WANT TO KNOW why we’re still in Iraq and Afghanistan, as well as seeing our economy and country going straight to hell? Or why we never get to the real bottom of things (like 9/11) and have to listen to the now non-stop Whitey-be-bad bull? 

Just turn on the TV every Sunday morning and it’s a good bet you’ll see the usual suspects preaching us the company line. Yesterday’s sunday talk shows had ‘em out in droves – maybe because of Easter, or maybe just because they like feeding us crap on a Goyim holiday. 

NBC’s, “Meet the Press,” had a slew of spewing Jews (below) and if that wasn’t bad enough, ABC’s ”This Week,” had nice crop too. The first group trotted out before NBC host David Gregory (Jew, too) gave us the “War on Terror” spiel, how things are still bad and how we have to be on our guard, etc., etc. You know the drill. Perhaps because of the Moscow bombing or something else, they made a big point about the vulnerability of trains and Greyhound bus transportation. Hmmm.

As per operating procedure, not a word was breathed about all the Jews. But that’s not supposed to make a difference, right? Jane Harman, apparently quite serious, tells us she resents the latest White “Homegrown Terrorist,” Jihad Jane, stealing her name. Ahwww, too bad.

On ABC, Alan Greenspan and Larry Summers (Samuelson) did the headliner bit on the economy ”turning the corner” because of the somewhat better job’s report from last month (much of it temporary census workers). NBC had a White House Goyim (Christina Romer) feed us the up-beat lines. 

All these arrogant Zionists need to be run out on a rail. It’s pure gall the media keeps putting on these same insider Jews versus hearing zilch from anyone with a different perspective. But we all know the score. 

Wait… I forgot it’s these bastards who keep us all straight, our so-called economy humming and finding new ways for the world to hate our guts. It’s a tough job, but someone has to do it. 

The Jews on NBC quickly segued from AIPAC propaganda to “domestic terror” (what they really wanted to talk about in the first place). Referring to a blog piece by Jew York Times writer and Jew smoke-screen emitter (see below), Michael Isikoff (how come these Jew blogs are always OK?); Isikoff quotes the Southern Poverty Law Center (more Jews) about the rapid increase in White militias, ”hate groups” and just plain old haters running amok in America. Oh my! 

Lieberman intones that the government has always taking homegrown terrorism seriously. Each Jew then did his concerned act about latter-day Timothy McVeighs; emphasizing the “not just Muslims” angle. Chertoff worries that us ”fringe groups” out here might start adopting radical Muslim tactics, then obliquely mentions the Mexican drug cartels now beheading people. He’s clever enough not to come right out and make the connection to patriotic White Americans outright. 

Lieberman wraps things up on the remote feed, doing his usual improv on Iran building The Bomb and high-tech missiles threatening the Middle East and Europe. America has to stop Iran before it’s too late! No mention made of the Motherland, Israel. I guess they try to minimize that as much as possible. 

Harman looks forward to China coming soon to the US for a terrorism conference; so we should be able to use the face-to-face to coerce them into line against evil Iran. Forget the business about China’s currency manipulations holding back American exports — Israel’s paranoia over Iran is paramount and don’t you poor slobs forget it! 

All Jew news, all Jew views — all the time! 


Man, I am so over these traitorous know-it-alls. 

Here’s a quick rundown on all those smart news Jews giving us the views: 

Jane Harman, Congressional Zionist slime. Subject to a dropped FBI investigation and wire-tapping, where she’s heard offering help on the AIPAC spy case if the Zionists could get her the chairmanship of the intelligence committee. She denied it, of course. 

Michael Chertoff, former Director of Homeland security and second in command at Justice. This is the guy who let off the Dancing Israelis, legally represented the man (Magdy Elamir) who funded the 19 blamed 9/11 Arabs (funny, how the media never brings that up). Chertoff is now bilking the terrorism business as CEO for a company selling body scanners to the Transportation Security Administration. 

