Check out these pleasant mugs — thank God, you won’t find too many like them, this side of the bowels of Hell! Or maybe we’ll be seeing more of these hellish demons as our population grows out of sight and our society becomes the sicko paradise of all time — if it isn’t already.

Yep, you got it right: A horrible killing at the hands of some White man, followed up shortly by an unbelievably vile act committed by some Negro – all just now coming to the light of day.

Which one was worse? Only the good Lord and Beezlebub can figure that one out. And there had better be a Hell of some sort for the likes of these two. If there is, I can predict with a goodly degree of certainty that both of these two foul creeps will end up roasting there for eternity.

Are we becoming this sick, people? What’s the deal anymore?


The Negro, a former morgue attendant named Kenneth Douglas, was arraigned in a Cincinnati, Ohio court this past week on a charge so sickening that no mention was even made of the details during the proceedings. His crime? Getting himself off on the corpse of a young White murder victim.

That’s right. Young Karen Range (right) was only 19 way back in the year 1982, when she was killed and nearly decapitated by the knife-wielding psycho, David Steffen, in her own home. As her stone-cold body lay in the county morgue, due for autopsy the next day, Douglas went and had himself a look. More than a look.

The totally twisted Mr. Douglas then decided to do his thing — and get this stomach-churning detail: The body was still unclean from the vicious murder and the head was barely attached to the rest of the corpse! How sick is that?

“In a case like this, you are tempted to refer to (Douglas) as an animal but that really isn’t fair to animals. They don’t do things like this. He is one sick dude,” Assistant Prosecutor Mark Piepmeier said after the brief arraignment.

Yeah, I’d say so, Mr. Prosecutor.

The murderer, David Steffen, was some kind of door-to-door salesman for soap, when he found the young Karen at home and alone. He’s since admitted to the horrific killing part, but has insisted to this day that he did not rape her. Last year, the DNA evidence did indeed exonerate him of the rape part, but that same evidence has now pointed the finger at Douglas; when the former morgue attendent was busted for violating his probation over a drug charge, his DNA was then matched up with the semen found inside young Karen’s dead corpse so long ago.

And the sicko Negro Necrophiliac faces only one year for that vile act, can you believe it? Violating a corpse happens to be the lowest felony charge in Ohio (amazingly enough). However, it appears from interrogation of this animal, that they may have more — that’s right — more charges of the same nature. It appears that he had sex with other dead bodies at the morgue – truly demonic!

“This was a scenario no one imagined in this office,” Deters said. “It was so bizarre that no one could even comprehend it. I can’t explain this at all.”

Douglas was charged with abuse of a corpse. If convicted, he faces up to a year in prison.

Deters expects Douglas to be charged with violating other corpses based on “overwhelming evidence” from those discussions with the suspect. Read more here!

Now, I know very well that the White guy, David Steffen, probably thought he could get himself laid when the hapless Karen answered the door. Maybe she smiled and let him in. She probably fought off his “moves” and then he went ballistic and ended up slashing the life out of her. As such, this guy does indeed deserve to fry and is still under a sentence of death.

Then this poor girl had this kind of thing happen to her lifeless body, so soon after dying in a vicious slashing (only 4 hours). Out of the blue, she was smacked in the face with the utter depravity of the world, even after her death — oh, I know she felt nothing physically when her dead body was defiled, but we don’t really know anything about these kinds of things, now do we?

Come to think of it, I can’t believe this guy Steffen is still alive now. What’s that say? Our justice system is seriously screwed up; he kills some girl out of the blue (let’s forget all about the false rape charge) and then escapes final judgement for 26 years. He gets to live 26 friggin’ more years of life than the girl! They should just go ahead and fry the two of them together, one sitting in the lap of the other, and send them both straight to hell!

Yes, Virginia, there are some seriously sick SOB’s out and about. Is it getting worse these days? I think it truly is, especially with the forces that have been at work degrading us and our country for the last 4 decades.

And the math behind it makes it inevitable. Let’s say you have a dozen sickos per thousand that occur naturally in a population (or unnaturally, if you prefer). By doubling the number of people you will, of course, get twice as many sickos – no matter what race or religion. With our population now dramatically increasing, we’ll simply have more and more sickos prowling about the land.

Then you add a few things to this evil cauldron being brewed for our country. First, the increased immigration of non-Whites is to blame for these population numbers. It’s expected that the US population will hit 600 million in 2050 and with most of them being non-White. You think things are sick now? Think deeply on what all this means for your children and descendants to live in that kind of world: A total Third World/Deviant/Futuristic Hell-hole!

And these immigrants coming here from places like Mexico and Nigeria, are obviously affected in big, big ways by the easy, free spirit of America (i.e. the “decadence”) and, with the kind of open displays of sexuality celebrated by our media, they will not be able to control themselves. Some may well go completely off the deep end.

Secondly, the other races here to begin with, cannot control themselves when it comes to gratifying their primal urges for pleasure or in lashing out with emotional violence. That’s why you have the majority of violent crime perpetrated by Negroes and Hispanics (somewhere between 70 and 80%). Whites, even with a population percentage being a bit larger (67% at the moment), clearly contain themselves and commit far fewer violent and sexual crimes. Yet there is the few, with Mr. Steffen being one such sicko White.

Thirdly, and most importantly, you now have our entire culture being inundated with increasing levels of sex and violence. Hell, afternoon TV soap operas have become so chock full of stuff that it will blow your mind, anymore. Movies and TV have all been competing on the degree of “realism” to violence that rivals seeing these kinds of things happen in real life. This inures people’s brains to violence and makes those potential sickos on the edge of sanity want to see it for themselves.

Sex and violence are inextricably linked together — like space and time in the world of physics.

