
Madonna and her husband Guy Ritchie with Arch-Zionazi Shimon Peres, real-life Terrorist and former PM of Israel. Madonna has bought into a form of Judaism from the Kabbalah Centre, a cult-like version that panders to foolish Goyim who need some mystical religion other than Christianity to show how “with-it” they think they are.* Truth of the matter: She will never be able to reach the heights of true Jew God-head since she was born Italian Catholic. But her money is still good.

Julia Elizabeth asks me the question about “Tikkun Olam” and the “agenda:”

 So what exactly is their “agenda” I googled those funny words [Tikkun Olam]. I looked on Wikipedia† and it was talking about a “Perfect World” or the “Perfect Society”? What is there perfect world or society? It also said that they think of themselves as being the ones to make the model society. Is this what you wanted me to read or is it something else? OMG do they want to take over the world????

Yes, indeed, they are funny words. This ”Tikkun Olam” is a Jewish belief system from the Zohar or the Kabbalah (similar to what Madonna is into, but different for her particular status). It means, basically, “Repairing the World for the Chosen Ones.” They’ve taken it on themselves to “fix” all of us Goyim (the Jew name for us “Cattle”). It’s the Jew supremacist’s pseudo intellectual-religious philosophy that they try to tell themselves is their justification for deconstructing the American and Western world’s societies.

They believe we are all “broke” and will now kindly operate on us! They have entire organizations and publications devoted to this utter hypocrisy and outright Jewish Supremacist Ideology. This has been pervasive through-out the Jews; they who believe in their “Chosen Ones” superiority quietly, but often-times very openly — from Jew Neocons on the right, all the way to the Lefty Democrats. All of this behavior and belief structure is protected by the Jew Race politics that they have created and enforce with their media.

What it all usually amounts to, is the trashing of any White beliefs, values, any of our institutions and even our nations, in whatever way, shape, or form possible. Think of how they break-down raw recruits in the Army or Marine boot camps: First, they erase everything they’ve ever learned in civilian life in the attempt to build them back up in the image they want them to be.

When you check out any Jew publications on Tikkun Olam, don’t forget that you need to read a little between the lines. They’ll couch it all in high-minded words, the usual liberal sloganeering along with a genuine sense of altruism (they just care for us so!), words that on the surface, anyone would readily sympathize with.

But people just don’t understand how deep this all goes, nor what’s really behind it. That’s another reason for the success in all of this. Ask yourself when reading these things: How would this kind of thing translate into everyday society? What negative side effects will affect white people? Or does that make a bit of difference to them?

And, make very clear note of the following, because it will amply shed light on the whole matter: They don’t believe in these same things when it comes to Israel. Israel is a one race, one religion place. Think about it: Do they espouse the same kinds of things in Israel as they do for America? No way. Jews are already just so perfect!

Funny, huh? Everything that they believe is so right for us, is absolutely wrong to even consider for main headquarters! Sure, some left-winger Jews pay lip service to Palestinian causes, but none of it ever comes to pass. Think about how they degrade and mistreat white women in sex slavery and pornography. Think about all the Black Dafur refugees they recently kicked out for being illegal. Think about all the Palestinian homes they bulldoze and the Christians they spit upon in the streets.

The pure, unadulterated arrogance and utter hypocrisy of these people is simply stunning!

Now, think of all of the race games, the liberal movements, radical feminists and gay rights, the attacks on Christianity, etc, etc., down through the last 40 years or so, in America. Yes, many whites have been brainwashed into all these things too; all those liberal white traitors and the Jew progenitors in the Media; all the population mind-manipulators like the Ford and Rockefellar Foundations; all the colleges and ”Diversity” professors, etc. etc. who believe whites are all racist and must somehow be fixed — in anyway possible.

All social frictions, race or sexes, that they can dream up, will forever continue because it’s not really good they want, but the utter demoralization and division of the White race. Note how long we’ve had things like Affirmative Action, yet the Jews still stir up the race cauldron like it was the 1950′s. They want the White person to forever be vilified and demonized as the only evil racist possible. That’s why you have such ridiculous concepts like “Stealth Racism” and “White Privilege” now coming out — they’re now using Maoist ”Cultural revolution” tactics against us Whites.

And note how they can freely attack any so-called ”White Supremacists” (or Nativist, or Xenophobe, or…) through-out the media but do you ever hear or read anything about these Jewish supremacist ideas in the media? No! That’s all part of the real deal going on in America today and they don’t want us poor schmucks to figure it all out.

Plus, all of this serves as such excellent cover to Zionist schemes on behalf of the State of Israel. Say something about Palestinians or the Holocaust or the war-mongering Israel Lobby in Washington and they’ll just fall back on calling you a “Hater” just like they always do. Pretty tricky little gig they have going on the world!

And no, Julia, they can’t take over the entire world. But they can sure try. This is why things are so confused, screwed-up and has made everybody all angry about race, liberal, national and geopolitical issues. This is the key to all of your questions about what’s really going on — why our society is like this, nowadays. All of the BS that you have to deal with today, is directly and indirectly related to these arrogant Jew beliefs and their social meddling in this country.

