The Jew’s designated Zio-puppet,* Sarah Palin, meeting with the insidious Globalist, Henry Kissinger, back during the campaign of 2008. I wonder what the Jew was thinking at the moment? Palin looks like a deer caught in headlights, as if that evil old fart is something special. Is that an Israeli flag pin, without the usual American flag, on her lapel? Would not surprise me in the least with these Jew puppets!     

Don’t get me wrong here, conservatives: I like Sarah Palin — as I might a next-door neighbor, but not as a leader for America. My basic question is simply this: Could we not do better? Is this the best and brightest White candidate possible? Please. The answer is unquestionably no. The woman is chiefly given big media exposure because she’s malleable and a willing Zionist suck-up, just like every single other candidate now “allowed” by the hidden Jews who own this country.     

Palin is being positioned as the Tea Party’s choice for the Republican party candidate in 2012. She has fully kissed Jew ass and bowed down before the Zionist Power Structure. This is how the Jew does it to America, folks. This is not wild conspiracy theory, either: Anyone with half-a-brain left anymore should see how these people now manipulate America in so many ways. 

Sure, I get pissed just like a lot of Whites do when the elitist liberals trash Sarah Palin. But does that mean we have to make her our Queen? Hell, no! And just because I’m not in Sarah Palin’s camp doesn’t mean I’m some kind of liberal democrat, either. These are roles that the real owners of this country have set-up and this script is carefully followed by the media, if you pay close enough attention. You can be a “conservative,” “moderate” or a “liberal,” anything but anti-Zionist or anti-Israel. They just can’t allow that idea to get the least media exposure!

Notice how some in the Tea Party have supposedly targeted Ron Paul. Now why is that? Because Paul represents ideas that the Jews don’t want to become too widespread in a American grass-roots movement. Ron Paul gets it about where America is being screwed over, like the FED and our troops being stationed all over the world (not just Iraq and Afghanistan — but over 700 ridiculous places); all fast driving this country towards bankruptcy. He may not name the Jew, but he surely talks about subject matter the Jews would rather you not hear and agree with. 

The Jew is smart enough to recognize those things that will put him in danger down the road, things that a confused and brainwashed American probably miss all the time. They can’t allow a Ron Paul to get any traction among the Tea Party people, even though Paul is indeed responsible for much of the movement. For the Jews, it’s like Nazis becoming allies with the Muslims (maybe not quite that bad). This kind of fusion gives Jews the heebie-jeebies. They have to push to dissociate Ron Paul’s ideas from the Tea Party and get these people to support someone they can control — like Sarah Palin. Get it?

Zit-faced Jew Punk

Like the other night, this smarmy young Jew from Washington Independent (just some pretentious little ”webpaper”) was brought on that dyke Rachel Maddow’s MSNBC Show. David Weigel (right) is the “senior” reporter (what a joke there) on conservative movements, and who now he tells us Ron Paul has little support in the Tea Party. The Jew brat was only making something out of other embedded Jew Neocons and Jew-fooled patriots, so he could get some attention over how ironic it all sounds.

You think this zit-faced, little Jew punk would get a dime’s worth of national mainstream attention if he wasn’t a Jew and said something that other Jews like to hear? Just look at the little creep!

This is your typical Jew tactic of using a small, selective truth to unnaturally inflate, so they can attack or obscure something else larger and more dangerous to them in the end. These people are such adept liars and tricky little public relations spinmeisters for their own race. You can see it all the time these days.

These media Jews instinctively understand the problems they would face if Ron Paul’s logical ideas spread through-out the Tea Party. Nobody Jews like this always get big exposure in today’s Jew-controlled media, if they figure out how to push the company line in some clever way.   

Ron Paul went on Rachel Maddow and said the Tea Party is in danger of takeover by the “Neocons” of the Republican party. For all intents and purposes, he’s trying to tell us that the perfidious Jews are once again infiltrating American politics for their own reasons. These are the same tired Jew Neocons who they always have on TV mouthing-off about terrorist threats, Iran and how we must “support the boys,” who are still fighting the GD Jew’s Wars!   

