
If you’re a White person coming here for the first time and immediately jumped to the conclusion that what you’re now seeing is something all “racist;” please just take a few minutes to at least read this all the way through and think about it. Set aside those assumptions — just for a moment — that any White who dares speak up about such things is evil and bad, since the very forces behind all this want you to think that way and ignore any real discussion of the topic.

Not only do they not want you to talk about it, but they also don’t want you to even think about it!

You know, deep down, something is not right. You ask yourself: “Why is it that only White people can be considered racist, when you see “racism” and hate Whitey things, all the time?” Why is it that any White who stands up for our race is branded as “Nazi,” “Hater,” etc. etc., yet the other races never seem to have the least problem? What’s up with that?

“We’ve made a lot of progress over the last few decades against racism, but we still have a long way to go.”

How many times have you heard that line before? What it really means, is this: “We’ve gotten well-deserved favors up to this point, but it’s not over yet, Evil Whites — not by a long shot!” It seems that no matter what we say or do, all of us Whites are still going to be racist to these people. Time to face facts — nothing is going to ever please them. Ever. You even look at them the wrong way and they’ll think you’re a racist.

You know you’re not a “hater,” you’re an American and have always wanted to give everyone a fair shake, no matter his skin color. But why can’t us Whites get a break once in a while from all this racism bull we have to listen to, 24/7? You don’t think we deserve a little slack after all we’ve done in this country to improve race relations?

You’re not the only one who feels this way. But you know something else? It’s not Blacks or us “Evil Whites” responsible for the mess we’re in. We’ve been played for suckers for way too long. Maybe, just maybe, it’s not really “racism” behind all of this, but a way of keeping Whites feeling guilty, a way to get OUR rights trampled on and to force us to look the other away as another race does whatever the hell they want to in the world!

Yep, that’s right — the Jews. You might be blowing it all off right now, but listen up: Jews have worked consciously for years to make the US a “pluralistic” society or what they describe in their infinite wisdom, a “Universal Country.” Oh, that might sound so “egalaritarian” and all, but the fact of the matter is that they’ve really done all this for their own inner motives — never really caring about Blacks in the end. Many Jews, privately, are totally hateful about Blacks.

What they really want, deep down, is for the US becomes a seething morass of races and Whites to only become another small, powerless little slice buried within, too weak to fight back. A “Brazillification” of the US and for them to live apart — high and mighty in protected enclaves, just like they do in the real Brazil today.

They’ve worked at creating this unworkable ”pluralistic” society because they’re deathly afraid of us Whites going all Nazi on them; they’ve been kicked out, or worse, from 79 countries over the last 1750 years, often for good reasons they don’t want you to know about — they just want you (and the other races) to think of them as being another always so-innocent victim of you, the Evil Whitey.


Jews love jacking-up the races about Evil Whitey: 1) Morris Dees of the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) makes big bucks attacking Whites over anything racial. Dees just got this Negro an 8 million dollar judgement for being slugged in the face by 3 drunk White teens (who had already served jail time for it). His partner in crime, Mark Potak (2), is often trotted out by Jew media to talk about “hate groups” to American audiences who don’t know he’s a Jew. 3) Big-mouth Jew lawyer, Alan Dershowitz, works to silence any criticisms about the Jews, even from other Jews. 4) Abe Foxman of the Anti-defamation League (ADL), a giant spy organization specifically set-up to fight any talk about Elite Jewry’s International Agenda (NWO) and to divide us about race and our religious symbols. 5) Rabbi Marc Schnier of the World Jewish Congress, openly calls for an alliance with Blacks to advance the International Jew Agenda. 6) Jewess Tamar Jacoby, pushes for non-White immigration “for business.” 7) Noel Ignatiev, Harvard professor who tells us we must get rid of the White race. 6) Jewess Paula Rothenberg, invented terms like “stealth racism” and “white privilege” to attack Whites. She spreads her line of BS all over the country at universities and schools.


