Last week, the ”History” Channel finished a multiweek series called “America: The Story of Us.” Basically, each episode was a boring, contrived piece of propaganda touting Jew liberal ideology of diversity and immigration. Apparently, they were timing this piece of brainwashing in expectation of a new Amnesty bill to hit Capitol Hill (on hold because of Arizona’s new law). The media brainwashing is now so blatantly obnoxious that it’s a wonder people are too stupid not to pick up on it.

This “documentary” had the now tired blend of period re-enactors, mixed in with the latest high-end CGI of sailing ships crossing the seas; distant battlefield smoke behind the actors playing dead; log cabins and skyscrapers magically building themselves across the landscape. In the live shots of real people, you can see them purposefully making sure that a black actor is in every second or third clip – just so we all know Negroes were in the thick of things, even alongside Daniel Boone as he bushwhacked into Kentucky.

After a couple of minutes of all this, they cut to a liberal celebrity spewing diversity slogans. Crypto-Jew Bill Maher and black Harvard professor Henry Louis Gates, Jr. (the angry Negro who stupidly resisted arrest after abusing a decent White cop) both remind us for the umpteenth time about the horrors of slavery and racism. They don’t stop there. We get to hear solemn intonations from some black, former NFL player and even hip-hop Gangsta Sean “Puff-Daddy” Combs (can you believe that crap?). Zio-suckup Newt Genrich, the token White “conservative,” toes the company line on how great immigration is even today (allowed politicians must play along or they don’t get media exposure).

This one black woman historian (sorry, I missed her name while puking in the bathroom) explains to us: ”Women, blacks and Gays look to the Declaration of Independence as the American creed…” And then we’re immediately told that Baron von Steuben of America’s Continental army was a secret homosexual, recently drummed out of the Prussian military and forced to take his fag act to the New World (he may have been a pedophile — same thing).

Just like the proposed new immigration bill (they will not stop until they grant Amnesty to the last 20 million plus tranche of illegals), the Clinton era “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy of Gays in the military also happens to be coming up for a vote. What a coincidence!

We must be now be so “inclusive,” even with history, you know. The series was so multicult propaganda. I would not have been all that surprised if they put in a black actor as one of the Founding Fathers, but I guess even that might have been just a little too much for the sheeple not to pick up on. I guess they’ll just have to wait until the Jews alter history a little more.

Does anyone who watches this cable channel actually believe it’s worth a damn? Even if you forget all the business about “history,” the stupid shows they put up just plain suck, as in boring and trivial. But if you know anything about the real history they don’t cover, then you’ll see the whole thing is nothing but a giant JEW JOKE.

Surely there’s more to history than Adolf Hitler, Nostradamus and Mayan Doomsday prophesy?

Just like all the stuff the mainstream media blacks out, the History Channel purposefully ignores giant swaths of real dramatic history (just a little research on the Internet or even a visit to the library will get you asking “why”). They now fill the time with pure crapola.

Not only that, I think they’ve been doing specific “programming” (apt term when you think about it), specifically to confuse us to look the other way on what’s really going down, or to spend what little thinking still possible with our addled-noggins watching enough nonsense to further scramble our heads. Yep, I sure do.

Before you go off accusing me of seeing Jews under every rock, read on and think hard about what they don’t show you, instead of all they do. See, that’s the thing: You have to look beyond the box they show you, because nobody else is going to do it for you. Don’t worry, plenty of other people on the Internet are now figuring out the whole stinking deal!

If you pay close attention, you’ll notice a few themes going on with the “History” Channel. End Times business is big-time with the History Channel; for some reason, they’ve been going all out on the 2012 Mayan, Nostradamus, Bible Code and Prophecy Apocalypse schtick. 

This is part of various Catholic church attacks — subtly designed to impugn the Vatican as the nexus of a long-running black conspiracies and includes the usual about the Holy Grail (“secret” bloodline theories of Jesus), lost Templars who escape to Minnesota from evil Popes and “Sacred Feminine” claptrap. They imply it might be part of Freemasonry (just the White version); never, ever mentioning Jewish forms of Freemasonry like the B’nai B’rith, nor do they make the least mention of the Talmud (it’s always the Torah, when it comes to Jews).