Look at how the media Jews marginalized Ron Paul in the 2008 election. It was so obvious it wasn’t funny. They were caught several times altering TV and Internet polls in real time to hold back the Ron Paul avalanche. Total Zionist suck-ups like FOX’s Sean Hannity blatantly laughed on-camera about Paul having a chance. They brought in Mike Huckabee to act as the “Dark Horse” candidate for them to blather about and take away some of Paul’s supporters. It was a sorry joke on this country.     

Imagine if today we had Ron Paul as president instead of that Zio-puppet Obama? Just imagine!     

Some clever Jews are also calling Ron Paul an instrument of the Masons or Illuminati. This another one of their parlor tricks, take what is out there (non-Jew conspiracy talk) and use it if it doesn’t harm themselves. It’s another Jew misdirection ploy. Ron Paul knows he cannot come out and name the Jew straight-up and survive politically (and maybe even personally), so he just states real facts about things, like the FED. It’s up to us to spread the news on the Jews.     

Embedded Jewry is definitely trying to misdirect populist Tea Party anger away from them. You can be sure that any real talk about Israel and Zionists will be squelched from within and the outside media will definitely remain silent on the matter.  

Palin is the perfect “allowed” target for liberals: Ever wonder why seemingly Feminists attack her? It’s not only because she’s a conservative, but also since she’s a White person, that’s why. Whites are open targets for those now programmed to hate Whitey. God, did the liberal media go crazy or what over the business with Sarah Palin writing notes in her hand? They take the littlest thing and blow it up, simply because the target is PC safe. You think they would ever talk about Obama and his teleprompters? That might piss off too many Negroes.  

Like George W. Bush, Sarah Palin isn’t all that smart. According to the latest book “Game Change” she believed Saddam Hussein was behind 9/11 (unfortunately, far too many Zionist-befuddled Americans also believe this). Before the debate with “I am a Zionist” Joe Biden during the campaign of ’08, they had to brief her on historical events like why there was a North and South Korea, for chrissakes.

Remember, conservatives, how you just refused to accept the fact Dubya was an idiot? Even when it was staring you right in the face? Who says we have to go down that road again? The devious Jew elevates the mediocre, but ambitious people among us, as long as they toe the pro-Israel and pro-Diversity line. This has been going on a long time, and is why America is so screwed up.

Show me the money!

Mark Kirk (right) is another big Jew “Shabbos Goy.” He’s running for the Illinois Senate and is a favorite of pro-Israel PACS. The Jews contributed $414,000 dollars to his campaign. They’d like to see another Jew suck-up in the Senate, just like all the rest. 

Folks, the Jews spend all kinds of money in the US on candidates of their choosing, not ours. One must naturally suspect that the yearly billions we give to that evil little country in the Mideast, Israel, comes back here to manipulate this country’s politics. These kind of people could care less about any moralities, only that the ends justify the means.

I used to labor under the fantasy that one of these Zionist dupes would pull a fast one and appear to be pro-Zionist just until they got in office; once there, they would turn the tables on the subversive Jews. We could hope and dream away until this country is no more. We need to loudly demand that no more pro-Zionist candidates will be accepted, if that is even possible anymore.     

If you really look at the whole situation, you’ll soon realize just what the Jews have done to this country. They’ve got such a media head-lock around us Whites, that we have a hard time thinking straight. To see what’s going on, just imagine a candidate who openly said anything at all about Israel’s real behavior. The candidate would hardly register a blip in the mainstream media. What more do you need to understand?    

Tell everyone you know: Sarah Palin is the JEW’s CHOICE. Not America’s. Until we have a candidate that can freely and openly criticise Israel and what Israel does in the Mideast, then we are being JEWED. Big-time. Unfortunately, I sincerely doubt we’re going to be able to do SQUAT at the ballet boxes. We’re going to have to take it to these bastards in the streets.     

– Phillip Marlowe

* Apparently, Palin has some Jew going on in her background. Whatever the case, she’s certainly in the Jew’s camp. Check out her family tree:


CLOWN PARTY: Zionists Devour Tea Party