Various subsections of Jewry have used the Holocaust business as big business; they make huge bucks off the whole “schtick.” Plus, the Jews have used it to morally justify their totally evil Zionist behavior in Israel, as in taking over the place and treating the Palestinians left behind like dogs, so they leave for good (Israel will not ever let them return).

Israel, beyond a doubt, is the most “racist” country on earth.

And they’ve been murderous, brutish thugs: Look at the war crimes they just committed in the Gaza Strip, like shelling school yards with white phospher munitions. Look at the history of Russia, for crying out loud. The Commies were chock full of Jews, killing millions of Whites, far more than old Adolf killed Jews. That’s another thing they work hard to keep you in the dark about, like the last book by Alexandr Solzhenitsyn, “200 Years,” where he discusses this very thing — the Jews have kept this book from being translated into English and published in America.

Even the whole business with White’s relations with the Indians back in the times of the West, is just another way of saying “you did this kind of thing to the Indians way back then, Evil Whitey, so you had better not say squat about us taking over the Palestinian’s lands.” Think about all the movies out of a Jew-controlled Hollywood over the many decades showing Whites treating the always-so-innocent Indians badly.

Simply put: As a side effect of all the Holocaust propagandizing of Whitey, they’ve created a paranoia in their own race, to such an extent, that they want to turn the USA into some bizarre mixture of races that they can hide behind. It’s an inner, atavistic reaction, a racial “security blanket,” if you will, for them. Check out this quote and think hard about it:

“The Census Bureau has just reported that about half of the American population will soon be non-White or non-European. And they will all be American citizens. We have tipped beyond the point where a Nazi-Aryan party will be able to prevail in this country.

We have been nourishing the American climate of opposition to ethnic bigotry for about a half century. That climate has not yet been perfected, but the heterogeneous nature of our population tends to make it irreversible and makes constitutional constraints against bigotry more practical than ever.”

– Earl Raab, executive director emeritus of the Perlmutter Institute of Jewish Advocacy (ADL offshoot), Jewish Bulletin, Feb. 19, 1993

What’s bad, is that absolutely no nation has ever survived being a hodge-podge of different races. Never. They’ve always collapsed into civil war or have been taken over by other countries, sooner or later. Look at what happened to the fall of Rome. It’s interesting to note that the eastern half of Rome, or what was called Byzantium, outlawed Jews from holding government office or teaching in schools. They lasted 1300 years — far longer than the western half, until the Islamic hordes finally overran them.

Brainwashing the kids in school: A Conversation About Race (excerpt 4). Go here to watch the rest!

Negroes in the US have been so worked-up by all this Jew meddling and media propaganda against Whites over the decades, that they’ve also taken it to heart and now the least little effront sparks them into White-hate rage. You see it all the time, even personally.

Let’s say you had a bad day at work and are in a foul mood when you stop off to get some groceries. You go in the store and you’re thinking about your boss or something and you have a sour pus look on your face; Negroes may very well believe you are thinking ”Nigger” if you look at them. They’ve been conditioned to think all Whites have a inner hatred of Blacks and, since the World must now kow-tow to them, jump to the conclusion your expression means you hate them for the color of their skin.

Go into any kind of store and, as you walk down the aisle, pay attention when a Negro comes in your direction. You’ll quickly notice that they expect you to give them wide berth, just like they are royalty or something. No, I’m not talking about you taking up the entire space and being rude, just try making a conscious effort not give up your space. This may shock the hell out of of them. The first thing they’ll do is give you a dirty look like you don’t know your place and must be some “racist” Whitey.

Visit some Black Blogs and make a comment standing up for Whites. What’s the first thing you get hit with? “You racist cracker, you.” Right off the bat, you watch. ”What, are you ‘ignorant’?'” they’ll call you. Basically, what that really means is that you’re too dumb not to know the privilaged status they now think they have (especially now with Obama). What they’ve really become are racial prima donnas, taking full advantage of the system. They know it and you should know it, too.


