So, what else is new?

LAST NIGHT, AFTER a police officer was convicted of involuntary manslaughter in the BART shooting, Whites quickly vacated the vicinity as blacks gathered for a little rioting. I guess the jury’s verdict wasn’t enough for these spoiled black brats, or maybe it was just another good excuse for a little fun mayhem in the streets?

Funny, the US mainstream media barely breathed a word (sacred Jewish diversity must be protected at all costs!). The video below is from Russia Today TV. Pretty bad when we have to see this on a foreign news outlet! So what country is doing the censoring now?

Note the Negroes breaking into a Foot Locker store and grabbing up some precious tennis shoes. Yeah, we know where these people’s priorities really are. A chance for some free stuff — let’s pretend to be pissed about something and do a little street thievery! This same thing always happens whenever blacks get into crowds like this, even entertainment events is enough to send these ”people” amok. Sometimes it’s not too bad, other times entire cities go up in flames.

Haven’t you just had it up to here with these big-mouthed, spoiled animals? Nothing will ever please these worthless primates. Figure it out!

These are literally walking, talking animals.

Yeah, you heard me right. The modern-day street Negro in the US, or anywhere for that matter, are walking (or slouching), talking (if you can understand the gibberish) animals wearing human clothes (or whatever that is hanging underneath their fat and lazy black asses).

“Oh, you’re such a racist, INCOG MAN.” Yeah, you’re right, libtard. I can’t stand them and I sure as hell can’t stand idiots like yourself.

I mean, look at these “people.” Most of them are criminals and militant malcontents, sponging their way off the system, stealing, robbing, pimping or selling drugs. They’d stab or shoot you dead for a pack of Kools and laugh about it to their friends and family; all of them living off affirmative action jobs, welfare checks and food stamps paid for by White America (it never ends for us to support these big-mouthed brats).

They expect the world to give them everything for free, “cuz they be black, oppressed former slaves, y’know.”

They have been playing that line ever since the Jews came up with it for them. In fact, because the Jews have twisted their little hip-hop heads around so much over the last 50 years, most blacks have become spoiled, militant and basically worthless as workers and American citizens.

You might think they would appreciate everything they’ve gotten in the USA, but no, like the spoiled little brats they are, they want more free stuff. Ever hear a bunch of blacks talk after finding out about some kind of freebie they can get their filthy hands on? It’s like a bunch of excited kids on Christmas eve.

As the US drifts further into a real-life depression and hyperinflation spirals out of control, look for these Negroes going off crazy anywhere and everywhere. The Marxist, Negro/Jew Obama administration will give them all kinds of special favors and jobs in the vain attempt to keep them happy (like they don’t get that now?). Whites will get the shaft, as usual.

The GD Jews have ruined America!

– Phillip Marlowe