Hitler documentaries are another major programming staple, always showing goose-stepping Nazis against a backdrop of heavy, funeral dirge music, right along with modern-day skinhead NeoNazis and Aryan Brotherhood gangs. The History Channel is often nicknamed “The Hitler Channel” for damn good reasons. If there’s anything further they can dredge up on evil Hitler, you can bet you’ll see it on the History Channel, sometimes on a two-week rotation.

Throw in “Modern Marvels,” “MonsterQuest,” things on UFOs and some low production cost Redneck bashing shows and there you have the “History” Channel. Sometimes they double things up and have stuff on Hitler’s ”Secret WWII UFO programs.”

Recently, they’ve been running this show called ”Nostradamus 2012.” They purport to have “discovered” a book that has new quatrains and illustrations, possibly made by his son. But the drawings (right) suspiciously look a lot like what a modern illustrator might do if given instructions to recreate a Middle Ages look. In other words, the whole thing is faked.

Nostradamus is always being used for propaganda purposes. Hell, both sides during WWII used him extensively since his quatrains could be interpreted in so many ways. Since the “good guys” won, we now get more Zionist Jew versions.

Another thing you might have seen is this End-Times show on Sir Isaac Newton, where he spends all this time studying the Old Testament and trying to divine when the world would end. But what they noticeably ignored was Newton studying the Talmud and the Kaballah for his dates. He even taught himself Hebrew to do so.

Recently, they had this imaginative New Ager freak going off on this tiny, obscure island in the South Pacific where he said Mayan high-priests carved statues as part of the 2012 Mayan End Times prophesies. They called it “Apocalypse Island” (really). Funny, when they finally showed the supposed “statues” at the very end, they only looked like naturally weathered outcrops of mountainside. The “History” Channel is always putting up these quack specialists, touting them as experts for whatever bullshit they’re pushing.

A lot of the new stuff on the History Channel is obviously cheaply done, too. Having shows that cost as little as possible boosts profitability, so they look to fill programming slots with trivial crap. Find something, anything that only requires a camera crew, producer, writer and a little editing time. For the promo spots, just add some flashy graphics, the characters with arms akimbo looking serious and excited voice-overs. It’s so old.

“Pawn Stars” is a perfect example. The name is a silly play on “PORN Stars,” one can imagine all the Jew TV executives gushing “The bottom line is nice, but I love that title!”

Here they put a couple of production people into a Las Vegas pawn shop to film people coming in with stupid stuff to pawn for money, maybe to pay off gambling debts, or to come up with the monthly mortgage check after being laid off again. White guys with beer guts own the shop, along with this unbelievably stupid fat guy named “Chumlee” (right). Like, this is supposed to make it all so funny and interesting? The whole production costs are probably $50 per episode, not including lunch for Chumlee.

Pawn shop owner, Greg Harrison, even gets a couple of lines in the show “America: The Story of Us.” Come to think of it, Editor-in-chief of Popular Mechanics magazine, James Meigs, also puts in few diversity slogans too.

Smarmy Meigs is undoubtedly being rewarded for his slick debunking efforts in “9/11 Conspiracies: Fact Or Fiction,” borrowed from NBC (funny how that works). This dirty tricks fiesta touts Meigs (just a magazine media guy) as an “expert,” while at the same time cleverly forgetting to mention that Steven Jones is a University Physics Professor. Yeah, Meigs is just your usual corporate/Zionist whore, probably now yukking it up with his oily Jew buds at a swanky Manhattan media party – while this country goes straight to HELL!

Another show along the lines of “Pawn Stars” is “American Pickers” where two antique buyers go around digging up old crap – soda pop signs, rusted bicycles and toys. The two pay old farmers ridiculous sums so they can turn around and sell them to yuppies in the cities to make their urban abodes look eclectic. I hardly think either program qualifies much as history, or entertainment for that matter (yawn).

These are hardly the only ones. They also have “Iceroad Truckers,” “Ax Men,” and “Mad House.” Make clear note these shows focus on the hijinks of rural White people, always a favorite and PC safe target.

But the real point here is not the shows, but the absolute enormous wealth of historical material out there that the “History” Channel so obviously ignores. Do we ever see JACK on the genocides of White people in the Soviet Union? One might think 7-10 million dead in the Ukraine alone deserves a documentary or two. Or how about the slaying of the entire Romanov family in the basement of the Ipaytiev house by a known Jew Bolshevik hit squad? They literally spend more time on bizarre topics like ”Ancient Aliens” than they do with certain parts of real history.

