries, our own country back here goes straight to hell!  

When will Americans get it? 

– Phillip Marlowe 



HBO’s comedian Bill Maher had Council of Foreign Relations chairman, Richard Haass, on his show the other night to talk about Iran. Haass was a big-time Neocon in the Bush regime who pushed us to go to war with Iraq. On the show, Maher flippantly cracked jokes about Israel’s criminal murder of that guy in Dubai. Funny how most Americans watching this program don’t know that both of these guys are Jews and major Israel-Firsters. Ever notice how that asswipe Maher always wears too tight tee-shirts? God, I can’t stand that skinny Jew!