
That’s right: Just because I’ve always liked the damned Supremes shouldn’t be such a big deal to anyone and, since I’m a White guy, that would make me a “White Supremacist,” right? But all that has nothing to do with me being a low-down (not down-low, please), mean SOB. I already know that much — why try to hide it anymore? 

Those Supremes were really something — back when Negro music had real rhythms and understandable words. Now it’s all basically Jungle Tribal chanting not worth a flying flock. Tell me that’s not true? Diana Ross and the Supremes were indeed far superior then the Africanus American hip-hop crap now out there. If that makes me a White Supremacist, fine. So sue me. 

You first time visitors to INCOG LAND, are all probably thinking I’m some kind of crazy, racist, bigoted and “virulent anti-Semite.” Well, hell yeah! Big-time, no duh and like, what-ever. Thanks — I’ve always liked that term “virulent,” you got in there. That’s always used in conjunction with “anti-Semite,” right along with that another old-time favorite: ”canard.” Us “Neo-Nazis” read these same Jew ”canards,” or Whitey-be-bad business day-in, day-out even when we just want to have a little fun.F_462521_tNYMSTPiexFh8IEBcvMJFCdRNpc4DA

“Virulent” conjures up images of hate-filled evil Whiteys, our faces erupting in nervous, spasmodic tics, jerking around as beads of perspiration burst from our beet-red, raging faces. Yeah, I do get this way a lot — every time I read about whatever those damned Jews did recently (like every five minutes), or whenever I visit the local department of motor vehicles.

Read on you fellow supremacist bastids!

So, why is wanting self-detrimination and a decent future for your own kind — your own race — the same as catching a deadly virus and going spastic? Or is it only a tired, transparent way of trying to shut up Whites to it all? Look around, think about what’s going down, Jack. The more you check into it, the more you’ll see that the Zionist Jews are the most racist and “Nazi” acting bunch on the planet — by far. Like they say, it really may be a disease — one that you catch from the Jews themselves. 

indianAnd I’m also a big “Nativist.” And why the hell not? The Native American peoples had a rich natural lore, living one with the environment — while engaging in spirited woodland gang warfare. I usually call them Indians, even though I know I’m not supposed to. Columbus, a Dead White Guy (even Whites in history get hell), thought he had reached the subcontinent of India and labeled them as such. You might find that one hard to believe, but back then no one had a Magellan GPS — just another dead old White guy from Portugal. 

I like that term “Hater.” Wow, that’s a good one. “Oh, we’re so worried about you becoming the big HATER and all,” your friends and family might intone with a look of concern. Like they don’t hate things? Hell, that’s all we hear outta them anyways, but only on the stupidest, most insignificant things: “I hate having to cut the grass, I hate my hair like this, I hate it when I get stale bread at a restaurant.” 

For some reason they seem to miss the fact that the Jews are robbing this country blind, getting us into foreign wars (killing our sons and daughters) and brainwashing our own race about the “benefits” of diversity — all of which majorly impacts this country and our lives, but they just don’t have a clue. And they call me the blind hater?

mainOh, I will admit I am a total “Xenophobe.” That’s right: I’m scared to death of those half-dressed crazy women, engaging in lesbian acts and bestiality while running amok with sharp swords out in the woods back behind the strip mall on highway 101. Most people don’t have a clue how many of these wack-job babes are out there.

Hey, it’s not that I don’t like members of the opposite sex, now. Let’s get that one straight. Funny how all those liberals who claim to be so “tolerant” are the first ones to start calling me a Homo around here. Hell, I do some post showing some sick Gay thing and the next thing you know these people are accusing me of hanging out in Greyhound bus station restrooms and drilling holes between the cubicles. Right.

So yeah, I’m a ”Sexist,” I’m a red-blooded American male who’s into hetero sex. I dig Pro-White women of all sorts: Blonds, brunettes or redheads (redheads like me big-time, for some reason) and any reasonable shape, will do. Even those without makeup, if you can believe it. I’ve even been called a perv for just that — by women themselves! You might think they would appreciate the break from all the hours getting dolled up in the can.


OK, so maybe my taste in women is a bit “eclectic,” but at least they’re bona fide females and not some funky looking dude or a barnyard animal. I like all kinds of White women and am damned glad of it. What I can’t stand are those big-mouthed, Manhater types – they can go lick a Greyhound bus toilet floor, for all I care. 

So what if I like swimming with bow-legged women or kicking back with big-chested, pot-smoking gals — just as long as they don’t start up with the New Ager talk. A regular guy can only take so much celestial plane crap while trying to act all interested. Am I wrong here, guys? I just try not to sleep with anyone crazier than me, if at all possible. OK, I can hear it coming now! Yeah, that’s right, it’d be hard finding such a woman.