And sexual imagery of the most disgusting sort is as close as a mouse-click away. Go to your Google and turn-off “moderate safe search” and do a search for “biracial teens.” If you go to “Images” you’ll see all kinds of totally foul pictures. And kids know how to work the computers. They can turn this stuff off easily, unless you know how to lock it in advance. That’s the thing: You have to purposefully make these technical efforts to stop it coming within eyeball range of your children. Some parents just don’t have a clue on where to begin!

A boss of mine once asked me to fix his home computer. Going over there I discovered that his teen-aged boy had been visiting some extremely raw porno sites. I could see the history files, etc. Did I say anything to the Dad? No, I didn’t. But I did fix his security, giving him the password and telling him he shouldn’t give it out to anyone for any unspecific reasons without his presence. I think he got the idea.

There’s been this TV commercial on for Cox cable, featuring John Walsh telling people on where to go to control the channels and content that families see on their cable system. You know what I think? This kind of thing ought to be the standard set-up, right out of the box, so that the less tech-savvy Moms and Dads have some protection from the get-go. If you’re a pervert, then it’s up to you to make the effort to turn-off the protection to get your sick jollies.

Of course, I realize that censorship tactics can be used politically against someone just like me in all this. I’m rated as “mature” right now by WordPress, even though I often see much worse on many blogs here today. And I make efforts not to have too many bad words here. Something is wrong when you can see the most filthy things imaginable as easily as it is to do, but genuine political discourse is vigorously attacked because it’s against the status quo.

This is what they’ll probably try to shut us up with. People will be all for putting a stop to the pervs when the real background reason for the effort will be to silence un-PC big mouths like me!

I’m no Cotton Mather-like prude, trust me. I dig girls just like any red-blooded American man and will check-out some hottie at the beach like any other guy. That being said, I very well know that pornography is a dangerous habit — just like any other vice. I’ve purposefully made the decision not to allow myself to be exposed to such things a long time ago when I realized with some discomfort that I was becoming attracted, no, maybe even showing begining signs of addiction to searching it out.

Whenever I turn-off “moderate search” on my google, in order to find a specific image, I find myself tempted to double-click on a picture best left not looked at. I know that temptation is a real and tangible thing, but I actually feel stronger making conscious choices to turn away. Believe me, it gets easier with time. I don’t know if it’s like exercising some backbone or something spiritual. Maybe both.

This two-page ad for a video game uses suggested Necrophilia to get children’s attention.

I also know that young boys, around 11-13, can be seriously bent in the head if exposed to this kind of thing at just the wrong time. Mixing up sex and violence is a confusing and dangerous thing for young boys and can twist their brains utterly – especially with the hormones kicking in – resulting in some truly messed-up male turned loose upon society. I don’t care what any behavioral psychologist or ”intellectual” has to say about it, or whatever fancy lingo he’ll use to describe it, this kind of thing can seriously jump-start a new sicko career.

No, I don’t want to turn America into some kind of medieval bastion of religion of any kind — Christian, Islam or Jew crap. You know, a buncha mean Old Testament-like guys with white beards and scary-looking robes, walking around with cat-o-nine-tail whips, all ready to lay into some sexy young trollop wearing a way-too-tight tube-top. I just feel that the people involved in our entertainment, computer games industry or anywhere else that caters to our baser instincts, needs to clean up their act or we will for them!

All these things adds up big in the numbers of sickos in our society — those who may do these kinds of things. So, with our culture/media appealing to the lowest forms of life, we’ll see more and more of this behavior. We’re only making things worse for everybody by allowing ourselves to go this route.

And those slimy Jews in Hollywood and the Porno industry? They don’t care one lick about any of it. These big-time Jew producers know full well how to sell sex and violence to the Goyim to make the big bucks and, at the same time, corrupting us makes it all the sweeter. I can imagine all the twisted little smiles in the dark of some office theater when they watch the “dailies” or what they filmed yesterday on the studio lot or on-location. Often, they’ll go ask the screen writers then and there to make things “a little edgier” — all in the hopes of shocking the Goyim into chatting-up the flick. Making films morally or spiritually uplifting like Walt Disney once did? Forget it, Bub.

Witness movies put out by the two Jew brothers, Joel and Ethan Coen, who are celebrated for squeezing in as much realistic gore as they can into a film like “No Country for Old Men” (above). Stylistically, these two Jews may be quite creative, but you’ve probably noticed their increasing obsession towards using the most shocking violence possible. Oh, it gets everybody’s attention, alright. They’ll give us what they say we want and then laugh all the way to the bank!

I mean, just how many head shots with exploding brains do we have to see on the screen, anymore? Give it a break, Jews!

Like I’ve said often here at my blog, Whites and Blacks are both being sucked down a vortex of filth by the same people: The Jewish supremacists. We’re in the bowl and it’s their hands on the commode lever. To them, we’re all Niggers to flush down the tube! Think about it!

So, when someone giggles to you about some kind of new movie or game that shows such and such, take just a moment and think about it. Do I really want to contribute to this financially by buying it or even watching it? Because you do contribute to this kind of thing, in a way, even by the simple act of casting your eyes on it. No, they don’t know, but you would be surprised by all the money these people make just by word of mouth interest. It all adds up incrementally, people.

Let’s all make the effort NOT to partake in sick entertainment, whenever and wherever we can. Let’s work hard at being morally strong and upright people. I’m not talking about going religious bonkers here, just exercise your judgement to stop fueling the degradation of our country. Let’s all drive a stake into the bloodsucking and gore of Hollywood Jewdom!

If your friends call you a wuss about it, then you just tell them you’ve had it with the sicko Jews getting rich off schmucks like them and all the pervert SOB’s out there damned to hell. Truth be told? You’ll be right on both counts.

– Phillip Marlowe

The totally SICKO Douglas had sex with over 100 dead corpses!