Palestinian girl cries during the funeral of her brother, killed by the Israeli Jews last January. This is the same girl in the ad that sick NY Jews used to scam donation money. When I exposed it all here, some Jews had the damn gall to come here and call me a liar for photoshopping the whole thing! [INCOG]

From the: Did You Know blogsite

By Saed Bannoura
Gaza’s only power station will close by the end of this week following a European Union decision to stop buying fuel for the plant. According to the power station’s director, Rafeeq Maliha, “Since last November the EU has stopped funding the purchase of diesel for us.” This means, he added, that without some external intervention between now and this weekend, the densely populated Gaza Strip will have no central power source to operate many basic services.

Engineer Imad Canaan, the vice president of the Palestinian Power Authority explained that the power authority is unable to continue providing adequate energy resources to the citizens of Gaza. “The Israeli blockade and the suspension of EU support have reduced the output of the station by 50%,” he said.

The Gaza Power Station has been bombarded repeatedly and deliberately by Israel, most notably during the assault and invasion a year ago when the Israelis targeted the civilian infrastructure. The Israeli blockade of Gaza has prevented vital repair materials being imported; these are essential if the power station is to return to full operational capacity. Source


You never hear anything in the US media about this place unless the Palestinians shoot off a few pissant rockets at the precious Jews, that don’t even explode and rarely hit anything. Do you blame them after what the Israelis do? You would want some kind of payback too! The Jews and corrupted Egyptians (your money again) have been unlawfully blockading Gaza for months, not letting in food and medicine. Just last week they purposely opened up a dam on these people, flooding out over 100 Palestinian families with contaminated water.

They are  busy destroying the Palestinians so they have the entire land. No question about it. And they are doing all this on YOUR DIME. This is why practically the entire world now hates America!


These Israeli Jews spends our American tax money, stealing land and doing all sorts of evil things to the Palestinians. They think you are too stupid to know about it, or will keep your mouth shut like you’ve been doing.

It’s so bad that even some Jews are sick of this unbelievable hypocrisy, like the pretty young Jewess in the video below.

Oh yeah, AIG received billions in US taxpayer money to bail them out, but turned around and offered low-interest loans to American Jews so they could buy property cheaply in formerly Palestinian-owned East Jerusalem and the West Bank. How’s that for some pure caca?

My question: What the hell don’t you get? 

While America is now bombarded with images of poor, worthless Haitians suffering, do they even say a word about any of this? Like hell, no. Instead, they show us Israel’s humanitarian efforts: A few hospital tents and doctors. It’s all nothing but a giant propaganda game being played on our heads!

Here, let a Jew tell you the deal!

Apartheid-colony “Israel” builds racist sewers on stolen Palestinian land, and US taxpayers pay for it.