And what is the effing deal with all these people screwing around with the “Sexes” in our race in the first place? You know, Radical Feminism, Homosexuality and Gender-Bender bull now out there? The reality is that it creates divisions and confusions in our relationships with the opposite sex, destroying the family unit and our race’s future. You want to go along with these self-styled, intellectual Jew perverts, who get off on messing around with our heads and what’s betwist our legs? It’s these people who are the total sickostinfoilman

How about “Tin Foil Hat Wearer?” That’s me, alright. Tin foil is in fact, great. With a little practice, one can create a snazzy-looking pork pie hat in minutes; which will not only attract a lot of attention at the office, you’ll be sure your giant noggin (mine is inordanitely large) is protected from the brainwashing ZOG rays from those evil Globalist Satellites on polar orbits. Also, you can make some great gifts by fashioning tin foil sculptures of dinosaurs and dogs to give out for Christmas. Call me crazy and cheap! 

Oh, I’m a really major league ”Clownophobe,” too. I don’t know about you, but I’m extremely leery of the errant Clown population we now have in this country. Yep, they scare the livin’ crap outta me all the time.

I saw one just today, as a matter of fact. Here I am waiting for the light to turn green and some beat-up old van comes careening wildly through a left-hand turn and, lo and behold, this fat Clown is behind the wheel with a lit cigarette dangling from his mouth, looking majorly pissed about something. Must have had a kiddie party gig turn very bad, somewhere.


Those damn clowns are always sneaking around, confusing our kids with the midgets. 

Yeah, those GD clowns are lurking out there everywhere, just waiting to take over the entire planet. You know it, too. Someone once told me they have this whole nest of them living way down in Florida, someplace. Apparently, they like shacking up with circus midgets in warm locales during the winter months. I know that’s a shocking thing to visualize, but there you have it. Oh, excuse me, did I say “midget?” I meant “vertically-challenged” people.


If he had worn a priest outfit he might have scored with Madonna.

 Us White supremacist-type guys can’t say JACK, without pissing off someone, somewhere, some how. We can’t say the stupidest little words like “boy” or “niggardly” and “nappy” in the same sentence containing a garden digging tool without wackos all over having total conniption fits.

And, if you happen to be a celebrity or a member of royalty (which I promise you I’m not), be prepared for a camera crew camped on the front lawn, waiting for you to take the garbage out or pick up the paper in your boxer shorts so they can get some sound bite or tape of you looking stupid. You try talking eloquently to some cutesy Blond TV reporter on your front porch dressed like that.

There’s a surprisingly simple reason for all this kind of brouhaha, you know. Everybody else is not a White guy. Yep, I’ve confirmed that fact, all by my little old self — without some big Harvard study costing millions of taxpayer dollars. My skin color matches the bed sheet I sometimes like to wear out at night and I know I have more than enough fixings downstairs. I once grabbed a big fistful and gave it a healthy squeeze, right in front of some TV reporter babe on my front porch. I think she liked it.


White guys and girls can’t have any kind of fun anymore when it comes to all this Adolf stuff. The photo above caused a big stink, recently — my so-called friends are always a laugh riot when they’ve had a few too many and I’m behind the camera. This Hitler stuff really gets old after 64 years, I think.

I do like Nazi paraphernalia though. Always have. Here I’m sitting, right now, wearing a chrome-plated Nazi Helmet with a spike on top, big hob-nailed boots and mail-order West German fleckturn camouflage uniform. Merely talking about this kind of thing gets me worked-up and makes me want to goose-step around the room – excuse me for a minute or two — as Ahhnold would say: ”I’ll be Back.” 


My mean as snakes, friends and family, would love for you stop by for a little visit. Forget about the tea and crumpets, fool.* 

pharaoh3fl3I always like it when some brainiac liberal ”grants” you the right to be proud of being White: “Oh, you can have pride in your race too, without a being racist, blah, blah, blah.” Right. Try it sometime. Where’s the line between pride and racism to these people? There is no line whatsoever because it’s all off-limits. Every bit. Once you start down it, then you suddenly become Mr. KKK man to these delirious diversity people.

The reason is that the White race’s accomplishments simply blows away every other race’s accomplishments. It can’t be helped. There is no comparison when you think about it. Sure, other races built some nice palaces or tombs, for a few obese and murderous kings and queens, but all the rest of their civilizations were nothing but adobe and thatched-roof pigsties.