They’ll eventually cause a race war or institute a Commie police state, or both — it’s inevitable with the Jew subterfuges now trashing White countries everywhere. The White person will end up a spat-upon minority in what used to be his own country!

What’s behind the concept is the blind adherance to the Talmud and the Kabbalah by the Jewish Orthodoxy (some, not all), who believe this must be done to the 70 Goyim nations before their Moshiach (Messiah) shows up. Interestingly, the biggest of these groups, the Chabad-Lubavitchers, now have centers built in 70 international locations. They believe they are close to their final, real goal: Israel’s borders extending across the entire globe. So, yes, some of them actually do believe they can and must takeover the world.

Also, too, they’ve managed to get their religious principles declared as the founding laws of this country. Check out something called “Seven Laws of Noahide” these laws will one day be expanded into 66 when the time comes. This is where they actually tell you that we’re beneath them and that any religion besides ”Noahidism” is verbotten! Even going along with it all, you and Madonna will never, ever be on the same level as them. Because you’re both not racially Jewish!

How’s that for some in-your-face real racism and a total contradiction to the whole scam?

Have a crucifix in your home? If they have their way, then that will be punished severely. They’ve already managed to have the Cross and the Ten Commandments outlawed on any public property. They want total control of the rest of your life and it’s literally a part of their religion to bring all this about.

They’ve also created a Jewish institution that’s dedicated to finding ways of integrating Talmudic law into ours. But their real goal is to have separate courts from all of us. They can’t stand the thought of Goyim sitting in judgement of the “Chosen Ones.” And we thought our country had separation of Church and State? If this had been Catholics or Baptists doing these kinds of things, then all hell would have broken out in the media about it. You think about that one for a minute.

Here, check out this site: America’s First Government Church This will show you the beginnings of the Jewish “Noahide” rule over America. This is all frighteningly real.

Douglas Rushkoff, the Jewish author of ”Nothing Sacred, the Truth about Judaism” has stated the following:

“The thing that makes Judaism dangerous to everybody, to every race, to every nation, to every idea, is that we smash things that aren’t true. We don’t believe in the boundaries of nation states. We don’t believe in the ideas of these individual gods that, that, you know, that protect individual groups of people; these are all artificial constructions and Judaism really teaches us how to see that.

In a sense, our detractors have us right, in that we are a corrosive force. We are breaking down the false gods of all nations and all peoples because they are not real and that is very upsetting to people.”

You can see this interview in my video section. Go to the end of the video on the ”Dancing Israelis.” And make note that this author is a secular-appearing Jew yet he’s telling us the facts to the overall Jewish Orthodoxy and their aims. These aims may also be discerned in their religious writings:

The Nations Must Suffer First

Higger provides extensive references from the Babylonian Talmud, describing enlightened monotheism under messiah. But the Talmud teaches such tranquility will be dearly bought; a time of Gentile anguish is necessary to displace Gentiles from their control of the nations and dominion of Jews. Such suffering will be so great, says the Talmud, that even “the Almighty Himself will bewail it.”

The Zohar, or Kabbalah, rivals the authority of the Talmud for most deeply religious Jews. It teaches that, as the divine yet visible, practical manifestation of God’s will in this world, it is Israel’s job to “wage war” against Gentile control by any means possible. “Proper order” can only be restored by breaking down Gentile and Christian influence.

This explains how a devout Orthodox Jew and head of the Anti-Defamation League, Abe Foxman, can rationalize being a man of prayer and piety and yet energetically promote homosexuality and immorality among the “goyim.” According to the Zohar’s reasoning, causing “travail” among the Gentiles such as Communism, wars, financial panic, media corruption of society, breakup of families, abortion, pornography, and homosexuality is necessary to bring about a great good. The Talmud and Zohar teach that this period of “birth pangs” among the Gentiles will eventually recede as humanity is ushered into a new age of Judaic enlightenment—in which belief in one true God and observance of His laws will prevail over the “confusion” of Christian “polytheism.”  Read more here!

The Jew’s arrogant efforts to manipulate America for the last 40 years is truly the reason for all of the race frictions, radical feminism and homosexuality, lack of morality — all of it. It’s the behind the scenes motives and ideology for the Jewish supremacists in all of the social upheavals plaguing this country. Hence, they are the real “haters,” hating any white, Goyim institution or belief, especially Christianity. The more you look into it, the more you’ll see that this is indeed the truth of it all!

– Phillip Marlowe

* At a recent Halloween party, Madonna and Guy Ritchie showed up as a perverted priest and nun — fashionably attacking the Catholics (whom the Jews really hate with a passion). Imagine all the uproar if she or any other celeb did the same kind of thing as Jewish rabbis or even as a Nazis? But it’s always A-OK to attack the Catholic church.

†Be careful going to Wikipedia. It’s heavily checked and edited by the Jews, like the Anti-Defamation League (ADL). Plus, the Jews who work for Wikipedia will often change things to reflect badly on any pro-white groups. I once traced back some editorial work done there to the source– it was an ADL office located in upper New York State. Ask your computer friends (but not those smarmy Jewish types) to check into it for you.