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And the walls came tumbling down — Part 1

Part 2


“For perhaps another generation, an optimistic forecast, the Jewish community will be in a position where it will be in a position to divide and conquer and enter into selective coalitions to support our agendas.”

– Stephen Steinlight, “The Jewish Stake in America’s Changing Demography.” Center for Immigration Studies, October, 2001

“There are approximately 300 national jewish organizations in the United States with a combined budget estimated in the range of $6 billion — a sum greater than the gross national product of half the members of the UN.”

– Kevin MacDonald (The Culture of Critique, Chapter 7)

What don’t you get, White people?


Please read the following document on the situation. History backs all this up totally and, if you go to the following link, you’ll see exactly what the real deal has always been. This link does indeed verify (with official legislative references and verbatim quotes from the Jews themselves) the information contained in the following email (below):

Prof. Kevin MacDonald: Jewish Involvement in Shaping American Immigration Policy, 1881-1965: A Historical Review Go here for on-screen text and a downloadable PDF.

I highly suggest downloading the above PDF and even printing it out. It will simply astound you with the real historical facts behind all the efforts at changing our immigration laws in this country and elsewhere. You’ll see.

The questions that are being asked today, where once asked yesterday — decades ago as a matter of FACT. All of this has been purposefully ignored by our mainstream media and will force you to the conclusion that yes, the writer of this email (below) is quite correct about the real deal facing America, today. 

From an anonymous, emailed letter…

Several of your leaders, such as Tom Tancredo and Ron Paul, are speaking out loudly and forcefully against the illegal immigration which is destroying the country. But there is a problem. Despite the forceful language being employed, the real issue is being ducked.

The issue is not illegal immigration. The issue is race. Yes, let us use the horrid word. The issue is whether or not these United States shall remain a white country.

Were every illegal immigrant given a green card tomorrow, the fundamental issue would remain: White America or La Raza America? There is an uncanny similarity between the language of the preservation of slavery one hundred fifty years ago and the language of immigration restriction today.

The South tried to hide the preservation of slavery behind universal language of “states rights”. Whites today try to hide the preservation of white civilization behind universal language of illegal immigration. It is time to stop hiding.

The men who wrote the Constitution were unabashed white supremacists. They enslaved blacks, they conquered Mexicans and they exterminated Indians. They were proud of it. Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln and John C. Calhoun wrote unequivocally of the superiority of whites to all the aforementioned groups. Not one American of the 18th, 19th or early 20th centuries envisioned America as anything other than a free white land. The claim that America should be a “melting pot” of diverse races was, and is, a LIE. Just who is responsible for that lie we shall examine later.

Americans need have no fear of the charge of racism. Racism imply means: White America preserved for whites. That is as it should be. The Mexicans and other Third World races pouring into America are complete racists. They openly proclaim themselves the true “native Americans” and arrogantly announce that they shall drive American whites back to Europe. They openly boast of their agenda and proclaim it to the skies. The media ignore this Third World racism and denounce white racism instead.

Ladies and Gentlemen: Who decided that your land (White America) should be converted into a Third World cesspool?

Some of you may blame it on the “liberal media”. Others may blame it on corporations seeking cheap labor. Still others may blame it on corrupt politicians seeking votes. All of these explanations have partial value. But all of them fail the ultimate test.

None of them, either taken together or individually, can explain the intense, unremitting sledge hammer drive to destroy these United States as a white nation. The people who push this movement do not give a damn what the white population thinks.

They did not give a damn what the white population thought when they crammed forced bussing and racial integration down the throat of the country in the 1950′s and 1960′s. Nor is this movement limited to these United States. It exists internationally. South Africa and Rhodesia were destroyed as white countries-with consequences now known to everyone.

What is this international power which seeks to over run these United States and to make its borders and national sovereignty meaningless? This power is easily identifiable.

It is the same power which created communism in Russia in 1917. It is the same power which created a great League of Nations in Paris in 1919. It is the same power which drove 700,000 Arabs out of Palestine in 1948-and which sends over one hundred fifty thousand American soldiers to occupy Iraq today. It is the power of the Jews.

Where is the proof of this assertion? The proof is in the history of the immigration laws of these United States. The drive for immigration restriction in America began with the arrival in America of hundreds of thousands of Marxist Jews from Czarist Russia in the 1880′s.

These aliens were “NOT American” and the immigration law of 1924 was designed to keep them OUT. That law deliberately favored the Northern Europeans who had made the country great. The American Jewish Committee and Mr. Louis Marshall screamed-and have screamed ever since.

When the 1924 law came up for renewal in 1951, the American Jewish Committee and the American Jewish Congress once again screamed that Nordic racists were trying to discriminate against an oppressed world in general, and Jewish communist refugees in particular.

