Watch the above video on the supposed terrorist attack on the Pentagon to see evidence that proves beyond a doubt that a carefully contrived False-Flag event was staged by elements within the US government on 9/11. The video is 81 minutes long, but absolutely well worth every minute of your time to watch.

It persuasively shows that the official version of Flight 77′s approach was always a complete fabrication. What is more startling, is that the plane must have pulled up over the Pentagon right before an explosion from something entirely else (but the video doesn’t speculate on what that was).

Make clear note that the NTSB provided “Black Box” data (below) supports the witnesses’ accounts and refutes what the government and traitorous media says was the direction of Flight 77. The downed light poles are in complete contradiction to this data and tells you that: 1) The NTSB data was fabricated, or 2) the path of the Jet was NOT what they say. Those light poles are a GIANT piece of evidence that something else is going on. Watch the video.


The direction the government says Flight 77 hit the Pentagon, after striking the light poles. Compare this to the Black box data (video below) and what the witnesses reported in the video above. Not only does the initial damage to the facade not match the plane (as seen above), but also the “angle of attack.” Someone is lying – big-time!

Quite possibly a smaller, unmanned aerial vehicle or cruise missile was on a parallel course, slightly behind the commercial aircraft that witnesses were busy watching, or maybe a previously positioned explosive was detonated at the precise moment. I know that sounds crazy, but it is easily within the realm of current technology to have done precisely that.

Go to their site (link below) and read more. You can also download the video to your hard drive and create a DVD, should you wish.

Flight 77 Black Box data released from the NTSB shows it could not have struck light poles or the Pentagon because it was on a different path and 480′ too high (and data just happens to end 1 second before supposed “impact”). The NTSB refuses to answer any questions about these discrepancies. This means: The data was falsified or 2) something else happened that day. Go here: Pilots for 911 Truth for more info and a video on them trying to get answers but being snubbed by the NTSB.


From the Citizen Investigation Team site:

To whom it concerns, i.e., everyone:

In 2006 Citizen Investigation Team launched an independent investigation into the act of terrorism which took place at the Pentagon on September 11, 2001.  This exhaustive three-year inquest involved multiple trips to the scene of the crime in Arlington, Virginia, close scrutiny of all official and unofficial data related to the event, and, most importantly, first-person interviews with dozens of eyewitnesses, many of which were conducted and filmed in the exact locations from which they witnessed the plane that allegedly struck the building that day.

Be forewarned: Our findings are extraordinarily shocking and frightening.  They are also deadly serious, and deserving of your immediate attention.  This is not about a conspiracy theory or any theory at all.  This is about independent, verifiable evidence which unfortunately happens to conclusively establish as a historical fact that the violence which took place in Arlington that day was not the result of a surprise attack by suicide hijackers, but rather a false flag “black operation” involving a carefully planned and skillfully executed deception.

If you are skeptical of (or even incensed by) this statement we do not blame you.  We are not asking you to take our word for it, nor do we want you to do that.  We want you to view the evidence and see with your own eyes that this is the case.  We want you to hear it directly from the eyewitnesses who were there, just as we did.



9/11 has now proved to be, without a doubt, the most evil and gigantic False Flag operation ever perpetrated on a population. I cannot believe that anyone who looks into all the details (like the above video) can possibly believe the business about 19 idiot Arabs with boxcutters, sent forth by cave-living Jihadists, pulling-off this whole thing.

And the evidence of involvement of Zionist Jews, Neocohens and pro-Zionist ”Americans” is equally compelling. These people are patently evil and must be stopped by any means we can.

These are the same people pushing for the NWO and running this country into the ground as we speak!

If any of you still believes what the government and media wants you to believe, than I spit in your face for your utter stupidity. It’s fools like you that enables this kind of evil to happen and such people to get away with this sort of thing. Thousands of Americans and hundreds of thousands of other people have died horrible deaths because of all this.

Wake the flock up, fools!

— Phillip Marlowe

Was there any aspect of 9/11 that was a conspiracy? The Pentagon certainly was!

Wiki disinfo on NTSB data from Pilots for 9/11 truth. Apparently, intelligence people are twisting facts on Wikipedia to deceive the public about all this.