Check out the above video about the situation — the subversive Jews won’t like you watching one bit!

It’s quite simple, really. The above video lays out the over-all situation and doesn’t take a rocket scientist to understand, either. Zionist, Khazar Jews have conspired to manipulate American politics in favor of blatant racial loyalty to a foreign country (right along with corrupting our society and quietly undermining our race, I might add). As such, these Israel-Firster Jews (conservative or liberal) are traitors to America.

Barry Soetoro (AKA Barack Obama), is owned by the Israel Lobby — just like George W. Bush and Hillary Clinton. Doesn’t matter which political party. That’s why Soetoro has said JACK about this last Israeli atrocity on the Gazan Freedom Flotilla ship, Marmara. These American Ziopuppets know it’s best to keep it zipped when it comes to the Globalist’s ugly child from hell, Israel.

Far too many Americans don’t get much of this, because those who know the deal have been effectively muzzled by Political Correctness and by Big Jewry owning the mainstream media – a media that basically just puts out the pro Israel/Jewish line. So, please take the few minutes to watch the above video, it may not last long on Youtube should it get the attention it deserves.

America: What don’t you get about these people — yet?

See below for part one. 

AIPAC: The Voice of America, Part 1: The Orange and the Pea

Former Reagan official, Paul Craig Roberts, on why the US government nevers says a word about what these Jews get away with. It’s a GD shame that this kind of thing is only seen on Russia Today news!


“[Shimon] Peres warned [Ariel] Sharon Wednesday that refusing to heed incessant American requests for a cease-fire with the Palestinians would endanger Israeli interests and ‘turn the US against us.’ At this point, a furious Sharon reportedly turned toward Peres, saying ‘every time we do something you tell me Americans will do this and will do that. I want to tell you something very clear, don’t worry about American pressure on Israel, we, the Jewish people control America, and the Americans know it.’”

— Kol Yisrael (Israel Radio), 3 October, 2001 (IAP)

“There are approximately 300 national Jewish organizations in the United States with a combined budget estimated in the range of $6 billion — a sum greater than the gross national product of half the members of the UN.”

– Kevin MacDonald (The Culture of Critique, Chapter 7)

America: Wake Up to the Stench of Jew!


NOTE! All the Jewish Extremists and Zionists spoken about here are mostly from the Turkish/Hunnish Khazar kingdom originating in southern Russia (usually called the Ashkenazi), who converted in the 8th-9th century, AD. NOT the true Israelites of the Bible. These are Asiatic KHAZAR interlopers, who donned the cloak of Judaism in the misty past, yet retained ancient criminal and parasitic functions among Gentile host nations. Over the centuries, their subversive behavior has caused the Gentile populations to eventually rise up and throw them bodily out, or worse. This has happened at least 79 times (some say 109). Now, a semi-hidden Globalist oligarchy has almost total control of important and powerful parts of America and other White, European nations, as well as having their own stolen country in the Mideast that we are brainwashed and coerced into supporting — no matter what they do to us or what they make us do to the world for them. According to their books of the Talmud (never, ever talked about by the US mainstream press), we are nothing but “Goyim” or cattle to them.