Today, the lousy Zionist, Fifth Columnist media has been going on and on about the anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall twenty years ago, way back in 1989. But dear reader, what about the “Separation Wall” in Israel standing right now? This giant wall (far bigger than the Berlin Wall) was substantially paid for by your tax dollars, without you even having the least clue — because the real powers that be don’t want you to start questioning the whole deal in the first place!

Why does the media remain silent about all this, pray tell? Just think about the unbelievable hypocrisies today foisted on America’s head by the Zionist-controlled media. You thought we had a free media, right?

These hypocrisies have now become insane. They constantly have things in the media about how evil Hitler once was and how victimized the Jews were 65 years ago, yet these Jews are freely ghettoizing and victimizing the Palestinians right in the present day — right the hell NOW!

The Jews stand before us, having the unmitigated gall to proclaim themselves “the light unto nations.” What a filthy joke that is. But the joke is on us, friend. They feel they can freely get away with all kinds of travesties, including pure murder, since so few of us are the wiser and can’t think straight unless someone on the GD TV tells us how to!


Evil Jew terrorists (clockwise): Little Palestinian girl buried alive by indiscriminate bombing in Gaza, just this past January. “Settlers,” or more properly land thieves, constantly deface Palestinian property with messages of utter Jew hate. Jew “Settlers” are always ready to gun down unarmed Palestinians — like the innocent construction worker at the bottom left, found shot in the head and dumped dead somewhere like a piece of trash.

And now these Zionist media bastards are crowing about the Berlin Wall — something that occurred 20 frikkin’ years ago! Look, I’m not here to be some bleeding heart crybaby about the Palestinians. You think the INCOG MAN could ever be all lovey dovey? No, I’m not. I’m way too big of a SOB.


But what I am here to say: America does NOT need to consider Israel as our “little friends” in the Mideast and that we have to support them “because they represent our values.” Total bullshit. They don’t deserve one ounce of our concern or money; they’ve totally pissed it away with their true behavior, in Israel and in America.

Oh, they’ll tell us it’s because the Palestinians are all terrorists and they have to protect themselves, etc. etc. The poor Palestinians might react in totally justified anger by launching a few pathetic, garage-built rockets that the Jews go so nutso over.

Meanwhile, you have psycho Jews roaming around, gunning down Palestinians all the time and walking away scott-free from the crime. Like the Jew, Za’ev Braude (right), who shot down two Palestinians on film; the State of Israel dropped the charges completely on the flimsy excuse that “it might reveal national secrets.”


Iman Al-Hams

That’s hardly the only story — happens all the damn time. One horrible murder, not that long ago, had Israeli “soldiers” putting 17 rounds into some little 13 year-old Palestinian girl, who just happened to walk in the wrong place at the wrong time. The officer, one “Captain R”, went up to her and finished emptying his mag into the little child’s head after she was down. All witnessed by numerous IDF “soldiers” and horrified Palestinians. He walked away free as a bird a few months later. Filthy Jews!

“It is permissable to kill the Righteous among Nations even if they are not responsible for the threatening situation,” he wrote, adding: “If we kill a Gentile who has sinned or has violated one of the seven commandments – because we care about the commandments — there is nothing wrong with the murder.”

– Rabbi Yitzhak Shapiro, in the recent book “King’s Torah”

Hell, the Jews just last week opened up on Palestinian farmers in the Northern Gaza with machine guns and artillery when the poor saps went out into a field to tend their own crops on their own land. Yeah, they’ll say they were potential “terrorists” etc., etc. That’s what they always say when they kill non-Jews. Haven’t you heard that line before? Aren’t you sick of their sorry excuses yet?

The Jews don’t care. They know they’ve got America in such a fierce head lock that they even laugh about it among themselves. Sometimes comments on how they really think get exposed in the West, but when you say one lousy thing about any of that, they have the nerve to call you an anti-Semite for bringing it up. Talk about total chutzpah outta these SOBs!

“[Shimon] Peres warned [Ariel] Sharon Wednesday that refusing to heed incessant American requests for a cease-fire with the Palestinians would endanger Israeli interests and ‘turn the US against us.’ At this point, a furious Sharon reportedly turned toward Peres, saying ‘every time we do something you tell me Americans will do this and will do that. I want to tell you something very clear, don’t worry about American pressure on Israel, we, the Jewish people control America, and the Americans know it.’”

— Kol Yisrael (Israel Radio), 3 October, 2001 (IAP)

Man, what don’t you get yet? What’s it going to take for you to open your eyes to see what’s going down? Or are you simply going to laugh it off, “hahaha, the guy thinks the Jews want to take over the world!” Yeah, brainiac, laugh it all off. The perfidious Jews have always been getting away with pure murder in Israel and even elsewhere, for that matter. Maybe even in the US. 9/11 anyone?


Yeah, tell us all about the Berlin Wall, Jews: Many on-air personalities are Jewish, right along with off-camera writers and producers. They all have standing orders not to criticize sacred Israel in any way; as fellow Jews they have no problems going along with that, of course. No wonder this country is so brainwashed!

Then we have the obviously pro-Israeli Jews feeding us the news on air. Like the moronic Wolf Blitzer of CNN’s Situation Room (you should have seen how stupid he was on Celebrity Jeopardy). This Jew slime ball once even worked for AIPAC (American Israeli Public Affairs Committee) as a lobbyist and now his job is feeding America the news. The Jew News.

All the mainstream media puts on these Zionist talking heads to tell you what’s up in the world, or more accurately: How you should see things like they want you to. Such as Geraldo Rivera of FOX News. He’s a Jew, too (bet you didn’t know that?) and big-time Zionist cheerleader.

It’s all a crock of pure crapola. Everything they feed you on the news is to protect the sorry-ass Jews and what they do in the world. Hate to say it: This has been going on for decades now.

Oh, they know all this. They also know that we are starting to know. That’s why you have all this business about censorship and “hate crime laws” being enacted. They know it’s only a matter of time before the “Silent Majority” gets wise and starts fighting back, legally or not. They have to put measures in place now, while most of the couch potatoes are not paying close enough attention and bring down the hammer on those that do.

The real question is when YOU will finally get it. And then will it be too late to put a stop to these evil hypocrites?

– Phillip Marlowe

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