
Jews: Don’t try to read the copy in the brackets, that’s for Whites only. Thank you. [In a desperate bid to scare off the Jew trolls that comment here, I've decided to play the Jew shrink and explore some dark corridors of the Jewish psyche. I can only hope that they click on the "read more" button and become crazier than they already are, committing themselves to that home for the Jewish criminally-insane (Israel) and never visit the INCOG MAN again.]

Whitey talk, continued. [I'm forced to do all this, since my listing of IP address numbers for SPAMMED Jews has now grown so gargantuan that WordPress has demanded that I delete a few million — all so I don't crash the WordPress servers, bringing down blogs the world over!]

More…quit your kvetching… [Call it "Psyops" warfare, if you will, or just call it the actions of a lonely Internet warrior, besieged on all sides by a truculent and hysterical Jewry, bent on the wholesale annoyance of any White who dares to talk about AIPAC, SPLC, ADL, etc., ETC.]

…OK, Jews, you can read now. Yes, yes, my little friends, you know you need to find out what us Goyim are discussing among ourselves and how close we are to exploding into Goyisher rage. It’s all below the “read the rest of this entry.”

I’ve also included Maxim magazine’s photos of Israeli women soldiers and COMPLETELY butt-naked shots of Scarlett Johanson and Natalie Portman — with Stars of Davids dangling between their luscious Jew breasts. Right along with that, I have photos of me in a Mississippi jail, surrounded by fat, leering Negroes. Speaking of Negroes, I’ve put up shots of Catholic Nuns getting… Oh well, you get the idea.

That’s right, just go ahead and click on the little button here, no harm will come to you — I promise!


Nobody seems to care anymore when you call them a Nazi.


Dad goes off to Atlantic City, leaving Bubbi to stay with you for however long it takes to win back his Madoff investments; if that fails, both of them have to live with you — forever.


There’s an urgent message on your answering machine to call the Health Department about that strangely intense Moyl you hired to perform the circumcision of your son last year.


The Coen Brothers release another movie apparently based on your life.


Even attending Off, Off-Broadway productions is no longer any fun.


It’s now impossible to fantasize about other women when you’re with your wife.


Instead of a nice family of reformed Jews — or even crazy Hasidics — some horrifyingly goyish family moves in next door.


Meanwhile, ICE moves Obama’s aunt into the foreclosed property on the other side of you …where she’s soon joined by the rest of Obama’s Kenyan relatives.


You find out your daughter’s head has been totally twisted by MTV propaganda meant only for Goyim girls.


Iran legalizes weed and Ahmadinejad becomes the darling of all your hipster friends.


Obama insists the press call him “Hussein” from now on and starts attending a Wahabi Mosque in Georgetown.


A crazed Goy on the Internet named INCOG MAN, somehow figures out who’s the real chief of MOSSAD Sayanim operations in the USA.


Torchlit parades of chanting Goyim keep you up all hours.


White people wearing uniforms, start-up baby farms in rural areas.


You awaken in the middle of the night covered in sweat from bizarre nightmares.


And the big Rambam knows you deserve it all, since you’ve only managed to keep 587 of the 613 Mitzvos.