
The election Tuesday of Barack Hussein Obama — now being touted as “historic” by the liberal media — really is historic, since it’s such a clear sign of the true end game for White, European citizens in the formerly White nations of North America and the West (Europe, Canada, Great Britain). We are rapidly being disinherited from our own countries and are now experiencing the birthpangs of the North American Union — the next step in these people’s long-term plans for one-world governance.

They’ve understood from day-one that a cohesive, unified and patriotic White race might possibly put a stop to their plans and only by neutralizing this one potential threat in a long-running program can these schemes work in the end.

Obama's first act was to offer the Chief of Staff position to the Zionist Rahm Emmanuel.

Obama's very first act was to make uber-Zionist, Rahm Israel Emanuel, his WH Chief of Staff. Big surprise.

Obama’s campaign and victory comes at this particular point in time, not because of the US being so “non-racist” or color-blind, as the liberal media pundits now sickeningly gloat about, but because later on it will simply become too difficult to fool so many White people. After all the changes they have in store for us in the near future, Whites should finally make the connection. Big time.

Consequently, the Barack Obama election should be seen for what it really was: A window of opportunity exploited by those behind the curtain, those who have considered us all as “Niggers” anyways: The arrogant, across-the-board racists of all history. Whether or not you believe it, the US has been under their program for quite some time now (below). A program that will one day soon turn us all into real-life slaves and niggers to these people, instead of mere tax slaves and pretend free Americans.

With an over-populated, non-White World at the Gates, we as a race can only do one of two things: Submerge into that global morass of non-White humanity or stand strong, becoming a unified force ready to protect ourselves and our own racial interests. Since this course of action threatens a certain embedded race in our formerly mostly White countries, they’ve worked quietly to turn us into confused weaklings — costing us the country of America and eventually turning us into a spat-upon minority.

People just do not want to think about these things, or even risk verbal conflict discussing it; preferring to watch NFL football and Dancing With The Stars on their brand new 54″ High Def TV, even when they have a sneaking suspicion that something just isn’t right. At some point in the future they will all have to consider all this, from 9/11 to immigration to Obama, since it now points to this frightening conclusion. But will it be too late by the time they finally realize what they’ve already lost? 


The fabulously wealthy Jew Nation Wrecker, George Soros, has been directly involved in manipulating sovereign nations, such as South Africa, the Balkans and Georgia, as part of liberal non-governmental organizations (NGO’s), tied to the Zionist wing of the CIA and tasked with NWO population manipulation. Soros and Goldman Sachs have been a major contributors to Obama since day-one. Soros is also closely allied with Ted Kennedy and finances numerous US left-wing groups, such as the Soros Foundation and the Tides Foundation/Apollo Alliance (major conduits for a variety of ”progressive” or lefty organizations). This is all connected, people.


Many will call this view ”hogwash,” or the paranoid delusions from some raving mad man on the Internet. And you may have looked this blog over and seen a few things (OK, a lot of things) that tell you that I’m so racist and evil. But you just can’t accept that your conditioning has gradually led you to a state in which you angrily reject “White solidarity” or sometimes even White racial identification. This is why these plans have been so successful, at least to this point.

Americans want to think of themselves as so smart and independent, believing all people deserve “fairness and equality” and the ”American Way,” right? Yet, they don’t want anyone to tell them what to do, think or say and especially not to “secretly brainwash” them. But what if people have been using those very same sentiments to transform them into agents of their own demise?

Let’s briefly look at a few things that have gone down in the recent decades that points to the inescapable conclusion that White people have been purposefully targeted for minority status. It may be a hard thing to contemplate, but if you can’t or won’t face this issue now, you and your children will soon enough.

The economic crisis which started with subprime mortgages, continued on with stock market losses, joblessness and retirement account devaluation; affected the average Joe votes and contributed mightily to elect Obama. Most people thought it was all the fault of Bush and company — even though Democrats like the homo Jew Barney Frank and Obama himself, have been neck-deep in the whole lying mess.

When you think about it, the absolutely biggest part the economy escapes almost everyone’s notice, the one crucial fact that’s never, ever, discussed in detail in the media. And that question is: “Where does money come from to begin with?” It’s a simple question really, when you think about it. We all know it doesn’t grow on trees, right? Normally, one would think that this might be explored on the History Channel or something, besides the umpteenth documentary about the Nazi or the history of tattoo parlors.

Another thing that people can’t quite understand: Why do we have a Government that allows, even promotes businesses to vacate our country for a foreign one? And why do we continue to have immigration that’s virtually all non-White since 1965?