Senator Pat McCarran of Nevada, whose name appeared on the 1952 bill which eventually passed, would have none of it. America would remain a white, Anglo-Saxon land until 1965, when Senator Jacob Javits and Representative Emmanuel Celler managed to have the Immigration Act changed over from 180,000 mostly White, Europeans, to over 800,000 mostly non-White immigrants per year. Senator Charles Schumer and Representative Elizabeth Holtzman have continued such legislative efforts.                  

The Immigration Act of 1965 overthrew the white, Nordic structure of American society and told the Third World: “Come On In.” Some of you, ladies and gentlemen, may ask: Why would Jews wish to overthrow the United States as a white nation? What have they to gain?

To answer this question one must know something of Jewish history. Jews have been expelled from one European nation after another throughout the centuries.

In Germany, the population under Adolf Hitler turned against them with deadly force in retaliation for the Jewish communist revolutions post World War One. Jews in America wield tremendous political and economic power. They most definitely have not been using that power to benefit the whites.

The Jews know that if American whites ever catch on to what Jews have been doing, then a white nationalist reaction against Jewish power, as in Hitler’s Germany, could occur. It is precisely to prevent that eventuality that Jews have worked unceasingly to shatter the white racial back bone of America. If whites become fragmented and isolated in Third World America, Jewish power can rule unopposed.

It should be obvious to you, ladies and gentlemen, that as America has declined as a white nation, Jewish power has grown ever greater. That correlation is not mere happenstance. It is cause and effect. Some of you, ladies and gentlemen, may be offended by the hard truth. You may regard it as an unwarranted attack on personal friends of the Jewish faith.

So be it. Political realities cannot be altered by personal relationships. The hard fact is that America is being destroyed as a white land because the interests of one particular group require that it be so. That group is the Jews. Both logic and the hard facts support the conclusion. Some of you shall be scared off by the Jewish angle. But unless YOU, ladies and gentlemen, understand why you are being flooded with the Third World, you will not be able to evict them from your land. You will be stymied at every attempt.

And then, you will flail about aimlessly, attacking all the scapegoats for all the wrong reasons. American whites are in a war for racial survival. The Third World immigrants are the army of the enemy, but the Jews are the generals and the suppliers of that army.

To destroy the enemy at the gates is essential, but to destroy the enemy within the gates is also essential. For unless that enemy is eliminated, permanently and for all time, the enemy without shall return, again and again.

To be continued…

Anyone knows the person I can credit (to the degree that he or she wishes) — let me know. I’m certain it’s OK to copy and pass around, so please do. Also, download and save that PDF. At least read some of it, like the conclusion at the end. We need to wake the hell up to all of this and now!

You can also read Professor Kevin MacDonald’s “Culture of Critique” HERE. It’s well worth your time to understand this subject. Just go to the preface to see what it’s about!


The Immigration Gumball Video: It’s the real-life stats (yet easy to understand) behind illegal immigration and how the numbers alone will necessarily turn our country into the living hell of the Third World. If you have not seen this video, you need to stop and watch it now — it’s that important. (9:30)

Mexican Invasion of the US.

Totally slimey Jew lawyer, making big bucks by going around the country showing companies dishonest methods to get away with NOT hiring Americans for jobs. This allows them to bring in foreign workers (like H1B visas from India), increasing corporate profits. The American unemployed get the runaround and shafted when they can least afford it. Little wonder seeing a Jew do this kind of thing.

America: Is this what you want? La Raza people brag about taking over.

This is NOT just happening to America, but ALL White nations, like Britain above. It cannot be denied any longer by any Whites still left with a brain. This is all to destroy White demographics so that the Jews can feel less threatened by Whites coming together. Our countries are being turned into disgusting Third World nations and they could care less what you think. They’ve been behind doing all this for DECADES, now. Read this and think hard:

“The Census Bureau has just reported that about half of the American population will soon be non-White or non-European. And they will all be American citizens. We have tipped beyond the point where a Nazi-Aryan party will be able to prevail in this country.

We have been nourishing the American climate of opposition to ethnic bigotry for about a half century. That climate has not yet been perfected, but the heterogeneous nature of our population tends to make it irreversible and makes constitutional constraints against bigotry more practical than ever.”

– Earl Raab, executive director emeritus of the Perlmutter Institute of Jewish Advocacy (ADL offshoot), Jewish Bulletin, Feb. 19, 1993


“Global elites view the West as the main obstacle to a future world government. Multiculturalism is a tool used by such elites to dismantle White Western civilization.”

— Pat Buchanan, in a speech in Falls Church, Va. 2004


Black and Hispanic population densities as of the year 2000 census. This chart does NOT show illegal immigrants, nor other Third World races promoted over White immigrants since 1965. Our country is indeed being turned into a Third World nation right before our eyes and it is the Jews and greedy globalists who are behind it.




And the walls came tumbling down