
The following Social Studies paper was submitted to me by a young (16), self-described rich, Manhattan girl whom I promised to run unedited (below). She goes by the name: Richchick_NYC or Julia_NYC.

She tells us at first, on Stormfront’s on-line forum, that she’s 19, but later when she sends me her MySpace link, she has her age listed as 16. She also tells us that she’s been mugged, held hostage at gunpoint and even had her Best Friend murdered in front of her, and all by Negroes.

Normally, these kinds of posts are not really that big of a deal. Most of the time, such posters are quickly dismissed. However, young Julia struck some kind of chord and the result was a thread that eventually ran into the hundreds of posts, back and forth between everybody, Stormfronters and Anti-Stormfronters.

Make note that in her posts at this forum, she herself becomes as belligerent, in her private messages to Stormfronters, that she accuses Stormfronters of, in her paper below. She also threatened to alert the authorities (thought police?) to the site and to expose all these evil white racists on the TV show; Good Morning America (more thought police, perhaps?).

Here’s her unedited paper. Betcha she got an A:

“North America, 2007. This is the worlds largest power-house of business, finance, and tolerance. Being a multi-cultural society you would think we are civilized enough to tolerate. This is not true. Every day people encounter some form of discrimination; the government tries to stop it, although there are just some things that the even the law can’t help with. Racism. It is a word that should be less and less common in today’s modern society. It is not, and it exists in the ugliest form.

I recently visited a site that promotes White Nationalism. I had heard about it; it was supposed to be a civilized place where a guest could come and debate with intellectual responses. I did not receive this treatment when I posted my view. I was called many names, some of the most vulgar and crude names. People suspected I was Jewish, and even Black. I tried to defend myself but the response was just overwhelming. I was eventually banned for speaking my mind, while the real villans (who called me much worse names than Black) were still allowed to post; and even recognized as heros. I watched helplessly as I was ridiculed and ripped to shreds. I decided to take another course of action, I did some research. I knew that playing the emotional innocence card was not going to work; so I tried using useful debating tactics. I was treated some what differently, although I faced the same immaturity from the childish ones.

This proves my point; that White Nationalism is an excuse for racism. Racism is a lifestyle and White Nationalism has everything to do with politics. You don’t form your lifestyle on politics (unless you live in a communist country), your opinion on politics however forms from your lifestyle. What I am implying is that White Nationalism is really code for racism.

What is sad is that these people actually believe what they are doing is right; this is severely misguided. As someone who considers themselves as a conciliator, they are basing their opinions on fear. Both “sides” are just afraid. I had the chance to speak with several of them. According to most, they only fear for the survival of their race; and they seek to protect it. According to their counterparts, they fear that the white man is going to harm or seek to destory them. So where did all of this fear come from? What can we do to stop it? I say that everyone needs to discuss this without bringing any emotions or fear into it; and figure out what is best AND fair. I don’t have the answer, I’m just a small person trying to get everyone to see that what they are doing is going to lead to a war. I don’t want that for my children and neither should you.”


Julia’s arguments were debated in a fair and logical way– by many Stormfront posters. Sure, some posters got a bit antagonistic with her rosy-colored, PC vision of the world and may have been a little too tart for her privileged sensibilities (it is, after all, a White forum). But she carefully avoided many of those who were willing to seriously debate her comments in a calm, civilized way and she accuses all of them for blind racism since they refuse to see things in her wise, enlightened way.

The Whites at Stormfront are pretty much sick of all this Multicultural BS being sucked down by brain-dead liberals, nowadays. Most of them are not hateful people, they just don’t want their children to end up sinking in a sea of Third World mud; and they’re sick of having to listen all these smarmy liberal-types who want to force all this mumbo-jumbo on them, people like Julia, who think they’re so smart and know what’s best for all of us, but fail to consider any facts staring them right in the face– if such facts happen to conflict with their wishful thinking about the world.

And when any Whites express solidarity with one another (like belonging to something like Stormfront) or even expressing any anger over things like immigration; they are immediately branded as racist, evil Nazis, by these liberals, all the Jew Multicult Mavens or race KGB groups like the SPLC or the ADL. These people really don’t want any Whites to get together, at all, because if they do, those Whites might arrive at a few inconvenient conclusions– so they paint any pro-White or even Border Security groups like the Minute Men– in this fashion, regardless of whatever.

When reading between the lines of her posts, you can see Julia has many conflicting emotions; a personal revulsion to Black men, the reality of what she’s witnessed on the streets versus what she thinks of the world and herself to be. But she still thinks Stormfront people will see the light after reading her hopeful logic. Ah, youth! And that’s exactly why you find many posters replying to her in sarcastic ways.

But she means well. As such, you can’t help but feel a little something for her. That’s the real problem, anymore. Almost all whites want to be fair and good but these very emotions have been callously taking advantage of and turned against us. The young are prime targets for all this and that’s why you have so much effort being made to advance the Multicultural and pro-Homosexual line in our nation’s schools.

And why do we have all of this fuss still going on today, after so many decades now of this cultural brainwashing and programs like Affirmative Action? Is is really because whites are so hateful and are practising “stealth” racism all the time? Or is it really something else? Maybe this whole little Diversity gig is not really working well to begin with. Could it be that all these race controversies today– are really nothing but mind-games to distract us from the real agenda going on?

Figure it out!

By Phillip Marlowe