Now normally I don’t get into the Abortion issue, pretty much in deference to all my sisters, the pro-White women who come here (even though I am vehemently anti-abortion and pro-life), but when ”Tiller the Baby Killer,” got himself shot down at his New Ager joke of a church, the Lutheran Synagogue of Satan, I did some checking into this guy.

Look at this smug bastard!

What I found so shocked me to the core that it begged me, implored me, drove me to speak out as vociferously as I possibly could to anyone who would listen to the humble words of mine.

I put the link to what I found (at the end of this article), but didn’t have the guts to upload the photos I saw there to my blog, even though I fully realized it would completely leave you feeling the same way as I did. Read on for Tiller’s “Additional Services” that really freaked me out!

George Tiller (right), was a late-term abortionist — which is baby killing for all intents and purposes to anyone with half-a-brain and sense of morals still left over from Jew Feminist brainwashing. And the Jew media went haywire over his murder, but not over the things that this horrible little man did — as usual!


Totally misguided vigils for the baby killer: Check out the Jew with the crochet yarmulke in the upper right — probably crying “all the Goyim babies he still could have killed…” Below, San FranSicko supervisor Bevan Dufty holding a vigil for George Tiller on the steps of City Hall. How messed up is that?

The babies he killed were what’s called “post-viable,” which means they could easily have lived if born right then and there. They look just like any other babies do outside of the womb. The only difference is a thin layer of the mother’s flesh holding him or her within.

The method of how he killed the babies is too much for me to even want to think about, let alone type out here. I can’t stand what this country is doing anymore. This George Tiller was nothing but a modern day mass murderer — I think it was 60,000 abortions he performed. I’m telling you it’s so disgusting, I’m mad as hell about it!

[deleted paragraph here]

I had some choice words above that I knew I had to delete for legal, self-protection reasons, because I know how these evil people zero in on and use this against anyone who dares say what most people think. Trust me, the words I took out sure as hell left no doubt what I felt about the “poor” evil doctor’s eventual fate!

Here's the baby killer with Kathleen Sibelious, Obama's choice for HHS Director!

Here's the baby killer with Kathleen Sebelious (center), Obama's choice for HHS Secretary. She was lucky to be born into a Roman Catholic family!

The assistant FBI director for the Washington field office, Joe Persichini, during the news conference on the hyped-up Holocaust shooting said that all us evil “White supremacists,” are “domestic terrorists” but there wasn’t anything he could do since we knew what NOT to say and there is still Free Speech in this country.

But they really don’t want us to have any say whatsoever. The only thing that “allows” me to speak openly is the First Amendment and you can see them working behind the scenes to put a stop to that, too.

Now I’ll hear all kinds of things about me “inciting murder and terrorism” out of the lying, evil PC mouthpieces out there. So, just because INCOG MAN won’t shed a tear for murderers like Tiller, I can’t speak out against these types for killing innocent, helpless babies?

I don’t think so, you minions from hell! I’ve had it with you evil, selfish people, more concerned about your “lifestyle” freedoms than the lives of babies. You got a problem with me saying so? Well, bring it on Baby Killers!

The Jews and lefty minions went and had vigils all over the country — not for the babies, mind you, but for the sorry bastard Tiller himself! Can you possibly believe all this?

When I saw these photos of the vigils for the murderer and read from the sites they were on, I realized how insanely topsey-turvey in the head this country has now become.

All the guy (and I will not use the term “Doctor” for this man) was doing was killing for people willing to spend big bucks for convenience purposes. He had no compunction for human life and could freely get away with it by saying he was doing a service for people. Do people hold vigils for hit-men when they get whacked?

I don’t care if abortion is legal. It’s wrong and I’m totally against it. This has always been something I felt strongly about. Like when that abortion clinic bomber down in North Carolina, Eric Rudolph, went on the run and the Feds couldn’t find him in the woods of the Smoky Mountains for a few years, [more stuff deleted here that I know could be used against me]. I read about the Feds going all Key Stone cops during the search operations and laughed. Rudolph finally got popped when dumpster-diving not too long ago, unfortunately. It’s not easy living out in the woods for long periods of time.

Of course, being against abortionists is now considered a hallmark of a “hater” by the Politically Correct police in this country for decades now. What’s more is that they claim that it’s us who are the “terrorists” and bad guys.

What they are really saying — and you’ll get this right off — is that if anyone dares remind them of their wishes to commit evil in the name of “lifestyle” choices, then that person has got to be shut-up. They’ll use anything — the Jew media and even the crime forces of “our” government — to intimidate and silence any of us who speak out!

Here’s the deal and it’s really quite simple when you think about it: The “powers that be” consider all of us as “niggers” and fully support any social program that inhibits our growth and reproduction. Especially for us White people. If they could, they would be all for preventing abortion, but not for us, oh no. What they really fervently hope for is Jews having all the babies they possibly can.

That’s right, but they just can’t come out and say so openly, because that would be too obvious. Instead, they work quietly among themselves, trying to keep Jewish women from aborting their fetuses. At the same time, they’re working to have us Whites become more and more marginalized, dumbed-down and powerless, while their race expands and ends-up openly controling what they consider to be the ”lessor races.”

What I saw that so freaked me out:

George Tiller even offered parents a “memorial service” (funeral) for the partially born and freshly killed (by him) baby. Say what, INCOG? Yep, the guy would set-up the tiny blood-red corpse with flowers, etc. etc. and the parents were invited to “grieve,” even take photos of themselves with the dead baby — right after what they had all done!

And then the dead baby would get shoveled into some incinerator. No lie!

Incredible. Here’s a link to some photos from one of these macabre events and I warn you strongly not to go to it, if you are the least bit sensitive. Hell, I was sickened to my stomach and I’ve seen tons of insanely sick crap on the Internet and in real life. Do NOT go HERE if you are weak and faint-hearted.

Folks, America has to have been totally taken over by some kind of demonic force: Lucifer, Satan, Beelzebub, Moloch, Illuminati, whatever. We are being forced to accept ridiculous lies (like the Holocaust gassings and the terrorism BS behind the 9/11 False Flag attack on us), but turn a complete blind eye to a real evil genocide being performed on a minute by minute basis all across this country and the White Western nations.

I will not be shut up in my efforts to awaken fellow White people who have any shred of morality left. All of us have to do whatever we possibly can every minute of every dam day to get people to understand just what they are doing to us and where they are going with America.

I will fight for my race every minute of every day. I will fight against the evil people who push for this kind of thing to take place in the United States of America. I will fight against these Satanic bastards!

I will do this one person at a time, or thousands, if I can. I must do so, since it’s so plainly obvious that my race, America and even Good itself, is under attack by these people.

One thing to remember: We don’t have to lie and stoop to their level. There is plenty of pure evil out there to cast a light on and expose them for what they are. You go to that site above and you, too, will join me. Of that, I’m completely certain.

— Phillip Marlowe