Sure, they may have touched on some of these things, but only very briefly and buried deep within other topics. Absolutely nothing is mentioned about Jewish Bolsheviks (natch) and rarely anything at all about Communism’s real face. One would think that such historical events would get a bit more coverage, unless something else is going on — like “The Jew Question,” perhaps?

If they can’t show anything about Communist genocides, they sure as hell won’t show any real truths about WWII or the formation of Israel and the Balfour declaration, will they? Or anything about the origins of the Federal Reserve and income taxes? Way too dangerous to the Zionist Power Matrix to cover. The list goes on and on.

How about this past week’s 43rd anniversary of the USS Liberty false-flag attack? I guess they’re going to wait until the 50th anniversary to do a bang-up documentary on the event. NOT!

They once did a show on the USS Liberty way back in the 90′s, but only showed it one time. As I recall, they blatantly white-washed Israel’s guilt and pushed the company line that it was all nothing but a big ”fog of war” mistake. For some reason, they have yet to show it again, perhaps because of all the recent insider revelations that it was a purposeful attack and the Israelis did know it was an America vessel to begin with.

Let’s look at another couple of historical events, one recent and one old, to see how the History Channel paints things.

First, Pearl Harbor and whether or not Roosevelt knew about it in advance. In the show, “Conspiracy or Not” the History Channel treated the evidence presented by Robert B. Stinnet as mere conspiracy theory, barely touching on the enormous evidence he unearthed for his book “Day of Deceit.” Stinnet convincingly proves Roosevelt both knew the attack was coming and goaded the Japs into doing it. It’s so obvious the History Channel is doing everything it can to obfuscate, or marginalize away the ramifications of bit of history in the minds of the casual viewer.

Second, the History Channel has taken it upon themselves to debunk 9/11 “Truthers” (I prefer Patriots). But if you pay close attention and know the background, you’ll see them cherry-picking from the questions raised (generally following Popular Mechanics) and purposefully creating straw man arguments. All the really inconvient facts are carefully ignored, or obfuscated when possible.

In one obviously contrived experiment, they fill a small swimming pool-sized hole with jet fuel and suspend a I-beam right over it to show how steel loses strength when subjected to heat. Funny, they allow this huge fire to burn directly under the I-beam for several hours, fed by steady oxygen in an outdoor environment. During the real 9/11, all the jet fuel burned out within a couple of minutes — in the case of the South Tower, most of it burned away in a huge fireball outside the building. History Channel: Next time try office supplies inside a semi-closed structure.

The History Channel shows Aliens and Bigfoots everywhere, but always treat any 9/11 revelations as mere loony talk. Haven’t you noticed?

Why does the “History” Channel ply the government’s line on 9/11? Because anything else might lead the viewer to some inconvenient thinking about these people’s real bosses, that’s why. They know it’s best for most of us mass media dupes not to suspect 9/11 really was an inside job. What we’ve been seeing in America is ongoing Globalist Jew program to keep us Goyim asleep and in the dark. 

The “History” Channel is such an obvious Jew propaganda organ. It’s a part of the giant Arts and Entertainment Network (AETN) corporation, owned and operated by Jew mega-media corporations: ABC/Disney (42.5%), Hearst corporation (42.5) and NBC Universal (15%).

A&E and Discovery Channel are owned by the same company and the programming is not really all too different. It’s pretty much the same, even the names are interchangeable; for example Discovery has a show called “Swamp Loggers,” like History’s “Ax Men.”

One anomaly is “The First 48″ on A&E. The premise of this show has detectives trying to make a solid lead in 48 hours, or else the case could go cold. But because they put in a camera crew to follow the investigation, reality intervenes and effectively rules out diversity cover-ups since virtually all the victims and perps are Negroes, or the occasional Mestizo. Watching it really puts an accurate spin on the real crime problem in America. That is, if you look at the big picture.

They know what they can and cannot cover — or else they might see career problems. This doesn’t take some secret instructions whatsoever; all they got to do is have enough liberal Jews in the right editorial positions to quietly nix story ideas or delete copy from the script, well in advance of shooting. Even projects handled by third-party production companies already know what will fly or not.

Folks, the Hitler channel is the usual nation-rotting Jew propaganda, mixed with totally boring New Ager nonsense and a few shows of White people yukking it up in the country. God, it’s so obvious anymore. Time for White America to wake THE HELL up!

– Phillip Marlowe