The real truth of immigration can only be understood in the context of being purposeful from the beginning. These are African immigrants protesting something or other in Italy. Note how much immigration was carefully avoided in the media coverage of the campaigns of both McCain and Obama. It’s because both of them have promised Amnesty to the illegals since they go along with the Globalist’s desires over the US voter. Obama will eventually join the secret plans of the EU and open up the US to millions more African and Haitian immigrants.


And why are we purposefully lied to about the real numbers of illegal immigrants by the media? They tell us that it’s 12 million, no matter what, when we know it’s much more. For example, during all this subprime mortgage mess, HUD revealed that 5 million of the mortgages went to illegal aliens (can you believe that?). Now we know that these 5 million illegals did not live alone in that big old Gringo home, so we can safely say we have a whole hellava lot more illegals around than 12 million. Many involved in immigration reform peg it at 38 million and even the General Accounting Office (GAO) of the US government has said it’s 20 million plus.

They also try to tell us that we are due to become a minority in this country in the year 2040, but we know that it will be much sooner than that. Why hasn’t the media done a report on what Whites think about all this? A “man in the street” style interview or a in-depth report on a TV magazine type show. They just don’t want Whites to get upset about the subject!

And why all the non-stop promotion of interracial sex between Whites and Blacks in the media? This has now become virtually de rigeur, when only a few years ago it was considered off-limits, at least for TV. The floodgates to blatant propagandizing of Whites to mate with Blacks has been opened somewhere, by someone. Only an idiot or a totally lying Multicult liberal can pretend it’s not been purposeful.

Now, you may congratulate yourself for being so “conservative,” because you watch FOX News and vote Republican, but if you seriously pay attention, then you’ll note little substantial difference between channels and parties. All these people know very well what kind of subjects to avoid and how any mention could spell the end of their mainstream days, fat paychecks or political future. Not to mention being turned into total social pariahs and even censored out of the picture entirely. The exact same forces that keep them in check, also keep you in check. But how is that possible?

White people do not like face to face conflict whatsoever, plus they want to show how “non-racist” and “progressive” they think they are. They think they want a “Diverse” world, even when they have little real experience with diversity nor actual experience being in the minority. Along with all that, they believe people have a right to sleep with whom they want (but don’t want to think about exactly what they do), or do whatever they want with their own bodies like in abortion. This kind of “free-thinker” self-image is celebrated by the media and education, but only if they stay within the approved lines of the coloring book:


How they’ve done it to the White race: They’ve gradually shifted America leftward over the last 50 years in a process that does not require any secret memos or any secretly-led, large-scale organization, whatsoever. You can accomplish this easily enough if you have the power to print money, control the mainstream media and have a network of loyal, albeit unknowing servantswho are atavistically fearful of and loath White solidarity. This is similar to, but not exactly, the concept of Hegelian Dialectics.


The key to our general destruction has been to get the center to move to the left ever so gradually, by using the media to propagandize the masses, funding liberal education and social engineering projects such as the Ford Foundation (all well documented). Also, most people will readily go this way — naturally inclined to adult fun and games — so it takes far less overt intervention to “nudge” things along this general direction. Especially if your minions are usually liberal, too. The far right is off-limits for public discussion and, for those so labeled, must be turned into the real-life heretics — not the left-wing ’60′s re-ennactors and phony commies who imagine themselves as ”revolutionaries.”

People sometimes spout the phrase “Question Authority.” But what is “Authority” when you really think about it? You think the local police and FBI are the only “authorities?” What about normal, every day social constraints? You know very well that to even talk about certain things openly, what it will get you.

What better form of “Authority” could be created to control us? One embedded within us all! Is it not within the realm of possibility that outside forces are so good at what they do, that they’ve actually used the PC business from the very beginning to shield themselves and their designs?

People may recognize these things, but almost always fail in the end because of the race factor. They will not hurdle that one last barrier because to do so means they might be thought of as a “hater” or evil Nazi. It’s a shame, since that’s the biggest fence erected in the whole deal!

Now, getting back to the election of Barack Hussein Obama. A lot of talk has been made about him being a Socialist, etc. etc. Obama supporters think that this is a form ”hate” speech, making the word “socialist” a round-about racist epithet. But why is that really?

This real reason for this word being anathema to any descriptions of Obama, lie in the usual Black political forces of Africa, like the African National Congress (ANC). In African countries, Black leaders are basically powerful tribal leaders and the overall politics has always been socialistic or even Marxist. Mega-corporations are partners to the corrupt tinpots, with Globalists like George Soros using Blacks as front men to exploit their fellow blacks.

Lulu Xingwana oversees the theft of White property in South Africa.

South African, Lulu Lulu Xingwana, is the chief bureaucrat in charge of "transferring" White property to Black ownership.