Playing the race card 24/7: 1) Hollywood Director Spike Lee loves blaming Whitey for everything under the sun. 2) Jesse Jackson, like Rev. Al Sharpton, makes huge bucks by shaking down corporations over race. 3) Sharpton yukking it up with his Mulatto bro, Barry Soetoro, the Zionist tool now spending this country into oblivion. Sharpton gets away with anything since he’s quit naming the Jew. 4) A city council woman plays the race card on a White reporter doing a investigative piece on her. They play the race card for everything, nowadays.


Here’s something to understand: Blacks realize this whole situation and many take full advantage of it. They think Whitey is plain stupid or too scared of them calling you a racist (or maybe shooting you on the spot). They actually can’t figure out why us Whitey puts up with all the bull! That’s the truth and a major part of the whole “race” problem. As it is, they no longer have any respect for Whites and it shows in how they act.


Doltish Diversity Jew.

If a Black thinks that you are not some liberal, easily cowed White, he may harbor some initial misgivings about you being a “racist,” but will keep quiet till they figure out the real deal on you. In the meantime, they’ll be much more straitforward and reasonable. Hell, if a Black doesn’t think he can put one over on you, because of all the PC business, you’ll get the respect you deserve.

Negroes can spot a stupid liberal White a mile away (especially if they wear a shirt like on the right!). They see how liberals walk on eggshells in front of them and can’t even talk straight, stumbling all over themselves to avoid any sentence construction that might offend the oppressed ones. To Blacks, liberal Whites are nothing but cardigan-wearing pussies, sputtering inanities and sounding like Mr. Rogers in the neighborhood. Generations of Black stand-up comedians have milked this routine, getting big laughs about the stupidly polite and weak White people.

Get this and get this good: Race does matter greatly. The foolish Diversity nuts and Jews don’t want Whites of European descent to start thinking this way, they want us to believe race “doesn’t matter.” Oh, it sure as hell does matter — always has. And guess what? EVERYTHING revolves around race!

You see it all the time, like when Blacks have a racial “success” like OJ getting off scot-free, or the recent election of Obama where almost all of them voted for Obama. It’s all a matter of race pride for them, but the minute you Whites express the least kind of racial pride, they come down on you like a ton of bricks for being a “hater” of them!

All of this mess can all be traced directly back to what the Jews have done in this country since they got control of immigration in the 1880′s and started letting in more Eastern European Jews, actually the Khazars (phony Israelites).* They then worked non-stop politically to overturn our immigration laws to favor non-Whites over White Europeans into this country. Can you believe that? But it’s absolutely true, they succeeded in 1965 and this country has been going down hill ever since.

The Jews are now working towards the day when any kind of talk like this will be silenced. Let’s say, one day soon, you’ve realized that all this is indeed the case and want to speak up about it. Well, you may not be allowed to say JACK, in any public forum, like the Internet. They’ve already closed down mainstream media to White views.

Look at Canada and Europe. They now have laws that can throw a White in prison for saying these kinds of things or even questioning historical facts about the Holocaust. Not only is it race and the Holocaust, but also sexual orientation. The Canadians once even hauled a Christian White up on charges for refusing to print a Homosexual organization’s business cards!

Our US government is all apart of this too. That’s right. On one hand they go over backward trying to placate the militant Negroes, giving them virtually all kinds of special treatment, like the new Section 8 laws that actually pay two thirds of their rent and you already know about Affirmative Action and the purposeful dumbing-down of tests, that it puts them ahead of the pack for jobs.

On the other hand, both the government and the media, works to silence any Whites who dare to speak up for our rights, no matter what. Who do you think the FBI keeps an eye on the most in this country? The Blacks? What a laugh.

And the US government is now doing everything they can to push non-White immigration into this country. Just the other day, the new Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano, ordered a review of ICE agents doing their jobs busting a small group of illegal immigrants, she was angry about it since Obama and the Jews want to legalize the 30 plus million illegal aliens. What’s up with that?