Look at Africa: The best they can do is some pile of ancient rocks in Zimbabwe. They don’t even know who piled them up there in the first place (and no, it wasn’t that civilization in that Eddie Murphy movie). One of the black commenters coming here once insisted that ancient Africans invented steel (not just iron, now), long before the White man arrived. What a laugh — they didn’t even have the wheel or sails back then and Africa can’t even mass produce playdough now.

The Negro wants ancient Egypt, something fierce. Ancient Egyptians were not sub-Saharan Negroid, but North African Caucasoid. The Jew/liberal-controlled US media, like the “History” Channel, are now trying to slip-in Black-looking actors for Egyptian documentaries (pay attention and you’ll see). Militant and overpaid Negro professors are always coming up with the most insane theories about “Racist” White Archaeologists purposefully stealing the mantle of civilization from the ancient Egyptian Negroes. Those bastard White supremacist Archaeologists!


Left: Cleopatra as a "person of color." Right: a more accurate version.

Recently, ABC World News Tonight did a report on some bogus recreated bust of Cleopatra that purposefully made her out as a ”person of color.” What a lie: She was really a part of the Greek Caucasian ruling family called the Ptolemies, with zero historical evidence whatsoever of any intermarriage with sub-Saharan Negroes (they didn’t have Jews pushing race-mixing on TV back then).

You think they would have even done this story on prime-time national news if the recreation was White? Right. They’ll do whatever they can — even lie boldly — to build-up pride for the always spoiled and militant Negro. It would be all a good laugh, if we didn’t know how serious these people are to rewrite history so they can make the Negro feel good enough not to shoot or stab each other in the streets of Compton or a neighborhood near you. Which will never happen. 


Whites love firearms and are naturally adept gun-slingers. This scares the living bejeesus out of some people. 

Anytime you deal with these self-elected Politically Correct thought police, they’ll call you a lot of things. Let’s get this damn straight, PC piglets, I’m not “bitter and clinging to my guns.” It’s a whole helluva lot worse than that: I’m angry as hell and you’re dam straight I’m holding on to my firearms. Soon, I very well may be doing more than just clinging, believe you me. You just try to come get them and you might soon hear a metallic click-clack noise – that’ll be the final sound you’ll ever hear, too. Molon labe, Mofos! 

 And another thing, these PC people haven’t got a clue about: They think, for some weird reason, that all of us are so impressed with their sensitivity about other races. “Oh, did you see the saddened look on Jack’s face when Katie Couric did the news report on the starving, HIV-afflicted, wild goat humpers in Botswanna? I never knew what a caring and globally-concerned person he is!” Funny, hearing something stupid like that when you know full-well what a complete self-centered jerk Jack really is in private — who wouldn’t take a second out of his busy, oh-so-important life to piss on a homeless man on fire. Especially if he was a Negro.nazi20estupido20zl71 

 Look, I’m not going to blow smoke up anyone’s ass. Black, White, Brown or Yellow. I’ve said this often here on my blog, so any of you different races had better listen up and listen up good: All of us are “Niggers” to the real powers that be, when you get right down to it, so don’t get all bollixed up about what this mean SOB says. Yeah, sure, I’m not PC when it comes to Non-Whites, but so what? Hell, you say the exact same kinds of stuff about us. Am I right or not? 

 It’s the Globalist, International Jew behind all the bull going down, Jack. You know it too. He would start a race war between us in a Jew York minute to keep his ass hidden behind the Wizard of Oz curtain. And laugh about it all the way to the bank — his bank. That big bank is called the Federal Reserve and owns your butt. You think long and hard about that one, brainiacs.

CONCLUSION: I’m a pro-White, White heterosexual guy-type person. I stand up for my race and speak up whenever I want. I am not a “Social Construct.” Social reject, maybe. You White liberals can feel free to let loose with your PC parroted slogans since I always enjoy a hearty guffaw — so, please, use the comment form down below. There it is, sitting wide open for all you mental paraplegics to fill in with your fashionable support of any race but your own, your logic-defying word gymnastics and your worn-out tirades about long irrevelent ”oppressions” — all because your daddy didn’t give you that pony when you were a little girl.  

Any of you gotta problem with all this, then you just go tell it to the Marines. I’m sure they’ll be all ears.  

You Jews just need to shut the flock up and take that free one-way plane ticket deal to Tel Aviv. Whites are sick and tired of you hiding behind other races, your Homo loving and Gender-bending, all the while incessantly peddling your Nazi paranoia crapola. And don’t forget to take along that little Gay lover of yours!  


*Photos for illustration purposes only. And no, I’m not the mean looking guy in the top right shot — I’m far more handsome than this guy. Far more. All these pictures are just stuff I collected off the Internet, except for the Cleopatra photo — they had cameras back then, don’t you know?