The White population leftover in South African and Zimbabwe have now been effectively marginalized and are often criminally victimized by Blacks. Top-down corruption is rampant, well-connected tribal Blacks are given top management jobs even when they little experience, native intelligence or schooling. Electricity black-outs are constant, along with increasing food scarcities due to White farms being turned over to Blacks who then allow equipment to go to rust, sell off copper wiring and run them straight into the ground.

South Africa was once a First World country on a Third World continent. The real powers that be just don’t want the White race to make any connections to South Africa and how it’s become in the past 10 years – hell, they don’t want you to to think about what it really means to our race’s future.

We already know that the economy of the US is on life-support. Our manufacturing base has pulled up stakes and moved to places with cheap labor, non-existent environmental and safety concerns. We have but a few steel plants in operation anymore. The US and Europe are being inundated with immigration from non-White countries. Whites are now being dispossessed of jobs that pay enough to raise families. Even the concept of families to begin with is under attack by these people.

What they really want is to turn America into a Third-world nation. At some point, Whites will finally get it. It’s inevitable. The only real question is when we do and what we can do about it.

This is why Barack Obama has been made our new fearless leader now, rather than later. His way has been paved from the start. We also know that Obama has more than enough skeletons in his closet that the real powers can control or threaten him with exposure down the road, by unleashing their owned-media and bought politicians, if not worse.

McCain and Palin ended up as the designated foil, his miraculous resurrection in New Hampshire has always been a bit suspect. He had little real chance against the liberal and media-led juggernaut for Obama, finally crushed by a real or manufactered economic crisis that has had as much to do with Obama and Democrats, as it did with George Bush, maybe even more so. FOX news Carl Cameron made a brief mention during his reporting on election eve, that McCain insiders had intimated to him that McCain had always knew the election of Obama was a foregone conclusion. 


Commie flags were seen waving in the crowd the night of Obama's victory speech in Grant Park.

Obama has promised so much during the campaign to a concerned White America — worried about the economy and their jobs — that too many believed every word. But he’s been caught in many lies, like when he promised screwed-over Whites to renegotiate NAFTA, he then dispatched his chief economic adviser to quietly tell worried Canadian bureacrats that it was all nothing but “campaign rhetoric” (lying to us fools).

Obama is a political fashion statement for liberal, urban Whites, much like Tiger Woods was to professional golf, Barack is to politics. A “person of color” or biracial, has been deemed a sign of status by the media for some time now. Yet, Blacks consider him Black, just as Whites ignore the incredibly blatant racism of Blacks voting 95 to 1 for him over a White candidate. They all turn a blind eye to this behavior in local and legislative elections as well, but the media would raise holy-hell if Whites did the same kind of thing.

bushobamaCallous politicians like Barack Obama and George W. Bush, are really nothing but ambitious, mediocre* men, mostly bankrupt of true patriotism to this country, who found support (or they found them) with the Globalist Jewish/Zionist elite. These are a kind of teleprompter people, for whom paid talent really writes the words they deliver. We’re told that these created puppets make real decisions, but it’s now apparent that this is only true when it makes little difference to the overall agenda set for them.

Both of these men will freely use double-talk to allay those in their own parties who supported them during political campaigns, but now see incongruities from what they expected (like Bush’s campaign promise to close off the borders to illegals). Obama’s foreign policy will be generally a repeat of Bush — mark my words. His domestic policy will only take us much further along the path of the NWO, open borders and socialism. For the Globalist elite, Obama was the perfect candidate to push on America and may well have been a long-running project (read up on his past), hurried forward one election cycle.

Obama has now exposed another sign of the real deal, by giving the job of White House Chief of Staff to Zionist Jew left-winger partisan, Rahm Emanuel. This may not have even been his decision to make in the first place (the media appears to have mistakenly released this news too soon). Emanuel is a dual citizen of Israel who’s father was a member of an Israeli Terrorist group, the Irgun. Rahm even once served in the Israeli military while Americans fought in the first Gulf war (traitorous in my book). He’s also closely connected to the Jew Globalists and Wall Streeters, such as the noted Jewophile, Jeffrey Bewkes, Gentile CEO of Time-Warner.

Obama is but a symbol of White racial suicide. Blacks never did present a over-arching threat to the White race as a whole, since the real enemy of the Whites has always been right under our very noses – often even thought of as being one of us. This race has quietly promoted the weaker members of ourselves, those real-life race traitors who seek power, social and financial advancement at the cost of their own kind, or those who evidently hate being White to begin with, possibly due to some early childhood trauma.

– Phillip Marlowe

*Obama is a bit smarter than that idiot Bush — I will admit that — Obama has to be, as Whites would never believe in a dim-witted Negro on the level of Bush (but Obama without teleprompters is quite revealing). And Obama’s political history has readily revealed his callous ambition and willingness to do whatever to advance himself. He’s a perfect fit for the real powers and their on-going designs on the White race!