Joe Lieberman, US Senate intelligence committee. John McCain’s Jew handler, orthodox Jew and major Israel-Firster. 

David Remnick, Jew Yorker magazine. Gave us a pretty good dose of Iran paranoia on the show; they’ll be sure to have him on again! 

Rick Stengel, Chief editor, Time magazine. This is the guy who decided on Ben Shalom Bernanke getting Time’s man of the year. Just wrote (pitched on the show) a big liberal suck-up book: ”Mendela’s Way, fifteen lessons of life, love and courage.” How touching, I’ll have to rush out and buy a copy (NOT). 

Michael Isikoff, (blog article discussed). This is the Jew creep that whistle blower Sibel Edmonds said purposefully screwed her over big-time in a Newsweek article by leaving out important facts. He also blatantly lied in another Newsweek piece that the guards at Gitmo were flushing the Koran down the toilet, resulting in Muslims all over getting worked up. 



Larry Summers (Samuelson), Obama’s head financial advisor. Talking to Jake Tapper (Jew, too), he repeated the tired mantra of “this new job’s report should give us hope we turned the corner.” How long can these liars keep running this joke? Apparently, every day of the week. 

Alan Greenspan, former Jew head of the Fed. Isn’t is about time this old guy shut his wrinkled face? Greenspan, Summers and Robert Rubin (not on TV today, but works in Obama’s WH) were the ones who removed the Glass-Steagall act giving us the derivative mess and economic problems of the last couple of years. Back then, fawning Jew Time magazine called the three, “The Committee to Save the World.” No lie. 

The Warning 

Why are we still listening to these people? Ever wonder why they still get jobs? 

This Week’s “Round Table” discussion: 

Robert Reich, midget Jew pundit. He did mention the perps above and the Glass-Steagall business. Funny, that’s pretty much old news, by now. He explained that unemployment is because most Americans are overpaid, or don’t have the necessary “skill sets” for globalization, so basically it’s tough damn luck. Whatever happened to the “information workers” talk of old? Oh yeah, those jobs moved to India too. 

Here’s the little guy telling corrupt Charlie Rangel he would like to see some way White construction workers not see any stimulus money. 

Fashionably something.

Karen Finney, DNC chairman of communications (right). Person of Color (POC — not sure exactly what) stand-in for Donna Brazille, Obama lover and White boy-hating Negress. Excuse me: proud African-American woman of color (WOC).

Finney’s the woman who called the Tea Party people ”evil-mongerers” on Lou Dobbs and acted all offended when Dobbs called her an “ideologue.” Which she is, of course. Brazille better look-out — Karen’s a smarter POC. Must be the White in her.

Matthew Dowd, former White guy and former Bush strategist. No relation to NYT’s resident catholic hater, Maureen Dowd. 

George Will, White token “conservative,” but really a big-time Neocon Israel-Firster underneath the glasses and snazzy tie (he dropped the affected bow tie look). 


Didn’t watch it, but Jew Senator Arlen Spectre, was on. Probably said something about terrorists and Iran, I’ll bet. 

Are we not always told that jews are merely 2.5% of the population? That 6.4 million figure has been pushed for 50 years now. Then why so many talking Jews on TV telling us what to do? I guess it’s that same strange quirk of fate that makes all the heads of the Federal Reserve Jews. 

Oh wait, they are smarter and more successful than the rest of us. That explains it. 

CBS Face The Nation: 

Didn’t watch it, but saw that Michael Eric Dyson was on, which is plenty bad enough right there. Who wants to lose a big breakfast on Easter morning? Listening to this buffoon use every big word he can find in a dictionary is enough to make anybody puke – he has to be the biggest blow-hard race huckster out there and that’s saying something! 

As my bona fides are incontrovertibly impeccable, I duly prognosticate that Whiteys be racist for the foreseeable future! 

– Phillip Marlowe