Comment from a guest named Gw2bc:

One fact this thread has clarified for me is that many people even in this alleged “movement” are not comprehending the subtlety, cleverness, and ENORMITY of Demon Jewry’s methods. Conquest must involve hostile INVADERS waving guns and shit, right? How else could anyone overcome America’s huge imperial army?

The “Jews” are definitely hostile invaders of America, but we’re just another faceless victim to them. Long before they set their beady rat eyes on us they were engaged continuously in perpetual wars and intrigues of conquest against other societies for most of 10,000 years. Consequently their methods of conquest are incredibly sophisticated, insidious, and effective. So sophisticated, in fact, that most non-“Jewish” Americans are completely blind-sided by them — even those on this site who’ve realized the “Jews” are our real problem.

First they came over here and established their main imperial beach-head rat warren, Jew York City. This actually happened in the 1600s; it was called “New Amsterdam” then.

Working mainly from New York, Chicago, and a few other premier cities, they used their ancient nefarious invention, “high finance,” to lever each other into position as our secret economic overlords, so that virtually no one could achieve wealth and influence except by serving the Jew Master Race, a.k.a. Satan. Henry Ford was probably the last great exception. This was stage II of the Jews’ conquest. Even before America’s civil war, it was advancing by leaps and bounds; the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 — 96 years ago — was actually the last coffin nail getting pounded home.

Having made groveling slaves of our alleged “WASP ruling class,” they could proceed to stage III, i.e. the real work of conquering US, the American hoi polloi, now that they were really our secret masters and we their subjects. This stage has consisted of hi-jacking EVERY major social institution — government, churches, public schools, academia, mass media, “charitable” organizations, popular political fronts like the ACLU — and converting them into tools of social engineering that serve their demonic “Trotskyite” lust for Total Power.

This stage has also progressed marvelously and is now about as “perfect” as they need it to be. Perceptive Americans are already glimpsing the next and final, unbearable stage: the “Jews” finally throwing their masks off to reveal their true identity— Chaldean insane tyrants and overt Satanists, gratuitously cruel beyond belief. Why not? No one will be able to stop them. They’ll finally have totally monopolized ALL power on earth, just like they’ve always dreamed of doing since the dawn of history. This ghastly stage IV is the one Russia plunged headlong into after 1917. The German people met the same sickening fate during and after WWII. Likewise for Palestinian Arabs for the past 120 years.

To the vicious Jew, we are ALL “Palestinian.”

Every important Western country the “Jew” monsters have subverted since the Spanish Inquisition — Holland, England, France, America, Russia — they have conquered through this same stealthy progression.

They are never going to rest until they achieve “stage IV” WORLDWIDE. This ultimate goal is what has truly been driving them all along, since the dawn of history. This is how deeply insane and loathsome they truly are.

Americans of north-European heritage are one of the last obstacles on earth staying their hand. We have far more power than we know. They do know our innate power, but we don’t. That’s why they’re so intent on finishing us off.

The crucial thing to notice about this entire progression is that the “Jews” have stayed “out of sight in deep shadows” throughout. First, they’ve rarely fired a shot themselves— at least not “out in the open” where anybody could clearly see them. They’ve duped white Christian FOOLS into mass-murdering each other left and right, but they avoid being overtly violent themselves. Being overtly violent would give them away, and the time is not ripe for that. Yet. They stay out of sight in other ways as well. Dubya, Obama, and virtually every other American official are just mindless puppets (GOLEMS!) twitching and jerking on Massa Jews’ puppet-strings, and that’s been the sad truth of American politics throughout living memory— but how many Americans KNOW THIS? How many have gotten this far down the rabbit hole?

This is how devious, subtle, and VICIOUS the demonic “Jew” really is.

If we’re to SUCCEED at fighting them, we have got to comprehend what they’re really doing.

I have taken heart from this site and others that some Americans are waking up and realizing, but now this optimism has been dealt a serious blow. It’s more clear to me now that “anti-Semitism” has become a band-wagon, and that like all band-wagons it’s attracting shallow vain trivial people neurologically incapable of comprehending the scale of “Jewish” villainy, no matter how much information they’re exposed to. Such people are not assets. They’re clear liabilities. For one thing they’re really soulless sock-puppets of the Jews who do the Jews’ demonic will even when they THINK they’re fighting them. Sucking down satanic Jew shit like ‘Zeitgeist,’ for example, and actually liking it, not realizing it’s really a pill of Jew brain-poison. They’re fools, and letting fools in on any fight against the Jew planet-cancer is the surest way to destroy it before it even gets started. Quality is far far more important than quantity here.

They have been mentally destroyed by stage III, and there’s no rescuing them. They’re dead inside. The Jew soul-worm has gotten into them and killed the only part that really matters. Now they’re just race-traitors waiting to happen. Just let Himey wave a couple grand at them and see what they do. Oh, they won’t know it’s really him. They’re only fools, after all— but they’ll still sell you down the river, and gloat over how “smart” they are as they do it. Just like a Jew would, because that’s what they basically are. Or rather quasi-Jews, Jew wannabes. They’re too empty upstairs to count as the real thing, especially since they’re gonna end up turning on a spit, screaming in terror and agony, just like all the other goy saps…

It takes times like these to make the real meaning of Christian allegory clear. Follow Jesus, or you will end up “in Hell”— in THIS LIFE, not the next.

“Jew” is a race, sort of, but it’s also a vicious mental disease, one that people can learn. Subverting the maximum number of people into it is the real point of stage III. If Jews can make everybody else demonically insane like them, then they’ll be “normal,” i.e. whole goy populations will stop noticing they’re demonically insane, as we used to historically. We’ll stop resisting them and just cooperate. As we sat mesmerized in front of the Jew-vision watching “Tits on Bikes” for the past 50 years, they have achieved exactly this.

The most important component of the Jew mental disease is that they’re NARCISSISTS of staggering loathsome inbred proportions, so this is the main thing they’re trying to get going in US, and they’ve succeeded. They’re extremely good at it. Most Americans are just horrifying mental babies now. One striking thing about a mental baby is that when you criticize them justifiably they just fly into defiant rage and never ever pause to ask themselves “but is there actually some truth to the criticism?” as mature people are known to do.

Christianity is an anti-narcissistic moral philosophy— a very powerful and specific antidote to the Jews’ natural psychological strategy. This is an objective scientific fact about Christianity, one of many, that a determined narcissist will NEVER appreciate. First, comprehending it is simply beyond their goo-goo-ga-ga neurology. They’re nasty self-centered babies who never think beyond themselves. Second (related) they’re just way more ignorant than they think, so they don’t grasp psychological theory well enough to appreciate it that way, either.

Christianity is really about psychology and the healing of same. As a method of “psychotherapy,” it is vastly superior to Jew mind-rot like the stuff Freud (a Jew) palmed off. Of course it is. The Jews who totally control the present “mental health” RACKET aren’t vaguely interested in actually healing mental sickness; on the contrary, they want to make you NUTS just like them, so that they’ll be “normal!”