Obama’s Stimulus bill even has earmarks to help out illegal aliens who are having problems with their mortgages. And allows illegals to get jobs paid for by US taxpayers, since they stripped the requirement to use E-Verify, the citizenship checking program. This is absolutely, UN-FRIGGIN-BELIEVABLE!


vanessa-colemanIt’s gotten so bad that all kinds of horrible crimes committed against White people gets routinely ignored by the national media because they don’t want Whites to figure the real deal and get totally ticked off about the situation.

In 2007, a young White couple, Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom, were car-jacked while out on a date and taken back to a rented house, brutally raped and tortured, before finally being killed at the hands of four Black men and one Black woman. A crime of this sort would have been all over the news if the races of the perps were White. Instead, the Jewish-controlled media, did everything possible to keep White Americans from hearing about it.

Recently, a few things did get out in a local Knoxville paper from the trial of the Negro woman involved, Vanessa Coleman:

Coleman also told police she saw every man in the house go into the bedroom where the girl was being held at least 2 or 3 times. [as they raped, sodomized and tortured her]

It was Sunday afternoon when Coleman told officers she witnessed Davidson or ‘Slim’ kill Christian. “When I walk back I see Lemaricus snapping her neck,” Coleman told police. [they then threw her out in the trash to die like a dog later] READ MORE

Time and time again, these violent Negroes are quoted as referring to Christian and Newsom as “a white girl,” “a white boy,” and “the white dude.” Do they really expect us to believe that this was a random crime with no racial aspect at all? Really? Why is it that only Whites can considered for “hate” crimes?

These kinds of crimes against White people happen all the time in South Africa and Zimbabwe. Astoundingly horrible crimes. Right along with being openly discriminated against and having their land and property stolen. This is another thing the US media does it’s level best not to alert you about. They don’t want Whites to put two and two together, get worked-up and become racially aware.

Just think about the state of things, people. We may not have heard a lick about this crime if it had not been for the Internet. What happens if these people succeed in creating censorship, the removal of any place we can speak of such matters and laws to shut us up? What if they take away our Constitutional right to bear arms?

And that’s where it’s all going. You know it, too.

They’ve worked to make White guilt universal and for White solidarity to be considered anathema in this country, while turning any pro-White person into a pariah, a potential new Hitler in the making.

In the meantime, they are turning the US into a Third-World outhouse right before our eyes, a country where Whites will be spat-upon minority for being so stupid as to allow it to happen. Already, with Obama’s “election,” Blacks laugh gleefully about taking over the place and getting some racial pay-back on our butts.

Are you going to just sit there and let all these people walk over us? For that is what they are doing and it will get worse — far worse.

Make it your duty in awakening as many Whites as possible to all this. And no, you do not have to go out and buy a SS uniform and march goose-stepping in the street. You don’t have to be some mindless hater. You do have to talk openly to all around you about it. You have to stand up and be counted. Oh, I realize that will be hard for you at first. But understand that it will get increasingly easier and many Whites will come to your side. They’ll admire you for your bravery to speak up and confide that they feel the same way too, but lacked the courage you showed.

And if anyone calls you a “racist” just laugh in their faces about it. Let them know in no uncertain terms that the JIG is up and you could care dam less what they have to say any more.

Time to grow a spine now, White people!

– Phillip Marlowe

Learn how the Jews started all this on America’s head: PC History

* NOTE! All the Jewish Supremacists and Zionists spoken about here are mostly from the Khazar tribe originating from southern Russia (also called the Ashkenazi), who converted in the 8th-9th century, AD. Not the true Israelites of the Bible nor the Torah Jews (Neturei Karta). These KHAZAR interlopers donned the cloak of Judaism, yet retained ancient criminal and parasitic functions among host nations. Over the centuries, their behavior has caused the Gentile populations to rise up and throw them bodily out or worse. This has happened about 79 times. Now, Zionistic elements of them have control of important and powerful parts of America and other White, European nations, as well as having their own stolen country in the Mideast that we’re now completely beholden to — no matter what they do to us or what they make us do to the world for them. According to their Talmud, we are nothing but “Goyim” or cattle to them.