
Palestine, today. Trust me: You will be on the right side and we will win!

We all know how commercialized Christmas has become. Getting consumer goods, watching stupid stuff on TV and working in jobs that we don’t care about, wondering if there is more to life. You know there’s more, you just can’t seem to focus on what it might be. Why has society become like this today? Is there not anything bigger than all the unnecessary wants and hokum that fills our daily lives?

Is there not anything beyond the presents that we open on Christmas morning and forget? Yes, there is and it’s something that goes beyond each of our own religious views or even lack of, this coming Christmas day.

Now, everyone knows the story about baby Jesus on Christmas and his later time on earth. People all across the globe have been moved by the stories of the Nativity, the Sermon of the Mount and the miracle of the loaves and fish. But there’s another much bigger message about Jesus’ life and one that you may not have even stopped to consider. But it first takes a little understanding.

Just think on this for a minute: Here’s a man that lived 2,000 years ago. He died a gruesome death at around 33 or 34 years of age. His own friends turned their backs on him, then a common criminal (Barabas) was given freedom instead of him when the crowd was asked to decide. Only His immediate family and His disciples mourned his death and even then some pretended not to know him at all (the Jews were persecuting them).

All things considered: We should not even know of this man’s very existence, whatsoever (yes, there is historical proof that he once walked the earth). This coming Friday morning many of us will celebrate his birthday. Billions will.

And the one message of his life that people sometimes forget or overlook? That’s the enormous influence his very short life had on human history to this very day. It’s incredible when you think about it. Ponder that one for a minute or two!

This often overlooked message can be shared by even the non-Christians out there. And that very message is: Everyone, including you, can make a giant difference in the world, after-all. Sure, you may not have miraculous powers, but you really can do surprising things, nevertheless, in the modern world.

One person can, indeed, change history by his actions. There’s a saying: Good men can make a difference just by standing up and speaking out. Sure, you may only be one person and all, but if enough of you “one persons” get together — than it suddenly becomes much more than “just one person.” Some real changes can be accomplished.

No, you don’t need to go out and march around town with placards hanging in front and back, but you have to make some kind of effort. It’s actually pretty easy to do and won’t take you a lot of time. In can fit in one sentence: Learn what you can about all of these issues and don’t be afraid to talk openly about it to the people around you. That’s really not a whole lot.

Just this alone will get to the bottom of all of this mess. Sitting on the sidelines is much worse because it allows real evil to progress and grow silently in the dark until we and our children are faced with it.

Now, I write a lot of things here and I may not have everything perfect but I do try to get it right. There’s plenty of links here from other sources (look on the left) that will help far more than I ever could. Intelligent people like Patrick Grimm and David Duke are out there. But I’ve thought about these things too, for years before deciding to try to do something, anything to change things. And all simply because I believe strongly in what I have to say.

And isn’t that my whole point?

Chances are virtually certain that in another 2,000 years no one will even know my name. But that will not dissuade me. Even if I’m spat-upon, cursed, censored, ostracized, jailed or even killed, I will still say what I say because it’s the truth and if I reach just one of you, then my efforts will not be in vain. But will Jesus Christ’s name be still with us then? Will those forces that literally seek to deny his very existence succeed in eradicating his name for future generations? Look around: Some are even banning the word “Christmas” and Nativity scenes are now outlawed on any public property.

And no, my message is not of hate. It’s a message of standing up for ourselves, for the White race to show some backbone, to say enough is enough. A message of warning to my own people, to get them to at least sit-up and take notice. Not to blindly hate, but fight against the real evils that seeks to destroy our kind. Only by recognizing things for what they are together and voicing our concerns loudly then maybe, just maybe, we can avoid some kind of real life hate thing.

They say Jesus wanted you to turn the other cheek when slapped in the face. Yet we readily see that Jesus must have been a true revolutionary spirit, by his preaching and living with the little people; his fight against the evil powers that enslaved his own people. He did not stand idly by and keep quiet, when he saw Satan’s hand.

Before the man was hung on the cross, he went into the temple area and overturned the Money Changer’s tables. He saw a real Evil presence  — the exact same evil Pharisee mind-set that has now ensnared our politicians, media and economy today.

All people wish to protect themselves, to prosper and survive; while passing our DNA to succeeding generations. It’s natural. It’s a part of our physical makeup and in our genes themselves. We have a duty — each of us — to do everything we can to ensure a better world in the future. Why do we even have children to begin with?

All the hopes for my own people, the very ideas that I express here, are slandered and called “hate” by those who wish to advance their own racial hate and heritage at the expense of ours. These people use clever subterfuges, mind games and high-sounding social engineering to attack our race, but still expect us to shrug it off, not notice a thing. When we do and say something, are we not attacked and slandered on an automatic basis? How can they expect us to keep ignoring these things?

But they do!

One only has to look at all the on-going efforts in egalitarian “Diversity” race politics, all the media’s efforts in keeping us White people in the dark, the continual immoralities, the financial and government travesties. Compare all of these Jewish efforts to corrupt the White countries of the western world while they, at the same time, work ceaselessly for the Jewish race and religion. You should now see the blatantly evil hypocrisy.

Some people who read my words may wrestle with the ideas expressed and what it might mean for their world view. You have to keep in mind, always, that such things are not about every Jew out there. Never has been. This is precisely why the problem is so difficult, so elusive, so soul-searching. Some see it clearly and take the easy way out and brand all of them.

And sure, it hasn’t been all of them. It’s only been those arrogant ones who have used race politics and divisiveness against the White Gentile to advance themselves, their ambitious power, greed and religion; those who would label you, slander you and maybe in the future, even jail you, for talking about any of these things. They seek to enslave your mind, confuse and blind you. Some even wish to create a world where they themselves are the open rulers over you.

Those responsible are the Jewish Extremists and Zionists — those who brazenly work non-stop to keep up the Jewish strangle-hold on White countries. They want you to stay confused and in the dark, while they go on promoting social changes that will turn us into a powerless minority in our very own countries.

What we have is a hidden enemy — a hidden war, really. Yes, that’s exactly what is going on. These kinds of things in history have a terrible habit of coming back in violent, uncontrollable ways. The resulting “blowback” does not know any who have stood idly by the sidelines.

Do you want to be a force for true peace and justice, or do you just want to go play video games, or watch “Dancing with the Stars” tonight?

And remember this: If Jesus could affect history to such a degree over 2,000 years, then you, at the very least, can spend a little time reading, looking into all of this and talking openly to all you know.  You needn’t worry about the slanders some will point your way — parroted words are nothing compared to the truth or the pain of the cross.

Refuse to tell yourself that your efforts don’t make a difference. Jesus showed us that’s wrong. You can do it. All of us — all of you!

Merry Christmas from INCOG MAN!


– Phillip Marlowe

“Tolerance is the virtue of men who no longer believe in anything.” – G.K. Chesterton

“The price good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men.” – Plato

“Be the change you want to see in the world.” – Mahatma Gandhi